Slimy Hussein Vetting Problem: There Is No Paper Trail

July 17th, 2008 Posted By Bash.


How can you even seriously vet the guy if there are no records to verify or refute his past claims?

From the NRO:

No Paperwork For Obama Grants From 1997 To 2000

From the Chicago Sun-Times article on grants distributed by then-state-legislator Barack Obama.

(Records from 1997 to 2000 weren’t available.)

There’s a shock.

His state legislative office records may have been thrown out, he told us.

He’s never released a specific list of law clients, instead giving a list of all of his firm’s clients, numbering several hundred each year. His campaign will only confirm representation when the media comes to them with a specific case.

He won’t release his application to the state bar. He’s never released any legal or billing records to verify that he only did a few hours of work for a nonprofit tied to Tony Rezko.

He’s never released any medical records, just a one-page letter from his doctor.

Does it bother anyone that a guy with political ambitions for his entire adult life has not left a paper trail?

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10 Responses

  1. SOC


  2. Cooper

    Wow, I remember hearing something about this a while back, but had completely forgotten. This is outrageous, and needs to be brought to the mainstream. There is so much good shit for McCain to be using, and he does nothing. If McCain wins, it won’t be becauase of his hard work and campaign efforts, it will be because Americans are committed to NOT allowing a radical leftist take office.


    I need two , ahh hell three Tranquilzers :!: :eek:

  4. sully

    It wouldn’t be a paper trail.
    It’d be a slime trail.
    Marxist slug.

  5. dadeo

    Who’s in charge of this shit?

    About the only concrete facts we have are that he’s funny looking, has more positions than a vegas whore, and he’s a crappy bowler.

  6. Ji

    I send stuff like this to people I know who are thinking of voting for him.
    Everytime I get a note back saying I didnt know that.

  7. sully

    “Who’s in charge of this shit?”

    The MSM

  8. billie

    NRO forgot one: We’ve never seen his college grades.

  9. billie

    …And don’t forget the fictional characters in Obama’s memoirs, “Dreams From My Father.” The Introduction states: “For the sake of compression, some of the characters that appear are composites of people I’ve known, and some events appear out of precise chronology.” He doesn’t tell his readers who’s real and who’s fictional, and the timeline is untrustworthy.

  10. sully

    And how do you graduate Columbia and Harvard without second language proficiency?

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