Bush Tells Russia “Get The F*ck Out Or Die” - Putin: “You’re Not Helping” - Video

August 11th, 2008 Posted By Bash.


President Bush just came on and basically said that Georgia has agreed to these elements of a peace agreement, elements that Russia had previously agreed to. How previously, and what previously means in this statement was not elaborated upon. They are:

1. Immediate Cease Fire on both sides.

2. Withdrawal of forces from zone of conflict.

3. Return to the military “Status Quo” as of August 6th.

4. Committment to refrain from using force.

He said that eunuchs from the European Union (ok, he didn’t use that word, but it fits) are in Moscow right now seeking Russia’s agreement to this peace plan. Although I don’t know why it would be necessary if Russia had “previously” agreed to it, /end sarcasm.Bush also stated that Russia must reverse its course and accept this agreement as a first step in resolving this conflict.He also said that Russia is jeopardizing relations with the United States and Europe with this aggression in Georgia, and basically said he doesn’t know WTF they’r up to. Here’s the vid:

And now here’s what Vlad the Impaler with the KGB Eyes had to say:

“Unfortunately, some of our partners are not helping us, and are even trying to interfere. I mean, bringing Georgian troops from Iraq on board U.S. cargo planes practically to the conflict zone.”

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20 Responses

  1. AZ Patriot

    Vid link no worky

  2. warenosei

    wtf, the prez was too busy at the olympics and speaking with putin during the bloody invasion. where the hell are the peaceniks screaming about war for oil and using force. what a f’d up situation we have.

  3. ji

    I would think that some of the former Soviet bloc nations like Poland, would send help. Sounds to me like the Georgians need weapons as much as they need personnel.
    If I were Bush, I would send some Iranian IED’s along with the Georgians he is airlifting back. I doubt the Russians have a deterrent for that.

  4. ji

    Linky works now.
    Seems all the nations were caught off guard by Russia’s actions. This is oil going through Georgia, that is going to Europe. I wonder what wussy Europe is going to do.

  5. Kurt(the infidel)

    Im predicting that Russia will not reverse its course. (not like thats a bold claim on my part, we all believe that)

    the only thing that isnt a foregone conclusion at this point is whether or not reinforcements from other countries will come to the aid of the Georgians. They supported us in Iraq. 3rd largest contribution to be exact. So hopefully President Bush keeps that in mind. Putin needs a reality check

  6. skip1

    Ivan’s invasion is in part a miltary feint… Think IRAN

  7. Mike in VA

    You’re not our “partner” Putin. :gun:

  8. alex

    Israel and the Saudi’s etc could most likely deal a big enough blow to Iran and syria with little assistance,to stop their nuclear program.So it may be possible to deal with this Putin clown and his cronie’s aswell.

  9. SOC

    Fucking Russians. We bring their economy in to the 21 century
    they get greedy over sharing revenue for oil/gas to Europe,
    plus, just like the old guard, because they are always “up-to something”, they think we are up to something. They perform this major “FUCK UP! Does anyone realze we are loaning these fucks money. They are nothing more than a bunch of fucking gangsaters”

    We should not back down. We should send in aid to Georgia. We should send NATO and any other coalition force we can muster.

    We must send this message to Georgia. “We are here and we support you. We will send aid and support now.If we have to, we should kick the shit out of Russias forces in Georgia. However, we must stop them from advancing first.

    Today we know , without any doubt, the russians, iranians, venezuelans, n koreans, mslims are our enemies… I hope the chinese are on our side… We must prepare for war!!!!

  10. sully

    Aw c’mon and ‘pull out’ Vlad… you know you were a ‘little premature’…. apparently there is a new savior on the way, much heralded by the free press…


    YEAH!! YOU’RE RIGHT VLAD!! He DOESN’T look like the Presidents on our dollar bills!! (and just in case you didn’t notice… he’s a black named Barack!!)

  11. sierrahome

    Duck and cover…all over again.

