Upside-Down Flag At Hussein’s Pittsburgh Event

July 28th, 2008 Posted By drillanwr.


28Mar2008. It isn’t clear who was waving this upside-down flag - or why - but it is disturbing to see such disrespect at an event for a presidential candidate.
The flag wasn’t even mentioned by the reporters. At least they didn’t burn it.

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13 Responses

  1. John Goodrow

    How do these twats not get their asses kicked?

    What the fuck is going on in this country?

  2. Q_Mech

    Funny thing is, it doesn’t look out of place there.

  3. Kurt(the infidel)

    The “official sign of distress” they call this.

    i call it the official sign of an America hater. screw whoever is holding the flag like that and Obama too.

  4. Caligula

    :arrow: do twats have asses?

    it’s quite clear what kind of people support obama, and it’s quite clear we’re in an intellectual civil war.

    at least we overwhelmingly have the firepower on our side :lol:

  5. 31Mike

    Just another ” Typical White Hussein Supporter”

  6. trapper

    hey in w. pa, all they care is that there is a D in front of the name and drink all the kool-aide that the drive-by media serves. this doesn’t surprise me one bit with the flag.

  7. mike3481

    Well, that Flag was not an accident…

    And since you can no longer stop the signal (this site is proof of that)…

    Hussein’s crew needs to contain that crap.

    Except they agree with it and that as well as many other things will cause his, as Bash puts it, “slow motion 100 day train wreck”.

    OOOH, Yeah!!! :beer:

  8. dadeo

    If he wins they will start waving flags with cresent moons and shit

  9. Professor Bill

    I think Barry had his jump the shark moment in Europe, not visiting the injured troops, the prayer thing and all the other phoney crap he peddled over there is making a lot of independents sick.

    The flag upside down is appropriate, our country is in serious distress. If Barry wins I will have a hard time flying my flag upright. That upside down flag was far more symbolic and truthful than the doorknob who was doing it realized. We are in distress.

  10. billie

    Was the U.S. flag missing from the tail wing of Obama’s plane during his int’l tour? Media Research Center Cyberalert (Vol. 13, No. 140) reported on July 27:

    “…On Thursday’s Good Morning America [July 26], political correspondent Jake Tapper…reporting from inside the Obama plane, complained in a snarky tone: ‘Inside, the plane has been redesigned to separate the senator and his staff from us lowly reporters.’ He added that Obama officials told journalists that they could brief reporters as anonymous officials. Tapper grumbled: ‘One of them said that’s what we did at the White House during the Clinton years. We pointed out they don’t work at the White House.’ Regarding the Obama plane, the ABC journalist also pointed out: ‘The American flag on the tail wing has been replaced by an enormous Obama O.’”

  11. alex

    perhaps this is proof that liberals are mentally retarded?

  12. azbastard

    what it shows is that all hell will break loose when bo looses the election

  13. Indy


    what it shows is that all hell will break loose when bo looses the election

    :arrow: I’m looking forward to that. Once and for all the world will see the scum that supports this joke of an empty suit.

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