Breaking/You Tell Us, Dollard Readers: Medvedev Says U.S Vessels With “Humanitarian Aid” Actually Delivering Weapons

August 27th, 2008 Posted By Bash.


Let’s hear what you think about this…This is a very disturbing statement. The Russians have also just formally recognized the breakaway Georgian regions, which is no doubt going to piss off the West.But back to the Russians accusing us of sneaking arms into Georgia…the Russians knew long before they even launched the whole Georgian offensive that at some point the United States would begin humanitarian aid missions to Georgia. Pictured: The USCGC Dallas (WHEC-716) is at the heart of the accusation as it is, as I type this, delivering humanitarian aid into Georgia.So, oh wise Dollard Reader, you tell me…if the Russians knew in advance that at some point we would begin sending in aid, then they also knew what their response to these actions would be, to accuse the U.S. of sneaking arms into Georgia under the guise of “Humanitarian Aid”…Why would they want to do this? Sound off…let’s hear your thoughts, ideas, theories…

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42 Responses

  1. KC

    Just another excuse to supply more arms and dig in deeper in the breakaway regions.

  2. AmericanJarhead

    They plan on attacking a ship. We better be ready with a serious spanking all ready to go.

  3. Anderson S. Wise- VA (America, FUCK YEAH!!!)

    I’m skipping afternoon classes as I wait for my new mattress set to be delivered.

    Here’s my two cents:

    I dunno if there are weapons being sent, but I wouldn’t fault our side for sending them to Georgia. Russia is the aggressor; good use of weapons stop aggressors. That being said, I trust the Russians’ word about as much as I trust Obama’s.

  4. steve m

    Predictable. What else word the bear say… an excuse to escalate.

    Keep the pressure up on the bastards

  5. sgtswine

    absolutely we are including all kinds of “aid” with the aid. the cold war games are back on again. with the amount of fire power (russian and US) in the black sea right now, there will be a 3am phone call coming soon so baton down the hatches things are getting interesting.

    to the good men that are there or heading there, our prayers are with you as well.

  6. (CAPT-DAX)

    See This! Russia Recognizes Abkhazia, South Ossetia!

  7. DC

    The russians aren’t gonna do squat!
    All they can do is talk shit like Iran and syria do all the time.

    I hope part of the humanitarian supplies DOES include weapons…….fuck ‘em!

    They don’t dare even look cross-eyed at us with a million tons of Naval task force bearing down on their ass.

  8. Giorgi

    shit they knew it, thats why they recognized our provinces, so if georgians will rebound (and they KNEW they didnt do much damage to our military..well 2-3 thousand killed on both sides in 2 days of fullout combat) and with the help of some nifty gadgets like Javelins and Stingers the coastal air-defence/deterrant prvided by the US Navy we would have attacked them ethnicaly-deranged motherfuckers, so the russians needed a “legitimte” pretext for keeping a large force in those two wannabe-states to avert the georgian and even possible NATO action to punish the fuckheads - in Abkhazia out of 500,000+ population georgians made about 300,000, right now there are only 40,000 left in a sort of “georgian reservation” and they knew that they fucked up and so did the russians. i mean they did this with a help of the regular military and chechens and kossacks and other murdering scum that populates the shithole called the russian federation..the war in abkhazia lasted for a year and took away the lives of 10-20,000 people (we dont know for sure how much). fortunately for russians there was a bosnian conflict so ours was kept in a hush tones. thats why they are going ape-shit - they NEVER expected the direct US/NATO interference in the todays events, the recognition was an improvisation as well as a testing the west for a response…thats what i think

  9. Kurt(the infidel)

    i dont know what to think about all of this. i really dont want to discount what these communist maniacs are capable of. ultimately we would kick Russias ass but it would be one bloody fight. my gut instict tells me that Russia doesnt want to fight with us though. they’re hoping to go just far enough without crossing the red line. bad thing is, we dont know where that line is at this point. could have already been crossed. i have trouble believing a US led NATO armada is just cruising around out there for no reason.

