Zippy Fukn Pinhead Hussein’s Iraq Position Two Hours Apart - With Video and Idiotic Quote As Well

July 16th, 2008 Posted By Bash.


This guy is the biggest lying buffoon. Zippy the Pinhead has more on the ball than this Deceiver-Idiot. Check out what he says a mere two hours apart on July 3rd…

Oh, and while we’re at it here’s how on top of the Global War on Terror he is, and I quote:

Barack Hussein Obama today: “The central front to the war on terror is not Iraq, it never was.”

Osama Bin Laden in 2004: “The most important and serious issue today for the whole world is this Third World War, which the Crusader-Zionist coalition began against the Islamic nation. It is raging in the land of the two rivers. The world’s millstone and pillar is in Baghdad, the capital of the caliphate.”

Now I give you Hussein the Liar aka (at least for today) Zippy da Fukn Pinhead…

Excuse me while I fukn puke.

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17 Responses

  1. Kurt(the infidel)

    yeah i had the pleasure of hearing his “speech” earlier today. which was more like a bullshit spewing contest, which he won i might add.

    he wants to catch Bin Laden so bad yet he neglects to listen to his words. Iraq is the central front in the war on terror. Bin Laden himself said that and also added that they cannot lose their. which AQ has lost. Obama Osama, whats the freakin’ difference really. both want the opportunity to fukk our country up.

  2. sully

    The numbnuts is a complete ZERO.

    ““The central front to the war on terror is not Iraq, it never was.””

    It WAS but not any more asshole. Their almost all dead and IRAQ is pwned. No thanks to you and your fellow surrendercrats.

  3. dadeo

    Jedi mind trick… …no worky on this planet

  4. POD1

    George Soros promising obama the moon (and the presidency):

    Can we begin referring to obama as Schlitze,
    or is that too high brow a reference?

    C’mon, I can’t be the only one that saw this movie.
    FREAKS 1932.

  5. Bash

    :arrow: POD1…

    I have seen “Freaks” several times, even used some scenes in a Bashman Video, but I can’t remember which one…oh wait, it was the one where I slammed Mark Cuban before Redacted came out, damn, where is that I gotta throw it up here.

    Man did I catch shit for using that footage from some people for “exploiting” the “challenged”…remember Schizo Girl? Her, too. heh heh

    :beer: :gun:

  6. TO (twp)

    This guy is nothing but a wise-ass punk. It is breathless to think how the system has been manipulated to such an extent that this Marxist, anti-American hater is in the position he is in. His ascension has been one of the biggest con jobs in American history.

  7. T-Bagg (AKA T-Badd)

    :neutral: :gun:

  8. mike3481

    :arrow: Bash’s headline - “Zippy Fukn Pinhead Hussein…”

    :lol: :gun: :beer: :gun: :beer: :gun: :beer: :lol:

  9. POD1

    :arrow: Bash

    Ah, schitzo-girl,
    one of my absolute favorite PD/Bashman threads (the good old days).

    She had some SERIOUS problems but damm, was she funny.

    In contrast,
    the Chicago senator has similar reality perception problems.

    He’s about as funny as a feather duster in a lion tammers’s pistol holster.
    30 seconds after needing to brandish said holster contents,
    not so funny.

    After all the innovation and blood sacrifice,
    will the commie-libs end America like a cheap cartoon punch line?

  10. TBinSTL (just typical)

    In the right light, when the makeup isn’t just right, you can see the gill slits on his neck.

  11. Dan (The Infidel)

    Much like the rest of the US government NoBama hasn’t a clue when it comes to the threat posed by Islam. He can’t identify the enemy anymore than say…the State Dept.

    As to Iraq…does anyone think that this troll NoBama would take the time to study Islamic military history? Nah. That would be too much like work for Mr Candy Ass NoBama.

    When it comes to Dhimis like NoBama stupid is as stupid does.

  12. Mike Mose

    Just think Osama Bin Laden will make Barack Obama a great vice president.

    It is inconceivable that this man is the Democrats best.

    Is Obama the worst politician of all time?

  13. momps

    freaks is an awesome movie

  14. momps

    one of us. one of us hehehehe

  15. Elmo

    Not a doctor (and didn’t sleep at a Holiday Inn Express last night). But I teenk the operative term possibly may be …. bipolar. Yes, more than a few have bald faced lied before election day [and won (”I didn’t inhale”)]. But I can’t believe he’s even aware, just (simply) yammer yammering away. Either way …. definitely NOT Presidential material (though he just might make a truly lousy Senator?).

    In the space of only a few weeks, Barry has fried the clutch on that ole bus of his (I’m sure the fourth estate/fifth column are busy phoning around, locating parts. And are intending to provide free labor).

    November four still be a long ways away. But I’m thinking by then, I’ll be feeling sorry for the guy.

    Or not :-)

  16. Kim

    :arrow: Dan the Infidel

    “Much like the rest of the US government NoBama hasn’t a clue when it comes to the threat posed by Islam. He can’t identify the enemy anymore than say…the State Dept.”

    :mrgreen: :mrgreen: :mrgreen: Well said!!!! :mrgreen:

    The good ole Rev Wright told us that Obama is a politician and will say whatever he needs to say. Who are we to disagree with the man who knew Obama for over 20 years?

  17. icecold

    Pinhead is accurately descriptive, but the bros I grew up with would call him a “pointy-head muthafucker”.

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