The “Test” You Should Have To Take Before Being Allowed Into The Voting Booth

July 22nd, 2008 Posted By drillanwr.


I know MANY of you will agree with me that voters should have to take some form of simple test to see if they are even ’smart’ enough to be voting for people in our government.

When we go to the polls in November, the majority of the people who will impregnate the ballot for Hussein will do so with very little or no ‘civics’ knowledge, or current events intellect … and more than likely are NOT smarter than a fifth grader … or possibly even a second grader.

THAT, my friends, is very, very scary.

Take the TEST in this link, and give us your results in comments.

I got a 91%, missing the Dow Jones question.

According to the results, most fall within the 50% range.

(nods to my buddy Double Tap)

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49 Responses

  1. Steve

    12 for 12 correct. 97%

    Send me a prize!

  2. cclezel

    12 for 12, 97%. But honestly, I would think that Dollardites will score in the 90 percentile range.

  3. franchie

    59, couldn’t figure the situation of all the mentionned persons

    so if the average is 60 , not bad though :lol:
    since it’s only one year that I came across with american politicians on that board, that usely aren’t in our medias

  4. Maynard

    91 percent
    I am in denial-said republicans were in charge of the house.

  5. Unbreakable

    83% 10 out of 12

  6. drillanwr (Will Bleed For Domestic Oil Drilling)

    :arrow: Maynard

    91 percent
    I am in denial-said republicans were in charge of the house.

    Were THAT true … we’d be dragging drilling rigs to ANWR and off shore right now … :mrgreen:

  7. Word-Drum

    11 for 12- 91% (Missed the same DOW JONES question…were smart but poor.)

    Good quiz. It should be mandatory.

  8. Erik Marsh


    Had Paulson on the mind instead of Bernanke. DAMN!!

    Well, my as well start right now doing what I’ll start on election night…

    :gun: :beer: :gun: :beer: :gun: :beer:

  9. Kentucky Jim

    Missed Kosovo–91

  10. POD1

    11 out of 12, 91%.

    I thought we lost 3000 soldiers, test says 4000.
    Fuck this test.

  11. BlueOval8950

    12 for 12, 97%.

  12. Dbo

    97! woot - of course i am a political science major :mrgreen:

  13. Dbo

    :arrow: drill

    btw, i dont think the questions that one could only know by watching the news (like the oprah question) should be on a right-to-vote test. i think someone would be smarter to not watch the msm ever.

  14. CPLViper

    12 of 12 … 97%. Woohoo!

  15. Ji

    10/12 83% 2 of them stumped me.

  16. Ji

    10/12 83% 2 of them stumped me

  17. Kurt(the infidel)

    11 out of 12. 91%

  18. Right_Is_Right

    12-12…I am an over achiever!

  19. Goodbye Natalie

    Give me a perfect score! Hot Damn!

    You mean to tell me the mean for college graduates is 63%? That’s pathetic…

  20. Chuck

    91. Bricked on the last one.

  21. The Dude

    got 97%

  22. Dave

    I thought Dow was down near 10,000, 91%

  23. mike3481

    12/12 97% :cool:

    The truly scary thing about the tests results was the question the fewest people got right. :shock:

    5. Do you happen to know the name of the current majority leader of the U.S. Senate?

    answer: Harry Reid

    Correct 24%

  24. 007

    I took this test yesturday and got a 91% I missed the Dow Jones question? and I new better.

    My wife took the same test and scored a 59% and she’s English. and does not watch the news like I do. What’s that tell you about the American average?

    allthough I was surprised about the college Avg.

  25. doubleglock

    12 of 12 - Now can I go to Iraq? :gun: :gun:

  26. Shaun

    If you answered all the questions correctly (12/12) then you made a 100%.

    Which I’m assuming puts you in the 97% percentile.

    To claim you made a 97% when you get 12/12 is incorrect.

    Not to be an @$$ about it.

    I was in the 91 percentile, I thought 5000 of our finest had made the ultimate sacrifice in Iraq.

    The demographics comparisons are shocking & dismal.

  27. Gary

    12 of 12

    :gun: :gun:

  28. Bryan J

    12 for 12 97 percentile

  29. MarineDoc

    91%..Dow got me too. Must be why I am not rich…lol. :lol:

  30. TBinSTL (Just Typical)

    12 of 12….=100%….97th percentile by their reckoning. As expected, this is an exceptional bunch here.

  31. Atom & Yves

    11 of 12. Thank you internet!

  32. mike3481

    :arrow: MarineDoc

    There are many, many ways to measure wealth. :wink:
    :gun: :beer:

  33. mike3481

    :arrow: drill

    BTW, thank you for posting this, I just now sent it to my entire address book. :wink:
    :beer: :beer: :beer:

  34. Kevin

    10 out of 12. Bet most people at my school would get about 4/12. I couldn’t remember Kosovo or Federal Reserve guy.

  35. Z

    83 for me…

  36. Bash

    91 Kosovo got me….

  37. ticticboom(Will Kill For Oil)

    Here’s Your Score: You correctly answered 12 of the 12 possible questions along with approximately 3% of the public. You did better than 97% of the general public.


    Too easy.

  38. drillanwr (Will Bleed For Domestic Oil Drilling)

    :arrow: Kosovo?!?!?!?!!!

  39. Steve in NC


    Now you must listen to me….

  40. Tom in CO


  41. Professor Bill

    100%, 12 out of 12, but I am a member of Mensa, I should hope to get 100%. And to think that I am just a mind numbed conservative robot, imagine that.

  42. drillanwr (Will Bleed For Domestic Oil Drilling)

    :arrow: Professor Bill


    How do you get your knuckles up off the floor and unclenched from around your Bible and gun long enough to read anything else? … :roll: :mrgreen:

  43. mike3481


    :lol: :lol:

  44. Pancake

    9/12 for a Canadian that knows more about American politics than most Americans.

    Keep up the good fight.

  45. American Infidel

    91 11/12

  46. Bulldog

    10 of 12!!! 83

  47. Indy

    Yes it is very scary. When you consider that 90% of the black population will vote for him simply because he is black.(well half black)It’s the OJ trial all over again, except Obama isn’t going to hide out in Florida.
    I would have aced the test, but I’m so used to Greenspan, I’d forgot he was replaced. :wink:

  48. shotface saddletramp

    11/12, 91%, stupid dow, oh well, i would like to see the demographic broken down by party affiliation as well as libertarian vs moral conservative breakdown in the republican side, and liberal vs libertarion in the dem side just as a curiosity, might be able to see better where that top 10% sit, hopefully its on our side which i believe it would be, interesting to not that the average is off of telephone poling which like political telephone polling occurs when the uneducated and lazy answer the phone,

  49. JS


    I too missed the Dow Jones question.

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