  10. SOC

    Caught the Russians by surprise. They didn’t think we had the cojones to do this. Frankly, I was worried we would do nothing. At least we doing the right thing. The Russians are asking for it. Now Iran is going to get it along with Hizbollah…

  11. Humbled Infidel

    :arrow: Giorgi how are you and yours holding up?

    :arrow: Bash I think Russia knew exactly what they were doing - Putin had every intention of drawing in the U.S. I think for several reasons…redirect attention away from Iranian nukes and all that’s happening there with them, Russia and Syria, etc., plus putin wants to black our eyes really bad.

    He knew Bush would come to the aid of Georgia, he hopes to kill two or more birds with one stone and all the while claim it’s everyone elses fault.

    Jumping Subjects…Kinda,
    Hummm, our Democrats have studied and learned at the communist feet - They have mastered that lying and accusing others of the very acts they themselves (liberals) do.

  12. John H.

    The immediate need would be for antitank weapons and manportable air defense systems, both of which would most likely be flown in. Attached to these would be U.S. personnel who would control their use. Georgia will be rearmed, but the advisors advice will carry more weight than usual. “Advice” being a polite term. With the country shot through with Russians, the priority ought to be to make any reignition of the conflict too costly to contemplate. At the same time, bulk deliveries, distribution, and training are not feasible at present. Our naval presence limits the Russian’s freedom of action and gives us ground truth on which to base or decisions and actions. We should put ourselves in a position of knowing more about the enemy dispositions than the enemy themselves, while conceal the progress of the reconstitution of Goergias armed forces. Some second rate materiel and weapons have been lost, but few are dead. Time to follow up the embarrassing lesson learned with better weapons, training, and planning. We are making the best of a bad situation, I think skillfully so.

  13. HugoDePayenz

    Yet another excuse for them to attack more people.

  14. bill-tb

    Maybe the ships brought extras?

  15. Wino

    Russia is just looking for excuses to stay now. They staight out fucked up and didn’t think the US would do jack shit because we are heavily engaged in the Middle East. They were going to make a land grab and thought they could get away with it! I don’t think they had a clue that we would bring the NAVY in to the ports…..they got shit running down their legs right now and nothing to wipe with! :gun: :gun: :gun: :gun:

  16. TBinSTL (Just Typical)

    They probably aren’t bringing in as much as I’d like them to. Let’s leave it at that…..

    Don’t miss the latest from Totten….he is there and is always a straight shooter.

    (his website has been under attack and his post is getting a lot of links so it might be hard to get to the page.)

    Exerpts here:

  17. RojoNixon

    The ships themselves are weapons. Just parking them there should serve as a warning/deterrent. :gun:

  18. Giorgi

    i read the totens remarks and i like his view on the subject, hes dead on…as well as this link, some might find it interesting, thanks to Humble Infidel for placing this link on his blog :beer: :beer: —- a very sober approach to the subject, but one thing they dodnt focus on, that is we didnt run away, Sarkozys Foreign Minister came to Tbilisi and we signed a seize-fire agrement and then the troops were ordered to retreat cause the civilian population was getting bombed all around the country….during ground combat we did a good job at holding the russian advance, they tried to retake the Tskhinvali for 2 days without any success up until the moment of our retreat..and our forces got sucker-punched by being bombarded from the air during the retreat, you saw the pics of the destroyed convoys of jeeps and trucks, and as many of ya’ll know during the combat, the vehicles dont move in a single coulumn …it was sort of like a Highway of Death in Iraq except there WAS a seize-fire agreement reached (verbaly at least - and as i’ve said before -Rule No.1 do not sign an agreement without having a guarantor of that agreement having balls to do something if shit is not complied with )… sorry i probably went a bit defensive but thats how it was…but we did held back an avalanche of the russian military advance for two-three days without any air-support. only if we had some Patriot batteries… right now we trying to heal the wounds, lot of burrial processions in the the city with a lot of guys coming home in galvanized caskets, and a lot of silent hatred and a need for vengence that will last for centuries

  19. German Dragon

    I agree with the above posters, and would add that IIRC there is a major oil pipeline running through Georgia that feeds Europe and which the Russians want to control in order to keep prices inflated.

