Louie Award! Best 55 Second Video You’ll See Today…Bumped

August 21st, 2008 Posted By Bash.

There are so many metaphors, so many analogies, so many parallels, so many charicatures, so many lessons to be derived, learned, digested, and savored from this 55 second video…I FUKN Love it!

Fuck Yeah!

Nods to One Shot.

The Louie Award is given out by Louie to whoever he wants, whenever he wants, for whatever reason he feels like.

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31 Responses

  1. Sandy

    Sweet! That is what happens to al-Q when they mess with our guys. :lol: :lol: :lol:

    Also, that is exactly what McCain will do to B.O. after all his gyrations. :lol: :lol: :lol:

    That is really a great vid. Good one One Shot!
    I had to watch it several times and I laughed more and more each time.

    :beer: :beer: :beer: :beer:

    I can only imagine what plans Bash has for this vid. :cool:

  2. Steve in NC

    ok just set your pointer to the 40 sec mark on the slider and click it after tarzan kisses the floor, and click it some more

    good call louie, that is certainly one shot…. (pun intended)

  3. TBinSTL (just typical)

    What the hell is that from? That is the “feel good movie of the year” right there!! :shock:

  4. T-Bagg

    :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:

  5. sully

    LMAO :mrgreen:

  6. drillanwr (Today I Am A Georgian)

    Surgical strike … I like that :twisted:

  7. BoomBoom

    “Speak softly and carry a big stick; you will go far.”

    Theodore Roosevelt

  8. Professor Bill

    I think he got tired of that jackass jumping around like some hyped up long haired lepricon.

  9. Cooper

    Awesome video. Can’t stop rewinding and watching again… :beer: :beer:

  10. Tom in CO


  11. just posting

    That was perfect :beer:

  12. trapper

    thanks louie, made my day and put a smile on my face! lmao :lol:

  13. T-Bagg

    I just watched it again… And again… And again… And again… And again… It makes me smile.


  14. TO (twp)

    That was like Hussein (the boisterous, know it all) versus McCain (rock steady and focused). I think that is what the November election is going to be like.

  15. One Shot

    hehehehe…”one shot”

    Time for a Miller :beer:

  16. ji

    At first I thought it was a dance contest.

  17. Mike Mose

    Reminds me of Obama……..jumping around in Europe and have his ass handed to him.

    Right on TO

  18. Jarhead68

    Oh, so predictable. Was that a laser-guided, surgical strike? Saweet!!

    And kudos to you, TO, for that analogy. Spot on. :beer: :beer: :beer: :beer:

  19. CPLViper

    Yup … the only thing I saw was the similarity to the 2008 presidential campaign. :twisted:

  20. HugoDePayenz

    I KNEW that was coming, that crazy monkey guy jumping around, the other guy just standing there…
    I lol’d :lol: XD

  21. Ranger

    Hahahahaha awesome clip, definitely watched it about 50 times. That’s the way to do it allright.

  22. mike3481

    :gun: :beer:
    :lol: :lol: :lol:

  23. Bryan J

    That’s what happens when you send a gymnast to do a fighers job

  24. ticticboom (Will Kill For Oil)

    It’s like war: the side with the prettiest, flashiest uniform usually loses.

    True professionals are quiet and sober. They let their results speak for themselves.

  25. billie (Today I'm a Georgian)

    Classic. It would have been fun to have been there. :o)

    It’d be nice to know their political leanings. Or if the long-haired dude was on something.

  26. Bill Smith

    Also a great illustration of why you don’t want to be in the NE Quadrant of an east coast hurricane. The guy is rotating up after doing his silly flip, and BOOM!

    Substance over style every time.

  27. ApplyCS

    Very well stated ticticboom!

    “Jumping Jack Ass” was so -uhmmm- righteously nailed.

  28. el Vaquero

    Unfortunately the knock out puncher looks like PUKIN…who’s the Jack Ass?


    Uh guys, that was a clip from the movie “NEVER BACK DOWN”. Still, pretty cool.

  30. John Goodrow

    Oh fuck yeah!

    I’m so glad I got the net back!

  31. billy_bonney

    Translation, Caporea :roll: is NOT a real martial art.


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