Shock Admission: Murtha Acknowledges ‘Big Difference’ in Iraq Progress - But Still An Asshole

July 4th, 2008 Posted By Lftbhndagn.


Video at the link

PITTSBURGH (KDKA) ― When Vietnam War veteran and local Congressman John Murtha, a strong defense advocate, turned against the war in Iraq two years ago, it made national headlines.

Murtha, D-Johnstown, hasn’t backed away one step, but today he acknowledges that the war effort is going a bit better - even if it will take a president named Barack Obama to end the war the way Murtha wants.

The war in Iraq is off the front pages as American casualties drop and that brings a candid acknowledgement.

Delano: “Did President Bush’s surge policy work?”

Murtha: “Well, I think in the short term it certainly reduced incidents. I’m not sure whether it’s because the Iraqis are just worn out, but certainly the way they’re doing it today makes a big difference.”

Murtha says the tactical change is important but 144,000 troops in Iraq is keeping the U.S. from dealing with Afghanistan.

“But what this has done is constrained us from putting troops into Afghanistan which is starting to go bad. So we got some real big problems facing us and the next president is going have to some real decisions he’s going to have to make,” he said.

For Murtha it’s a no-brainer - get out of Iraq - saying that’s what Iraqis want too.

“They don’t want us there. They want us out of there. I want us out of there. I think we’ve done everything we can do militarily,” Murtha said.

A supporter of Hillary Clinton, Murtha now backs fellow Democrat Barack Obama over his Vietnam colleague John McCain.

“I’m a great admirer of John McCain’s military history, but I disagree with him policy wise about the way he would run things,” Murtha said. ” If he’s gonna run it just like Bush did, we don’t another president - eight more years of Bush.”

So can Obama be a good commander in chief?

“He has the capability, he has the charisma, and the country wants a change of direction. That’s his biggest benefit, so he just needs some experience around him,” Murtha said.

But Murtha - always frank - won’t predict an Obama victory in Pennsylvania.

“I’m not ready to predict that he’ll win Pennsylvania. I think he has a lot of work to do in Pennsylvania. I think he recognizes he’s got a lot of work to do,” he said. “He’s got a lot of work to do in a lot of other states. He’s not there yet, even though he’s ahead right now.”

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10 Responses

  1. Gramps

    Mat that asshole rot in hell….SOON!


    I cannot understand how this absloute piece of shit can live with himself. I strongly advocate his arrest and hanging for acts of high treason. What has happened to our Nation??

  3. 0311inOHio

    I hope he chokes on the next dick he sucks… :gun: :twisted: :gun: :evil:

  4. Ozaob

    I would like him to have death by Bunga Bunga! If not that ,then ream him with a 12ga. bronze brush on a drill,then bore mop with turpentine.

  5. mike3481

    Just watched the full interview…it’s quite obvious why this asshat was passed over for Brigadier General :roll: :wink:

  6. sierrahome

    “then bore mop with turpentine”
    You took the words right out of my mouth you sweet talker you!

  7. Dan (The Infidel)

    Murtha may have been a Marine once, but he has since morphed into a high-octane oxygen thief. Frankly if he does suck dick, its probably AQ dick. Personally, I think this ex-REMF is shinning Nasti Peluteski’s jack boots.

    Whatever. He ain’t no Marine now. You can call him an ex-Marine. He’s officially joined the ranks of vituperative traitors. He should lose his pension, his rank and be hung from a tree. A nice, sturdy Pennsylvania apple tree will do nicely.

    Either that, or if the pig dies anytime soon, we should convene a meeting of patriots at his grave site, drink a couple of beers, then piss on it.

  8. American Infidel

    Murtha is such a dick. I want to hear him apologize to all of the Haditha Marines and tell them he was WRONG.

    Murtha…urg…. :gun: :gun: :gun: :gun: :gun: :gun:

  9. Kim

    I don’t want to hear anything this loser has to say until he apologizes to the Marines he slandered. I hold him personally responsible for the horrific smears to their reputations, the endless legal battles they have had to endure, and the incredible financial ruin he has placed upon them and their families. Until he apologizes, he can rot in hell :evil: :gun: :gun:

  10. TBinSTL (just typical)

    There’s eight Marines whose salad he’s gonna have to toss before I’d cross the street to piss on him if he were on fire… I clear? :evil: :evil:

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