    In summary, Putin (1) wants to humble the USA in front of the world to where no former Soviet sattelite will trust us again, (2) wants control of the remaining pipeline feeding Europe in order to keep oil prices inflated, (3) is trying to score chits with Iran and Syria by engaging us when they think we don’t have the manpower to engage in yet another theater.

    Georgia did all it could to help us in the Iraq War. We OWE them — and that may be another reason Putin invaded Georgia, on the gamble we won’t respond. However, we MUST respond, even if it means all-out war with Russia. And if Russia fires upon us (a given in my estimation), then it’s all-out war in which WE humble Russia with whatever it takes before the world.

    Putin wants to see what “scortched-earth” looks like. Show it to him, inside Russian territorial space.

  20. Mike in VA

    Putin’s unwillingness to mount an assault on Tbilisi tells me that he wants to avoid a full scale military confrontation with the the United States. I expect there will be more tough talk and posturing from the Russians, but that’s about it - they’ve lost the initiative in Georgia and they know it.

  21. Chris, St. Petersburg

    I’m in complete agreement with John H., above.

    I’m also tickled by the choice of landing in Batumi, not Poti (where the Russians were digging in and blocking the only bridge out):

    Check out the difference, on that map. Further from Tiblisi and more mountainous terrain, but it avoided the Russian blockade.

  22. Silver Fox

    Good. We’re making the Russians think that we’re not afraid of them.

  23. Marc Stockwell-Moniz

    Breaking/You Tell Us, Dollard Readers: Medvedev Says U.S Vessels With “Humanitarian Aid” Actually Delivering Weapons

    Good. To hell with you, commie bastard.

  24. chay

    No doubt they are all too familiar with Afghanistan and Ronald Reagan. Many think Georgia could be Putin’s Afghanistan, Putin is probably worried about it himself.

    We should be sending weapons to help Georgia from being swallowed up, again, by Soviet tyranny.

  25. Knottie

    I would say a means to defend ones self is Humanitarian.

    I love reading you all.. Makes me think, research and learn. I’m forming an opinion on this still. Thank you all so being so well informed and well spoken. Even the ones I disagree with :wink:

  26. Egfrow

    Has anyone ever considered that Russia’s play show is not against the United States but for the benefit of other nations and agenda that they are interested in. We should not always assume Russia’s actions are directly against the USA. It is aimed at the Ukraine. Control of the Black Sea, and putting Pressure on Turkey, Remember what Turkey did to us during the 2003 Iraq invasion, They blocked the 4th ID and a northern front. Turkey is wishy washy and prone to Islamification, Note the USE of Chechnyns in Georgia. Putin’s own statements on Islam having no better friend. If the Ukraine folds That leaves Poland with a completely hostile eastern boarder and the Russians controlling the Black Sea.

    Eastern Europe will fold due to military and economic pressure, Turkey will waiver on NATO, Iran and Syria will be strengthened and also supported. Russia and China can not afford to Loose Iran. All these efforts are designed not confront the USA but to weaken all of our allies.

  27. Egfrow

    I also expect the Afghanistan pressure to be put on. Weapons are coming in via Pakistan/China like a raging river. When this happens and political election focuses us to ramp up operations in that theater, China will step up with harassing Taiwan and put pressure on a Asian Pacific our forces. Europe will be forced to watch in horror as they become victims of Russians protection racket and extortion operations.

  28. TBinSTL (just typical)

    Sure, that is the long term aim, control of the former empire but the first step toward that goal is facing down and making the US look impotent.
    The former territories and satellites will fall in line if they don’t think that the US will “have their back”, is what Pooty-Poot is thinking.
    He believed our MSM that we were stretched too thin and our fighting men were too tired and Bush was weakened etc etc. He believed wrong.

