This Is Cool: Just Listen To Krauthammer, Kristol, Hume & Janis Joplin On Iraq Campaign Issue - With Video

July 22nd, 2008 Posted By Bash.


I don’t know, maybe it was just the timing, or whatever. You know how it is…

Every now and then you’re sitting there, completely relaxed, in the right mood, and some band or singer comes on, plays a song live on VH1 Classic, or some other show, and you sit there enjoying every note, every word, just enjoying the whole song and at the very end you just go, “Wow…that was so cool.”

Try watching Janis Joplin sing Gershwin’s “Summertime” in the studio recording session sometime, and you’ll know what I mean. Hell, I’ll throw that video on the end here.

But Krauthammer, Kristol, & Hume were talking about the surge and the Iraq War as a campaign issue and this and that, and I just sat there thinking, “These guys are pretty sharp. They nailed this one down.”

Now, after you comment or whatever, just sit back a minute, turn up your speakers a little, and enjoy this video. It is the studio recording of Gershwin’s “Summertime”…the guy playing lead guitar is an old family friend named Sam Andrew, he was our neighbor when my folks were hippies in Marin County in the late 60’s/early 70’s, he’s great on the guitar here.

But just watch this lady sing…unreal. Heh, Krauthammer, Kristol, Hume & Joplin…yeah, baby.

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16 Responses

  1. mike3481

    Bash, video #1 won’t play.

    Video #2 :cool:

  2. mike3481

    :beer: :beer: :beer:

  3. Hugh

    Nice Joplin video for sure :beer:

  4. Ji

    Watched both videos.

  5. Ty

    I must be the only one that thinks her voice is incredibly grating. I like the instrumentals though.

  6. cclezel

    I heard Bill Bennett dated her briefly. He never wants to talk about it.

  7. Typical White Texas Mom

    Krauthammer rocked . . .

    I loved the guitar in the Janice video . . .

    I don’t like Janice’s voice live - they have to clean it/her up before I can handle her singing. Sorry, Bash. Not a big Janice fan.

    You rock, though.

  8. Typical White Texas Mom

    Ty - Just read your post - I agree. I thought I was being “brave” posting anti-Janice stuff, but I see you blazed the trail.

    Bill Bennett and Janice - That would explain A LOT!


  9. Kermit

    BTW, The old Big Brother and the Holding Company version on Cheap Thrills is my favorite song of all time.

    And yes Krauthammer and Kristol are pretty good

  10. jarhead68

    After all this time, Joplin still can’t sing a lick. :???:

  11. sully

    How in the fuck can you ‘oppose’ the surge after it already won the war?
    Your friends are dead and you’re gonna die. Peace the old fashioned way. Works every time.

    And Janis rocks. Here’s a shot of Jack to you JJ.. :gun:

  12. drillanwr (Will Bleed For Domestic Oil Drilling)

    :arrow: Word to Maliki …

    You’ll be out of ‘office’ before/by 2010 … I’m hoping for your sake, because I do give you some measure of continued respect for your hand in the successes in Iraq, peacefully …

    :arrow: Bash

    VERY nice Joplin cut … thanks. :beer: :gun: :beer:

  13. Judith, typical White Ohioan

    Great video of Krauthammer and Kristol but Janis sounds like a tuneless screech owl. Nice string work though. :cry:

  14. franchie

    “her voice is incredibly grating”, yeah !

    though she has an “angel” face, pity she was on “drugs”

    Ella Fitzgerald’s is quite charming

  15. John G

    Krauthammer (Dr. K) nails it everytime. He knows how to diagnose the BO insanity…

  16. jam



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