Un-Patriotic Blasphemy … Hussein Advisor: McCain ‘Sadly Limited’ By POW Years With Videos
There are two very important reasons this will NOT work:
1.) The claims and charges of the Swiftboat Veterans against John Kerry have NEVER been discredited or disproved … no matter what an unchallenged talking-head spews on TV when they bring it up.
2.) The people in this country will NOT stand for anyone trying to beat down a man who spent nearly 6 years of his life inside a torturous POW camp.
THIS latest fiasco of the political macabre theater is a sure sign the Hussein camp is desperate … He has been shown to be a bigger flip-flopper than John Kerry ever could be. The curtain is being pulled back on this guy to show him for the myth that he is … The MSM created celebrity. The LIE …
One more thing …
Over the last several years I have learned one VERY important fact.
True ‘heroes’ who served this country DO NOT constantly bring up their service … John Kerry DID … John McCain rarely does …
You be the judge.
What will result from all of this will be a pulling in and pulling together of ‘conservative’ voters who were on the fence about voting McCain, and even some democrat voters who will not stand for such character assassination of a brave military veteran of this country.
That fucking mutt just won’t hunt, bastards.
A pox upon ALL involved in this un-Patriotic Blasphemy …
Again with the POW Slurs?
Jennifer Rubin - Commentary Magazine
Eight times is no coincidence. It is fair to say that the Obama camp has used up its benefit of the doubt with regard to surrogates attacking McCain’s military service. This time it is Rand Beers, no novice to government service or campaigns, slamming McCain for missing out on key foreign policy training and knowledge because of his time as a POW. First, the comment is plain ignorant. A reading of McCain’s account of his years in captivity would have told Beers just how valuable a lesson it was in understanding the nature of totalitarian evil. Beers might consider what experience his own candidate has that is remotely equivalent.
Second, once again a surrogate shows that the Obama camp attracts the very worst of the Left–sneering, disrespectful, and ignorant of the value of military service. The inference is becoming inescapable that this swarm of anti-McCain venom is countenanced by the Obama camp. They simply can’t be this awful at corralling their troops, can they?
For now it sounds like Obama is the darling of those who have little understanding or appreciation of the military and its sacrifices. And once again Obama’s surrogates get only mild disapproval or encouragement from the liberal punditocracy, which comes up with ludicrous reasons not to condemn the attacks.
So despite a defensive speech Monday on his patriotic bona fides, Obama has proven that he really doesn’t care enough, or doesn’t think it important enough, to do something (e.g. declare Clark and Beers and others who would follow their lead to be unfit for his administration) about those who defame heroic service. That, far more than reciting a prepared speech, may tell the voters where his campaign is coming from.
The “gentleman” responds:
Stay on message, Mac … We got your back …
Bring on the fucking debates and townhall meetings …
Hussein’s going DOWN!
any American citizen that would stand there and bad mouth a veterans military record does only one thing, they prove how tiny their dick is.
seriously, who the hell does this guy think he is, or Wes Clark for that matter. what on earth is more noble than putting your life on the line for your own country. even knowing full well that you are protecting the rights of some to bad mouth you without consequence.
screw this guy and a giant Pre-Emptive Screw you to anyone else that comes out talking shit about McCain.
July 1st, 2008 at 10:31 am…as opposed to the great foreign policy training and experience the six-year-old Obama was getting?
July 1st, 2008 at 10:43 amWow and to think that Osama’s top military advisor is a guy who was a Clinton appointee then subsequently relieved of command and forced to retire.
This line of attack just goes to show once again how left Osama is and how much he is catering to that demographic.
July 1st, 2008 at 11:00 amMcCain scored on that one. Good for him.
July 1st, 2008 at 11:29 amSome how my other comment was lost: Beers is a gigantic idiot. It’s going to backfire. What a loser.
July 1st, 2008 at 11:30 amI am proud of the service to the country.
There is no Democratic leader that would say these words because they are not proud to be an American.
Obama is a classless black racist that has brought a gun to the fight.
Obama is nothing than a rezko bought Chicago hack.
July 1st, 2008 at 1:12 pmRandy Beers is sadly in need of some respect and brains.
July 1st, 2008 at 4:40 pmAs I recall, we didn’t attack Kerry for his service in Vietnam, we attacked Kerry for his lying and padding his service in vietnam. If he would have just said “I was a swift boat captain” and left it at that, fine. But no, he had to be the guy in Apocalypse Now.
But mostly we attacked Kerry for his Winter Soldier bullshit back-stabbing treason when he got home that somehow ended up being THE history of Vietnam.
AS for Clark, I was shocked to learn today that he was the general in command at FT Hood that sent the tanks in to Waco for Janet Reno. Well isn’t that just special! Talk about an event where the media gives the fucking left a pass!!!
July 1st, 2008 at 4:54 pmSadly limited…sadly limited… Hmmm. Y’know? How the heck does anyone know if John McCain is sadly limited? Do they have a “SadlyLimited O’Meter” to measure that with? How do they know he hasn’t been made stronger, more clear in his thinking and more resolute as a result? HUH? What fools.
July 1st, 2008 at 6:38 pmHow do these smears of Mac help Michelle’s kids?
July 2nd, 2008 at 1:47 amThey don’t help mine.
I swear sometimes I think I am going to put on sunglasses and see all these Democrats turn to aliens like in the movie “They Live”.
July 2nd, 2008 at 7:21 amUhhhhhhhh…..Actually McCain does NOT remember the street riots of the late 1960’s in this country, since he was a POW in a Viet Red prison at the time…
Gawd, these pukes are gonna make me puke.
July 2nd, 2008 at 5:44 pmKerry was no war hero. John Kerry was a traitor to his own men. The swift boat sailors simply told the truth. John McCain on the other hand is a hero 10 times over. When this is all over the Left will be wondering how they lost the election again not even realizing that they shot their own damn selves in the head right out of the gate.
July 3rd, 2008 at 7:57 am