  29. Dogbert41

    Just having US warships in the Black Sea, that aren’t on some kind of diplomatic friendship mission, is mind boggling to me.

    It truly is poking a stick in Putin’s eye. Kind of a “come on, Putin, I dare ya”.

  30. Egfrow

    It’s a global ideological standoff, What Ideas will win, History has shown that us that we have the odds against us. The USA is only 232 years old compared to the global tyrants of history, it’s a short time but by God look at what we have done in such a short period of time. All our enemies curse us while consuming and using the products of Freedom that has brought much of the world out of the dark ages. America is the worlds hope and inspiration for the first time in thousands of years tyranny is on the defensive. All without conquering and holding land. We have done it by freeing minds.

  31. TBinSTL (just typical)

    :arrow: Egfrow
    Tears in my eyes. Today you are my brother.
    :beer: :beer: :beer:

  32. mike3481

    What I’m hoping will happen.

    The 1st week or shortly there after, when the first Winter storm shuts down Russian logistics via the mountain pass tunnel (I don’t know it’s name) and the Russians are literally stuck in place, one or more U.S Navy “roll-on, roll-off” ships will arrive with everything +2 that the Georgians lost this Summer.

    Including (from our surplus stocks) M-60’s w/ modern fire control, APC’s, Hummvees, Deuce and a half trucks, Howitzers, maybe aircraft…Helicopters, and who knows what else.

    Until then we pour in humanitarian assistance while we prepare for a massive military re-supply and crash-course training for the new weapons systems the Georgians will receive.

    If the Russians get frisky they’ll quickly discover, unknown to them that we, the U.S.A. has attained Air Superiority literally over night.

    Anyways, here’s hoping “W” comes through! :beer:

  33. AZ Patriot (Merchant of Death)

    As of about an hour ago it is being reported the they are not sure just where the Dallas is to dock, it might dock at Poti or Batumi, though it’s now looking more like it will be Batumi.


    U.S. Coast Guard Vessel Expected in Batumi

    Civil Georgia, Tbilisi / 27 Aug.’08 / 10:32

    The U.S. Coast Guard cutter, Dallas (WHEC 716), carrying humanitarian aid, is expected to arrive off the coast of Batumi within an hour, a U.S. embassy representative in Tbilisi told Civil.Ge at 10:20am local time on Wednesday.

    There had been discussions between the Georgian authorities and the U.S. Navy as to whether to send the next ship-borne humanitarian aid to Batumi or Poti, a major port still under Russian control. Russian troops maintain an outpost on the outskirts of Poti.

  34. AZ Patriot (Merchant of Death)

    Also from CBS News

    U.S. Cancels Plan To Dock At Georgian Port

    (CBS/AP) The United States has canceled plans to try to dock a military ship carrying humanitarian aid in the Georgian port of Poti, where Russian forces are posted on the outskirts, a U.S. Embassy spokesman said Wednesday.

    The ship, the Coast Guard cutter Dallas, was to have come to the Black Sea port Wednesday morning. But embassy spokesman Stephen Guice said the vessel instead will dock in Batumi, a port well south of the zone of fighting in this month’s war between Russia and Georgia.

    Guice said he did not have information on why the plan was changed.

    Poti’s port reportedly suffered heavy damage from the Russian military. In addition, Russian troops have established checkpoints on the northern approach to the city and a U.S. ship docking there could have been seen as a direct challenge.

    On Tuesday, Russia stunned the West by recognizing the independence claims of two Georgian breakaway regions, South Ossetia and Abkhazia. The announcement by Russian President Dmitry Medvedev ignored the strong opposition of Europe and the United States, and signaled the Kremlin’s determination to shape its neighbors’ destinies even at the risk of closing its doors to the West.

  35. AZ Patriot (Merchant of Death)

    It’s official Dallas docks at Batumi port.

