Why will you never see this on the nightly news?

July 17th, 2008 Posted By Sgt Welsh.

I don’t understand… do you?

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18 Responses

  1. Andy

    I understand our treasonous media is heavily invested in defeat, doom and gloom. They cannot own up to their lies now. I’ll never forgive the MSM scum who have worked daily to destroy my country.

    “Rope, Tree, Journalist. Some assembly required”.

  2. mike3481

    It doesn’t fit the narrative of the message that the MSM wants America and the world to hear. Yeah, it’s bias.

    I asked this before in a comment, “How many Newspaper and Magazine news Editors and or T.V. news Editors and Producers either supported or were in fact 60’s War protesters?

    Arthur Sulzberger, Jr. was and he’s running the fuckn’ New York Times!

  3. Jessica

    because they want you to think that we aren’t doing any good over there

  4. Mike W

    :arrow: Mike3481 The main stream media is dying and who will bail them out when the end comes. The fing liberals will be there with our tax dollars in hand. Look at PBS its tax dollars and who do they represent?

  5. Hugh

    Istead of this, we get Generation Kill.


  6. kozanne

    Makes me cry. Makes me want to post this vid anywhere I can find room on a board.

    Our troops are so damn great, just damn great.

    Lord God bless our troops and thank you for their lives

    Pat, keep getting the message out okay?

  7. Sandy

    Soldier’s opinion about the anti-war movement


    They all deserve so much more from the media.
    God bless all our Armed Forces.

  8. billie

    Great video! I’m passing it on.

    The MSM are like sharks in the water and when they smell blood they’re on their victims in a nano second. Obama makes so many gaffes it makes one wonder if there’s a blue dress there somewhere (a synonym for an ethically challenged act). The ratings are all that matter, as evidenced by Bill Clinton’s fall from his pedestal and the MSM eventually playing follow the leader to Drudge and other non-mainstream media.

    My theory is, if elected Pres., Obama will somehow find a way to censor the MSM. He’s already started by saying his wife is off limits no matter what she does or says. The next step would be to tell the media they’re undermining the country when they question HIM. Sounds far-fetched, but look back at Clinton’s record and all the stunts he pulled.

  9. Marc Stockwell-Moniz

    Our benevolent military teaching the locals how to fish and take care of themselves.
    I wonder where the “other Arab” nations are? Why can’t they help teach their fellow Arabs like we do?
    God bless America. We protect you, feed you and educate you all in one. Just like the trinity. :beer:

  10. T-Bagg(AKA T-Badd)


  11. Dan (The Infidel)

    Why the LLMSM won’t run this kind of story? Because the left wing liberal pukes and their allied party Dhimis are willing to sacrifice the lives and security of this country for political gain.

    These souless godless hordes of flotso should continue to have abortions so that they can no longer breed.

    They are not Americans, they are third-world wannabees who have no place in this society anymore unless we wish to employ them in some swamp somewhere picking up shit for 20 years aka “Coll Hand Luke”.

    These Leftwing anarchists, marxists thugs have nothing further to say that I want to hear.

    It is therefore, IMO, time for a sea-change that can only come about through Civil War.

  12. Mark Tanberg

    Because Sgt Welsh the media is ignoring you and your sacrifice and is helping to trash the constitution that you swore to defend. I think this could go civil —– again.
    I thank you though.

  13. trapper

    maybe they can come back to this country and teach leadership to our supposed leaders. THANK GOD FOR OUR TROOPS!

  14. azbastard

    they’ve done and are doing an outstanding job..we will have a strong ally in the iraqi people

  15. CBL

    Why won’t we see this on the news? Because there arent enough dead american soldiers in it and it undermines everything the MSM has been reporting.

  16. Zeke Eagle

    Why can’t they help teach their fellow Arabs like we do?

    Because they don’t know any useful thing to teach them. 7th Century death cult chauvinism is all the ahabs have to share.

    When the end times are upon us the MSM will find no succor among the freedom loving American populace. They have foolishly thrown in with the enemy. We will never forget.

  17. American Infidel

    Sgt. Welsh I do understand why the msm are always undermining the great works our troops are doing in Iraq and elsewhere and why they are always about tearing the United States down.

    This post shows those that have already taken root in our country

    This is the 1963 Congressional Document

  18. kozanne

    Just emailed PMSNBC with a link to this vid and dared them to play it.

Respond now.

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