The Very First “Louie Award” Given Out

July 11th, 2008 Posted By Bash.

Louie Award

The “Louie” Award. The newest addition to the growing list of awards that will forever change the course of history, I have no doubt.

First, there was the Bashage Award, determined by a loose criteria revolving around someone using overwhelming and preferably deadly force on a criminal, jihadi, or other bad guy in order to save innocent lives. Extra credit for use of a bat, stick, lead pipe, or other blunt force trauma-causing instrument, and of course, for CCW citizens getting off clean headshots.

Now, there’s the “Louie Award”…this is an award I hand out, determined by a loose criteria revolving around whatever the fuck Louie thinks deserves some kind of recognition.

Today’s Louie Award is multi-faceted. Initially, Louie decided that the woman in this commercial deserved the Louie Award for best performance under 10 seconds in a commercial on a Friday. She cracked him up, and I don’t know why. But he wouldn’t quit that fukn oinking noise he makes when he gets the belly laugh.

As I reviewed the clip, I realized that Louie was on to something, and it was made even funnier by the idea that the whining John McEnroe of 1970’s Tennis crybaby fame, was completely unknown in this generation as anything other than a poster boy for better bowel movements.

I give you, the first Louie Award…

Bashage Awards and Louie Awards are only authentic when handed out by Bash, and anybody claiming to hand out a Bashage or Louie Award without my knowledge will be rounded up, strapped into a chair, and forced to watch looping video of Dennis Kucinich filibusters, Louis Farrakhan speeches, with background music being David Soul’s “Don’t Give Up On Us, Baby”…

Caveat: Then again, all of this could simply be the medication the doctor has me taking right now…

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8 Responses

  1. 007

    You are my fiber hero—————————————————————————————————————————————————– :roll:

  2. drillanwr (hembra blanca Not-Hussein típica)

    :arrow: Bash/Louie

    LAY OFF David Soul!

    “When I was a child I had a fleeting glimpse … Out of the corner of my eye …”

    I wanted to be married to Starsky (Glaser) … But I wanted to cheat on him with Hutch (Soul) :twisted:

  3. franchie

    drill, starky and huch ain’t be my choice when I was young ; no real man fitted, though I got caught, I suppose he could then talk to the horse ears too, yet dogs’ :lol:

  4. drillanwr (hembra blanca Not-Hussein típica)


  5. franchie

    you wouldn’t know untill which point how a nice discourse fonctions :evil:
    sometimes I regrets, though I don’t know anyone else who would support me :lol:

  6. JEM

    Hey Louie…

    Does this have anything to do with #2 “fiber health”?

    I understand that porcines, dead or otherwise have a great interest in “fiber health”… :roll:

  7. Sandy


    Eh :?:

    :arrow: Pat

    I think we need some help in here and stuff . . .

  8. Sandy

    LMAO! :lol:

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