Speaker Pelosi Was Sending Messages to FARC Terrorists While Undermining Colombian Government

July 8th, 2008 Posted By Bash.


A twist in this whole FARC thing? featuring none other than that fukn cunt Pelosi herself?

Gateway Pundit has the whole fukn scoop man, I shit you not…

New information reveals that House Speaker Nancy Pelosi was indirectly sending messages to the FARC. The Marxist Revolutionary Armed Forces of Colombia (FARC) is designated as a terrorist group by the US government. Speaker Pelosi was doing this while at the same time she refused to bring a free trade agreement with Colombia up for a vote in the US House. In fact, Pelosi took extraordinary steps to block this trade agreement with America’s closest ally in South America.

Read the whole story here at Gateway Pundit, I’m pounding my keys too hard to be able to do this one right…

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44 Responses

  1. drillanwr (hembra blanca Not-Hussein típica)

    I want this woman’s ass … and I DO NOT mean that in an “Ellen” way.

    And let’s NOT forget the fact that Hussein’s name was all over the FARC leader’s computer when he died a few months back …

    You know, would I sound like the X-Files’ The Lone Gunmen if I admitted to pondering if our own democrats might not have been somehow [aiding] our enemies in this Iraq War by more than just asshole soundbites in the news????

    Thatisall …

  2. Steve in NC

    Someone admonished me several days ago on this site when I spoke of the desire to take the life from this bitch. Haven’t changed my mind. Still my direct responsibility to my children is paramount.

    She is a child of Khrushchev, she is a greater threat to our freedom than any of the foreign threats we are facing.

    Head on pike.

  3. JJIrons

    If the Demoncraps were able to force Newt Gingrich out of the Speaker of the House position for nothing even in the same universe as this, certainly the Republicans can publicly shame Nasty Pelosi to the point where she must step down. The million dollar question is, do they have the gonads to do so? I guess we’ll see what the Republican party is made of. Contact your Senators and Congressman about this TODAY.


    God danmit.i swear these Dems are aiding and comforting our Enemy!

    :mad: :mad:

  5. trapper

    lets not forget the syria trip! wasn’t that a the beginning of the surge and the bill came out insulting the turks. this woman should be hung for treason

  6. cnchess

    Democrats have no shame and the MSM will let the whole thing blow over in a single news cycle. This is the dumbest person ever to be the Speaker of the House.

  7. cnchess

    Oh, and I forgot to mention that she is a traitor too.

  8. Rob

    I want her head on a steak. This is a clear cut case of treason. Try her and hang her [I think that’s still the punishment for treason right? Hanging from a noose?]

  9. sierrahome


  10. political.fish

    We can rant all we want but until a patriot is found in Washington amoung our otherwise useless politicians, NOTHING will happen. We have observed open treason on the floor of the House. We have heard seditous comments in the Halls of Congress. Fellow readers, we have lost our Government to an internal enemy, a domestic enemy. And all who are sworn to protect us against just such a thing, are sitting by idle.

  11. sierrahome

    No wonder the dems are against wiretaps–maybe some of them are on tape.

  12. Rob

    :arrow: political.fish

    Well I doubt seriously that we could impeach Peloski or the Supreme Court right now. What with the Democratically dominated Congress, but we’ll see a switch back to Republican control in the next Congressional elections, and seeing as there is I believe no safety zone we can still try her in a few years. That however should not stop us wrighting to our congressmen demanding her impeachment and trial for treason.

  13. SOC

    Nancy Pelosi should be tried for sedition, impeached, and put in prison.

  14. Is Nancy Pelosi the FARC connection traitor? at osmoothie

    […] Pundit, Pat Dollard, “DEM SHOCKER!!… Speaker Pelosi Was Sending Messages to FARC Terrorists While […]

  15. dadeo

    :arrow: political.fish

    Exactly fukn right - DC has been completely infested with the enemies of the US.

    Hussein is sleeper cell.

  16. Rob

    :arrow: SOC

    As far as I know, the punishment for treason is death. Which is all the more deserving considering this was a US Congresswoman who committed treason, not your average John Smith

  17. dadeo

    :arrow: Rob - Witches have to burned.

  18. RC

    Commie SLUT POS whore!!

    Confine her treasonous ass to an overcrowded cell of sex starved jihadis where they can have their way with her, then leave them to choke on the smell of her stinking rotting corpse…


  19. Marc Stockwell-Moniz

    Treason is the word for Pelosi.
    This is unbelieveable.
    And why do we not hear about this anywhere else?
    Only at Dollard Nation are we going to find the truth and the real story that is happening.
    :gun: :twisted: Death to U.S. traitors.

  20. Goodbye Natalie

    I really mean this… :mad:

    I hope when the big one hits San Francisco, Congress is out of session and the fault line runs thru Nanzi’s neighborhood. :twisted:

  21. cclezel


  22. Douglas V. Gibbs

    no surprise, Pelosi is in cahoots with everything that isn’t American . . .

