War Veteran Threatened With Jail For Flying U.S. & POW/MIA Flags - With Video

July 31st, 2008 Posted By Bash.


I would imagine that the complaints made are a matter of public record, and as such, should be made available to anybody that wants to have a look.

Did that sound like a threat? Sorry, just thinking out loud.

This guy flew these flags out there for 8 years and now some puke doesn’t like them and blah blah blah…

History will record more than just the War in Iraq/Afghanistan of our times, but also the war at home, between the left-leaning mainstream media and anti-war socialist/marxist/anarchist groups vs the Pro-Troop, Pro-American, Patriotic Conservative Right for the hearts and minds of mainstream swing-vote middle-of-the-road-Americans.

BRADFORD, PA-The red, white and blue of the United States flag has a lot of meaning for Americans — and personally for Vietnam veteran Mike Smith, who for several years has proudly displayed two American flags at the curb on the sidewalk in front of his East Main Street business, flanking a “Prisoner of War, Missing in Action” flag for the service men and women who never came home.

However, the display of patriotism has caused a brush with the law for the business owner.

Bradford City Code Enforcement officer George Corignani filed a citation Tuesday with District Judge Dom Cercone’s office, charging Smith with violating the city’s sign ordinance.

The ordinance reads as follows: “No temporary sign shall extend over or into any street, alley, sidewalk or other public thoroughfare a distance greater than four inches from the wall upon which it is erected.”
Corignani did not immediately return a call seeking comment.

Mayor Tom Riel — who had challenged the city’s sign ordinances as a private citizen in 2004 — said the problem isn’t with the flags themselves.

“I understand there were complaints the flags were waving out into the street, into the lane of traffic,” Riel said. “No matter what flags they are, they are wafting out into traffic and causing a concern.”
The citation reads that “the owner was asked to remove flags from the curb,” but after several requests and no action on Smith’s part, city officials acted to enforce the ordinance.

“They said they had several complaints that my flags obstruct the view pulling out of my driveway,” Smith told The Era. “They sent me a citation in the mail.

“I’m a 23-year combat vet from Vietnam (and) a disabled vet,” Smith said. “I put my flags out every morning for the troops in Iraq, in Afghanistan, and for the ones who didn’t come home.

“If it’s in defiance of a city ordinance, then change the ordinance,” Smith said vehemently.
“The flags have been up there eight years, and I’ve never had a complaint,” he said, “and for 43 years before that on Mechanic Street, and I never had a complaint.

“The flags have been up there eight years, and I’ve never had a complaint,” he said, “and for 43 years before that on Mechanic Street, and I never had a complaint.

“I gave 23 years to my country and I can’t fly my flag? I want to have my day in court.”
Smith said he averages 52 customers a week at his store, and he hasn’t heard any complaints about the flags.

“I’ve got kids from (Floyd C. Fretz Middle School) who walk back and forth in front of here every day, and they aren’t bothered by the flags. They leave them alone,” he said.

Smith has pleaded innocent to the code violation, and the case is scheduled for a hearing at 2:30 p.m. Aug. 11 in front of Cercone.


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11 Responses

  1. Anderson S. Wise- VA (America, FUCK YEAH!!!)

    That’s f’d up! :mad:

  2. drillanwr (Free Ramos and Compean, Then Drill For Oil!)

    Do it.

    Just fucking do it.

    Take the guy to court.

    Just fucking do it.

    Put the guy in jail.

    Do it.

    And then watch what happens …

    I’m so fucking sick of this bullshit!

    Bash, pass the Xanax …

    Fuck it … I’m reaching for a g.d. :beer:

  3. AmericanJarhead

    The revolution needs to happen and its gonna be between the pukes and the flag wavers. The flag wavers will litter the street with the pukes.

  4. MarineDoc

    Has anyone else been buying up fresh ammo? My footlocker has been full for too many years and I think the powder might be getting old (the gold old lead rounds/shots too).

    I think I will go out an buy some this paycheck before the rush is on. :gun: :gun: :wink: :gun: :gun:

  5. Lone Wolf

    Ask for a jury trial - where we can nullify the law, not just find him not guilty:

  6. Wendy

    A TRAVISTY that is what this is. It breaks my heart… That this hero has to even be put through this bullshit simply for making sure what happened to him and other Vietnam Vets does not happen to our brave men and women serving our country now.

    I have been ready for the revolution, bring it on bitches!!!! :gun: :gun:

  7. brovato

    :shock: I fly the same flags everyday and if the pukes told me to take them down :gun: :gun: :gun: when does the revolution start? I’m tired of this fkn shit too!

  8. Sully0811

    Looks to me like the only way for it to flap onto someones car is if they park there on the sidewalk and since he’s gone eight years without a problem I doubt any one has a real issue. This reeks of “hecklers right to veto” bull.

  9. Bob

    I’m sure this guy is a patriot but it does look like his flags are mounted close to the curb and could be a traffic hazard. Maybe he could raise them up higher and this might alleviate any potential accident and or injury.

  10. Walt

    My daughter contacted our Congressman (a good guy R) and got one of the flags that flew over the U.S. Capital. She got the big one (5 x 8) and gave it to me for Father’s Day.

    At our Family gathering 2 weeks ago we put the flag pole up in my front yard, raised that big flag with a POW/MIA flag under it. Everyone who sees it, including those who come to the General Store (next door) for lunch, loves it. Since I am out in the country I probably won’t have any complaintants. This is “Bush Country”.

    What I need now is some wind to make it stand up properly instead of hanging limp. (smile)

  11. mindy abraham

    Oh for god’s sake :mad: LET THE MAN FLY HIS FLAGS-if safety is a concern, have him move them, but LET THEM STAY. This is just nitpicking.

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