Voight: “When We Pulled Out, 2.5 Million Were Slaughtered … And The Left Just Walked Away From That” - Video

July 31st, 2008 Posted By drillanwr.


You might ask, since we spend so much time drawing and quartering Hollywood, why for like the third time in a week I am highlighting a Hollywood actor on this site.

This is why.

I happen to think that, while we CAN live without the product, life would be so much more boring without the entertainment industry. Some of my, and I suspect your, fondest memories from childhood and even adulthood are movie or TV show experiences … a favorite song or two that causes a sudden rush of blood to our brain in memory of where we were, who we were with and what we were doing when THAT song comes flowing across the radio airwaves.

Here’s the thing …

The entertainment industry is one of our most unique manmade creations. Unlike farming, textile, energy, steel, medicine, and transportation vehicles manufacturing … yes, we can live without Hollywood’s finished product. But I wouldn’t necessarily want to. I mean, I have my favorites … and growing up in a less than “Cleaver or Brady” household, TV was a MAJOR mental escape for me. The stages of my life are highlighted with background music that you can see on display when LBA and I play Music Video Volleyball on Deep Thoughts (usually on the weekend nights … LATE).

I get so pissed at Hollywood. Of all the industries this wonderful country has developed and given to the world, our entertainment industry is one specifically designed to give us escape and enjoyment … and to feed our amazing imaginations. Now it is just some slime smearing slug that only cares about it’s own trail of opinion and disregards the thoughts and opinions of the majority in this country.

So, while I, and as I know you, most times anymore feel like EMP-ing Hollywood, in my ‘creative’ heart I feel as if I really want to treat it like the “Prodigal Son” … in hopes it might return home someday to us completely humbled by its mistakes and arrogance.

Oh, I know … when Hell freezes over. But, perhaps, men such as Jon Voight, Pat Dollard, Andrew Breitbart, and all those [closeted] conservative actors/producers/directors/writers will be able to have their own “Lutheran” revolution and break away from the flesh-consuming, masturbating political monster Hollywood has become … and return us to Tara and Oz and those “Hills” that are “alive with the Sound Of Music”.

So, while I CAN live without Hollywood’s product … I really don’t want to. I just want a bigger and better “variety” to choose from with my capitalistic dollars. Hollywood can act as socialistic as it wants, but I don’t see any of these up-turned-nose-types living in shacks and rags, and handing out their millions from their latest movie contracts.

I want Hollywood to return to being this country’s girlfriend that occasionally slips-up and strays, but always comes back … not this lop-sided, disease-inflicted, self-righteous and smug political crack whore it has become.

I want Hollywood to think past the spiteful noses on its face and see how their ideology effects the rest of the world when implemented … and I want them to acknowledge and learn from their errors … (See; Box Office Bombs)

As “pipe-dreams” go … I don’t think I’m asking too damn much.

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4 Responses

  1. T Double Dash

    You know, I was just thinking about it and I think even his daughter, Angelina Jolie, has more experience politically than Obama.

  2. Marc

    I used to go the movies all the time until the “List of 100 against the War” when that came out a few years back. I really have to want to watch the movie in the theater if there is someone on it, if not I wait until it is on my NetFlix.

    Just a quick note about Jon Voight, I was seated a row ahead of him on a Delta flight right before New Years to LA, used my miles to upgrade to First, right when his last National Treasure movie came out. (Didn’t like the flicks personally not because of him just that Nicholas Cage is probably one of the worst thespians out there).

    Anyway, Voight was on the phone and in the aisle waiting to pass was a young boy and his father, and the boy recognized Mr. Voight and told his father. Dad didn’t want son to interrupt him but the young boy apologized to him for interrupting and told him how much he liked his movie. Mr Voight told whomever was on the phone to hold on and for a minute made his young fan the absolute focus and was just classy. So when we get to LAX I was shocked to see him waiting for his owns bags patiently with the rest of us chatting to the people by him commiserating about I suppose the frustrations of the airlines and luggage, but then he got his bags and headed out the door.

    One thing can be said of all people coming out politically in Hollywood I would never imagined Mr. Voight to have the opinions that he does, but with age comes experience and obviously he has learned from the mistakes of the past.

  3. Mike W

    The best trailer for the worst Congress that has voted itself adjourned(213 yeas to 212 nays) until September w/o doing anything.
    I hope this plays on every TV station daily.

  4. sully

    “I want Hollywood to return to being this country’s girlfriend that occasionally slips-up and strays, but always comes back … not this lop-sided, disease-inflicted, self-righteous and smug political crack whore it has become.”

    Worth repeating drill. :beer:

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