The Gitmo Trials Begin … Meet One Of The Circus Clowns

July 14th, 2008 Posted By drillanwr.


And so … {disgusted sigh} … THIS is why we cannot try these detainees in our civil courts … Can you imagine the ‘play to the cameras’ of some agenda-driven lawyer?

Sanaa, Yemen: US lawyer David Remes, who represents 16 Yemeni prisoners held at Guantánamo Bay, takes his trousers off during a press conference. He was demonstrating (what’s he “demonstrating? -ed.) the mistreatment suffered by his clients.


(via Weasel Zippers)

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16 Responses

  1. Will

    1. He should really start working out.

    2. Tighty-whitey’s are never flattering.

    3. Supreme Court Justices are misguided dill-weeds.

  2. billie (sanctum sanctorum)

    I hope they wiretap the hell out of the terrorists’ attorneys. Sheik Omar Rahman was implicated in the first World Trade Center bombing and his attorney was caught violating prison rules. She was found guilty on five counts, including conspiracy to defraud the United States, providing and concealing material support, and making false statements.

    It was bad enough that she facilitated the smuggling of at least one illegal communication outside the prison, but she also lied about Sheik Omar’s health to discredit legal authorities. When Omar voluntarily went off insulin, she made an announcement saying that the Bureau of Prisons was denying him medical care. However, she’d been recorded as telling someone that it was “safe” to lie because no one on the “outside” would know.

    There’s more. After being convicted, she was quoted by the press as saying, “You can’t lock up the lawyers, you can’t tell the lawyers how to do the job.” She broke the prison rules because she thought they were unconstitutional.

  3. TerryTate

    If this guy is the best defense they have they are screeeewed.


  4. sierrahome

    Say! That looks like a dick, only smaller.

  5. Ji

    The lawyers are only in it for the money, pure and simple.

  6. The Loon

    Please excuse me, Drill, but this is something I didn’t know if you’d seen. For the first time in Canadian legal history, the deportation order of a war deserter is being upheld….

    About time this country stopped being a haven for deserters! Just wanted to share the GREAT news! :) :beer: FOR ALL!!

  7. drillanwr (Will Bleed For Domestic Oil Drilling)

    :arrow: Loon


    I just crawled out of bed and herd that on the radio news. Will help me out posting it.


  8. Vehement

    Do I see a pee stain on those tighty whities? Someone forgot to shake.

  9. Vehement

    :arrow: sierrahome
    Are you talking about them man, or his member? lol

  10. deathstar

    Crap, Id rather look at the maggot clip Bash posted yesterday.

  11. drillanwr (Will Bleed For Domestic Oil Drilling)

    I figure he’s about 5 months along … But he’d better watch out. At the rate he’s gaining weight he’ll be big as a barn by the time he delivers that hog.

  12. sully

    First… kill all the lawyers.

  13. billie (sanctum sanctorum)

    Vehement (second comment):

    There’s a verse pertaining to that in the Hebrew scriptures (Old Testament)…cough…but I’ll let you find it.

  14. dadeo

    Somebody give that fucker a wedgy!

  15. Marc Stockwell-Moniz

    Numb nuts really needs to change his underwear.

  16. POD1

    We got here via points #16, and #29.

    Did he do this in the presence of the jihadis?
    Is this the torture those muslim sub-humans are claiming?
    If so they have a case, against the ACLU.

    An ACLU lawyer just flashed his gentiles at the US people and their justice system,
    The commie-libs must be wetting themselves uncontrollably.

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