    From Civil Georgia

    U.S. Coast Guard Vessel Docks in Batumi

    Civil Georgia, Tbilisi / 27 Aug.’08 / 11:27

    A U.S. Coast Guard cutter, Dallas (WHEC 716), carrying humanitarian aid, docked in Batumi port on August 27.

    There had been discussions between the Georgian authorities and the U.S. Navy as to whether to send further ship-borne humanitarian aid to Batumi or Poti. Poti is a major port, but remains under Russian control with Russian troops maintaining an outpost on the outskirts of the town.

    Meanwhile, Russian Navy said a cruiser Moskva, flagship of the Russia’s Black Sea fleet, would arrive off the coast of Sokhumi, breakaway Abkhazia’s capital, on August 27, the Russian news agencies reported.

  36. Giorgi

    before the war started there was a rumor that Israel was going to sell us 200 Merkava Mk.3 tanks cause they are rearming with Mk.4 versions..who knows, maybe Israel is still willing to do it :)

  37. Q_Mech

    My two cents - Russia wants a new Cold War. They felt powerful back then, plain and simple.

  38. Chris, St. Petersburg

    Today’s Dallas post seems to have gone away. I just wanted to reiterate that I think the Batuni landing was very smart. It puts Russia on there heels, because they were sure we would use the better port in Poti.

    Now, we have to secure that beach head.

  39. Chris, St. Petersburg

    I learned to spell in Russia (har!), but sometimes I just forget to look up, before I hit “Submit”.

  40. dvldok

    Brilliant tactical decision to use USCG Cutters to deliver supplies since they are DHS assets not DOD, yes they are in support of a joint mission but in and of themselves are not warships. An attack on a USCG Cutter would be a very bad political move and very difficult for Russia to justify.

  41. AZ Patriot (Merchant of Death)

    It’s like instead of you personally punching them in the face you instead have a relative go flip them the bird knowing that if they lash out at your relative then you can justifiably go out and rip their dick off.

  42. Is it me?

    Russia has made a lot of mistakes lately. Enormous FUBARs actually…
    They threatened to nuke Europe (that would be me in Britain) over the discussions of missiles in Poland. I don’t take kindly to that sort of behaviour and I’m not scared of Russia.
    They set up Saakashvili, but were already moving into Georgia before he sent additional troops into S Ossetia.
    They used *elite* troops rather than ordinary Red Army units that were closer.
    They brought in S Ossetian and Chechyn *irregulars* when they didn’t need them. They were there to intimidate and brutalise defenceless civilians.
    The Georgians shot down their planes (that really made me laugh, especially as the Russians said they hit the pipeling *accidentally* - only in the sense that they couldn’t hit the damn thing!)
    Then there are the *talking heads*. I can’t remember so many statements from so many Russians vilifying and threatening the West. I think the Russians are panicky. They expected to get away with this and weren’t prepared for the outrage that came in their direction. Now they have this flotilla of *humanitarian aid* floating quietly in their direction. Not a hospital ship but proper Navy ships,plus an armed coastguard cutter and Polish and Canadian frigates as escorts.
    Are there any arms on any of the ships? I have no idea. This is is just another smear by the Russians to keep trying to validate their invasion. But they were sending their only flat-top (Kuznetsov) down into the Med ? to save it?
    All Russia has done is to expose their brutality and bullying and is rightly being called on it. They have also exposed in the process that the Big Red Military Machine isn’t half what they say it is. That’s why they are threatening to nuke people, making sly references to this being another WW1 to try to scare us (rubbish), start a New Cold War (the other went away?) and so forth.
    Will this scare off the Baltic States, Ukraine and Poland?
    I’m not so sure. They know what the Russian Bear is like close up and I think they feel much safer being in Nato. They will look at the risks and make up their minds. If the West is determined and forceful they could all come over, we’ll have to wait and see.
    Sorry for the long post!
    GIORGI - if you are in Georgia or can contact them - please let them know they are not alone, to keep strong and that they are in our thoughts and prayers. Thanks

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