Was McCain’s Alleged VP Announcement Just A Ploy For Headlines During Hussein’s Trip?

July 22nd, 2008 Posted By Pat Dollard.


The Swamp:

Robert Novak, the conservative columnist who reported that Sen. John McCain’s campaign was planning an early announcement of a running mate this week, suggests that he may have been played for a story to counter the headlines Barack Obama is making with his journey through Afghanistan, Iraq, the Middle East and Europe.

“I got a suggestion from a very senior McCain aide late yesterday afternoon that he was going to announce it this week,” Novak told Fox News Channel today. “They didn’t want it to come out the way it was going to come out so they suggested I put it out.

“I then called another senior person who said, ‘I can’t talk about that, but wouldn’t it be a terrific week to announce it that is with Obama getting the headlines?’

“I’ve since been told by certain people that this was a dodge and that they were trying to get some publicity to rain on Obama’s campaign,” Novak, a FOX contributor, told the cable news network. “It’s pretty reprehensible if it’s true, but we’ll find out in a couple of days. ”

Time will tell who’s playing whom.

See Bob Novak on the running mate game, here.

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6 Responses

  1. Kurt(the infidel)

    no ill tell you why he wont announce it, because the top anchors from the top evening news programs are on the plane with Hussein. there would be no one there to report on who his vp choice is. he will wait until they all get back from their little kumbaya mission to announce, but he knows the answer

  2. sully

    “… Novak, a FOX contributor, told the cable news network. “It’s pretty reprehensible if it’s true..”

    No it isn’t “reprehensible”. Cool yer jets dude. :roll:
    Duhbama SHOULD NOT have all that media attention. I hope MAC did do it just to steal some of the spotlight. Make those network pukes think ‘wtf am I doing here’ or something close to that. Fuck the MSM and ANY of them that act like drama queens… including Novak.

  3. Kurt(the infidel)

    I thought Novak understood Washington a hell of alot more than he is showing right here, reprehensible? for wanting the entire media to realize that its not a fuckin’ one man race for POTUS this November. i question Bob Novak because its always hard to tell who side he is going to be on from one day to the next

  4. foxops

    Come on Pat, don’t tease us with a picture of Bobby Jindal! I got so excited when the paged loaded up, what a let down :)

  5. BoomBoom

    So let me get this straight. The media is pissed because of a non-story that may trump the Libs Messiah’a trip ,to a place that will expose how wrong HE has consistently been regarding how to handle a crisis! Obama also knows whatever he says, what ever he suggests, the MSM will help him deceive the Jerry Springer society that is going to vote for him. I also believe that John McCain has yet to start on the crucification of Obama. When Obama gets the ticket from the Dems, the GOP is gonna unleash something that has never been seen in history….. Obama is the easiest target that the GOP has ever seen :beer:

  6. Pat Dollard

    :arrow: foxops

    I had to grab something that somehow illucidated the concept. Thought this one was as good as any.

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