  12. Mark Tanberg

    OK now that we’ve bought and paid for those awesomely overpriced f-22 rapetors lets see what they can do to thwart Putin’s obvious intentions. Secure the air first, [and see if Putin has the guts (or US for that matter)to send in the SU’s]
    AWACS the area and start the build up.
    We refused to engage the soviets back then and so here we are again - how do you like the view?

  13. billie

    Here’s a great quote from Reuters Nov. 3, 1992, proving just how trustworthy Russia was/is:

    “A Russian scientist released from prison pending trial on charges of betraying state secrets…said money promised by Washington to help Moscow destroy its chemical weapons stocks would proably be used by Russia for further research into chemical warfare.”

    Also, it seems to be that under former Pres. Clinton’s watch, billions of aid money to Russia was diverted to the building of submarines.

  14. mike3481

    Look at Putin in that video, wearing a dark blue suit, light blue shirt and the red tie.

    All colors that are supposed to invoke trust in anyone who sees him dressed like that.

    And never-the-less he still looks like a KGB murdering ASSHOLE.

    PS - Where’s Obama during all of this, we’ve heard from McCain…”where’s Barry?”

  15. Sandy

    :arrow: mike3481

    Barry is eating waffles somewhere and does not wish to be disturbed again.

    Hey Vlad, we are not your f’n partners. :evil:

  16. 83delta

    Might be time to look into that KGB dudes eye’s again, the ol’e soul check routine Dubya!
    By the way, I think he just called bullshit on ya!

  17. mike3481

    I’m reposting this from other comment threads.
    It took me awhile, but here it is;

    Our Geeks (not a derogatory term) have got to be better than the Russian’s Geeks.

    I have to believe that…

    So, here’s my prediction;

    When everything is in place it will include;

    1. An overwhelming Cyber warfare attack (that doesn’t target Russia’s economy).

    2. Air superiority over Georgia. (F-22’s?)

    3. Close Air Support for Georgian forces in Georgia. (A-10’s?)

    4. Then the “Fat Boys” take the stage, ie - B-52’s, B1B’s, B-2’s with full racks of the new 250lb SDB.

    5. Once #2 is achieved, tell that Mass-Murdering KGB ass-wipe Vladimir Putin what is about to happen to his Military and there’s nothing he can do to stop it.

  18. franchie

    my comment of the evenments somewhere else

    Russia is retaliating for her 17 years of humiliation from the west. This is a major proud nation that can’t forgive that the west didn’t help her, but took profit of her weakness. Now Putin knows that he had the right opportunity to recall who is Russia, OG, the sillyness of the Georgian President, the weakness of the EU position vis-à-vis US policy, the exhausted situation of the US that has 2 major war fronts, the US election campain…

    BTW, where is strong Bush ? in vacation in China with his family, so that the no-reaction fault would be put on the others, McCain tried a harsh compensation discourse, though these are only words, and I expect will remain only words.

    Geargia will crually learn that she chose the wrong Alliee,
    she should had composed with Russia and EU.

    Though I don’t want that she had become a new EU candidate, we have enough states that don’t really endorse the EU position, just that they need our money.

    Well if these central Europe states had organised themselves as our EU alliance when the had the opportunity in the nineties, then I expect that Russia wouldn’t have dared to show who is the master.

    Now let it be, the new world order is coming, with Russia as a reborn pole.

    France and Germany should show off more their conviction in that new era : independance vis -à-vis adventurous spirit of the US, that was no moral fightings as they want us to believe, but imperialistic style.

    Though they had the possibility of that policy, I expect now that they reached the bottom line of it.

    au-secours Papa, help !!!! Im off :mrgreen:

  19. MsUnderestimated

    FUCK OFF, Putin! You don’t know it, but your number is coming up shortly. Not all military actions are overt - don’t be surprised if Georgian forces soon have secret help from others.

    Putin the pussy. :gun:

  20. brovato

    Lets roll! russia,USA,and china- lets all fight each other now! WE will take care of the pukes later and for good–fuck them all. I don’t give a shit anymore and fuck all the “slick talk” from politicians, ect… I DON’T GIVE A SHIT ANYMORE YOU GOT THAT :gun:

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