SWAT Team Honored For Raid On Wrong House

July 31st, 2008 Posted By Lftbhndagn.

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6 Responses

  1. 83delta

    Takes a set to stand there and receive a commendation for fucking up–

    No shame—should throw their badge and gun on the desk and leave.

  2. Unbreakable

    I would have respectfully declined the award.

    Side note: I find it odd that if they really thought they had the right house with the bad guy in it and felt justified in firing their weapons, a whole SWAT squad couldn’t take down one guy with a shotgun? (no one was hurt in the shootout)
    This doesn’t speak well for their training.
    Double-check intel and read mailbox numbers. :smile:

  3. senorlechero

    The guys on that SWAT team would have fit right in with Janet Reno’s mighty force of “Agents” that “rescued” Elian Gonzalez.

    I’d be embarrassed to be part of that “team”.

  4. Militant Bibliophile

    “This is a perfect example of a situation that could have gone horribly wrong but didn’t…”

    Because of shitty training on the part of the SWAT team. IDIOTS! A mistaken house is one thing: they made a good faith call on bad intel. It happens. When met by fire, they returned fire and a) failed to inflict any damage on the poor homeowner (praise God) and then b) continued into the home despite, I’m sure, seeing lot’s of evidence that this was probably the wrong place (how many gangbangers have the residue of a wife and six kids around the house?). They SHOULD have retreated the second someone opened fire in a house that obviously had kids in it!

    Now, I do not think they should be officially reprimanded. They were only following their training (THAT perhaps needs some review, though) and thank God no one was hurt. HOWEVER, they DO NOT deserve medals for a COLOSSAL mistake and the department should pay for the repairs to the house. Advancing under fire takes courage, but doing so while blindly ignoring evidence that this is a Bad Situation gets people needlessly killed. And in this case, People included an innocent man, his wife, six kids, and a team of otherwise ballsy and blameless officers.

    There are no winners in this situation.

  5. Double Tap

    Talk about stuck on stupid! For cris sake the leadership in that department is a friggin national joke. What the fuck are we becoming to honor such fuck-ups like that?

  6. Bryan J

    A few years ago a guy in San Diego(if my memory is correct) had the same thing happen. An informant claimed he was a major drug dealer. The cops did surveillance and never saw any drug activity. They even did a secret search when the family was not at home and found nothing. Despite all that they decided to do an all out assault in the middle the night. When the man ran out of the bedroom with a gun in his hand he was shot multiple times, then arrested. It turned out the informant didn’t even know the guy, he made it up to get out of jail.

    I wonder if that SWAT team got medals too?

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