  23. billie

    TO Steve in NC:

    I’m also bothered by threats to kill people on this site. And kind of overwhelmed by the expletives. But some of you will probably just tell me to f*** off.

    If you’re still reading this, Jerry Zeifman, the chief counsel and chief of staff for the House Judiciary Committe to impeach Pres. Richard Nixon, has called for Nancy Pelosi’s resignation (see link below).

    Zeifman, a Democrat, wrote: “Ironically, history is now repeating itself. Our first woman Speaker Pelosi may well deserve to become the second Democratic speaker to be compelled to resign from Congress. The prior history of Democratic Speaker Jim Wright is now being repeated by Nancy Pelosi — perhaps by a loss of institutional loss of memory of the House Democratic caucus, which forced Wright to resign.”

    Zeifman is referring, of course, to Peolosi’s unauthorized trip to Syria, and to Speaker Wright’s secret meeting with Nicaraguan President Ortega and others that “incensed” Anti-Sandinistas and Contra hardliners.


    Zeifman also filed charges before the Int’l Criminal Tribunal that threaten[ed] Bill Clinton with a war-crimes indictment.



  24. A. S. Wise-VA (America, FUCK YEAH!!!)

    Traitor. I guess this is what is meant by “San Francisco values.”

    We gotta unseat every last one them. :lol:

  25. carl zschering

    Pelosi up for treason? Fine with me as long as we take Harry Reid and John Murtha with along with her.

  26. Paula, KY

    I wonder if this has anything to do with Ex Pat in SE Asia, said last week a story bigger than Watergate was getting ready to break about Hussein last week on Free Republic. :shock:

  27. mike3481

    Rush Limbaugh is the politically conservative public figure with the largest multi-million listener audience and or the guts to call Speaker Pelosi on her perceived acts of treason.

    Rush’s show on Tuesday may be good listening indeed!

    :beer: :beer: :beer: :beer: :beer: :beer: :wink:

  28. billy_bonney

    I say arrest the bitch for treason and throw her ass in Gitmo, she’d be right at home, sucking AQ dicks.


  29. Egfrow

    The Fifth Column Marxist have really dug deep into our government agencies at all levels. Where the hell is the FBI and CIA, this is a serious threat to our National Security and all of them are asleep at the wheel. I was to understand that they were Sworn to protect against enemies foreign and domestic.

  30. Rob

    :arrow: billy_bonney

    Oh come on, she’d enjoy THAT.

    I say either Burn her, Hang her, or behead her and stick her head on a pike outside the Capitol Building as an example of what happens to traitors. :twisted:

  31. AndrewGivens

    I dont even know what to say… just… :gun: :evil:

  32. azbastard

    what we need is a code camo

  33. Terry Gain

    And McCain wishes to have a civil election campaign against these treasonous bastards? Dim!

  34. Mike Mose

    Ladies and Gentlemen, I would ask each person that reads this to contact the attorney general.


  35. Mike Mose

    I would further suggest a email and a call to your House Rep in regards to Nancy’s Pelosi arrest warrant being issued.

  36. Steve in NC

    :arrow: billie

    I think that upon a trial she should receive the death penalty. How many troops have died because they were facing an enemy that kept the fight up because they were encouraged by the public positions of pelosi, reid, murtha et al.

    Head on a pike.

  37. deathstar

    Spank the bitch.

  38. exDemocrat

    And from the congressional Repubes:



  39. steve m

    Disgusting…yet not surprising. Liberal whore.

  40. Lock and Load

    :arrow: Egfrow

    These agencies are part of the problem, instead of being the solution we need. They are full of career liberals at the highest levels, who have been dropping the ball and running interference against Bush and the GWOT, especially with regards to what is happening in the US directly.

    It appears that they are sworn to keep their liberal agenda rather than protect against enemies - in fact some of them are now the enemy themselves :evil:

  41. CPLViper

    Can I issue a citizen’s arrest on Pelosi and McGovern for treason or do I have to be a federal officer? Since the government isn’t acting on this, doesn’t that mean the citizens have a right to?

  42. American Infidel

    Amen CPL Viper. Great question :!:

  43. bd

    Did you hear that?

    That’s the sound of one step.

    Closer to Civil War.

    And guess who the Democrats will call to help?

    The U.N.

    And people 20 years ago thought this was some ‘crazy’ conspiracy theory.

    Welcome to the future.

  44. Happyone

    I knew about this when they found the computer of that leader that was killed back in the spring. She’s in it up to her ears, and anyone else would be resigned, in jail, hounded, whatever by now, especially if they wore an “R” by their name. Remember Trent Lott being hounded out of his position for flattering a 100 year old senator by saying he should have become President at his birthday party?

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