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40 Responses

  1. Unbreakable

    Swimming and beach volleyball in burkas? Is that what he is suggesting? This guy is crazy.

  2. TedB

    So, is camel or goat pooter more attractive to you?

  3. stormin1961

    wouldn’t that be a ratings grabber

  4. Michelle

    If they don’t like it…don’t watch!!! :roll:

  5. doubleglock

    Women are a cleaver ploy by Satan to subvert the high morals of the A-rab male - damm bitches. :mrgreen:

  6. Kurt(the infidel)

    shut up you backward ass cave man.

    i love watching womens volleyball. may and walsh! :lol:

    this guy only likes looking at a females ass if she is covered with hair and has a tail. oh and it goes BAAAAAAAA!

  7. solomonpal

    another reason to knock these a-holes out

  8. Steve in NC

    they cloak their women in bags to hide their form because they have no ability to control themselves

    either that or they are faggots.

  9. TedB


  10. Happyone

    If you’ve ever seen them, they have fulllength wetsuit looking things for Moslem women lifeguards. I’ll admit the volleyball suits are a bit exhibitionist (they could wear gym shorts and t-shirts), but where volleyball was invented (USA), it’s a free country!

  11. DC

    Shhhhhh…….don’t tell him about the original Olympics, where ALL the participants performed butt-naked.

    Of course, that was waaaaaaaay back before muzzies ruled.

  12. mark45acp

    if we can’t see womens privates…then the terrorists WIN!!

  13. Marc Stockwell-Moniz

    I hate that fucking language. :gun: :twisted:
    But I like those private parts.
    Parts is parts.
    Parts department! :beer: :beer: :beer:

  14. Hugh

    Yeah, he’s right. From the beginning, a beautiful woman has been the downfall of every man.

    It’s just a curse we have to learn to live with… :beer: :beer: :beer:

  15. Knottie

    Sometimes I love being a girl. LMAO.

    Hmm Correct me if I am wrong but weren’t the Olympics originally done in the NUDE!! There are a few of the male athletes I wouldn’t mind following that tradition.

    Yeah Yeah I’m a dirty old lady. :lol:

  16. This Guy


  17. AmericanJarhead

    “Mohammad said, ‘If you beat someone, avoid the face’”

    WTF is that?

    This guy needs an ornamental cactus shoved up his anus. That goes for Mohammad too.

  18. Howie

    Wait a second…….someone please correct me if I am wrong, but……isn’t allah satan?

    Semper Fi!!!

  19. steve m

    Let’s see..Muzzie Olympic events:

    pedophilia, murder, decapitation, women as property, intolerance… Plenty of ringside seats in hell. Mohammed already has his luxury box…

  20. Allen TX

    Thanks for sharing Bash. This guy is really funny. Talking about how before and after the wrestling matches there are women who are half naked or “SO I’M TOLD”. I can smell self-righteousness a mile away. He’s in the back room wanking it to OUR volleyball players. We can not allow the nation of islam to objectify our women while keeping theirs captive!

  21. Kim

    So the Koran says to leave the head alone? How do you reconcile that with the decapitations you so love to perform and display to the world?

    No wonder your people are not allowed to question the clerics: they’d see the lies your religion is based upon.

  22. Harry in Minnesota

    So is Speedo going to make “Burka Swim attire” for the ladies?
    What a Dumbass!!!!

  23. Getsome

    srry i love the ladies

  24. Jarhead68

    The award for best comment on this thread, IMHO, goes to:

    if we can’t see womens privates…then the terrorists WIN!!
    :beer: :beer: :beer: :beer: :beer:

    And a six-pack for you, Mark.

    (Oooops. Ya caught me. There’s only five. I had to drink one. You know, just to make sure the beer’s fresh and all.)

  25. Jason

    This video is bullshit. I watched the whole thing and never saw a single woman exposing her privates. Not even a lousy camel-toe, which even the cleric would surely admit is a beautiful thing.

  26. billie

    There is something called the Women’s Islamic Games. The first one occurred in 1993 in Tehran and ten Muslim countries were represented. The world’s “first track suit-hijab” was worn only at opening ceremonies; men were allowed until competition began the following day. (”Nine Parts of Desire” by Geraldine Brooks)

  27. GF

    I bet he corners the market on goat diapers.

  28. Richard Quinn

    :arrow: Kurt:

    Right again! I think every one of these so called clerics have a pair of loose high-top boots under their robes. Baaaaaaaaaa

  29. Spencer

    which channel is the exposure of “private parts” taking place on?

    i must of missed somthing damn it.

    personally i would’ve complained about men’s speedos being worn in the games, those swimming sports are like the battle of the bulge.

  30. 0311inOHio (typical white person)

    May the fleas of a thousand camels infest the beard of this ass hole. I will bet this shit face has satellite television and is hooked up to all the porn channels and on the inside of the goat blanket he is wearing is a dry white crust.

  31. Double Tap

    That raghead is gay!

  32. GregGS

    NUKE these people NOW!!!

  33. Anderson S. Wise- VA (America, FUCK YEAH!!!)

    We all know that the A-rabs find women threatening to their sodomy, so to hell with them!

    Womens’ volleyball = Godsend

  34. CBL

    Well to this clown anything above the wrist or below the neck is considered private…..

  35. Avaia

    I love where he describes wrestling and the exposure to womens private parts. At the end he says “or so i hear” LOL yeah r i i i ght! :oops: :wink:

  36. don

    BUT I guess it is OK for them to marry a 9 year girl and have sex with her just like Muhammad did. :shock:

  37. eric in MD

    Dont be fooled, I know he jerks it durring the men’s swimming events. This guy is president of the Michael Phelps fan club… or so I heard… :razz: :razz:

  38. sierrahome

    He’d have them wearing C-4.

  39. alex

    :arrow: Harry in Minnesota

    They already have something like that in australia.

    Im guessing these guys are either gay or have premature ejaculation.

  40. NickD

    This guy, like most of these cleric whackjobs is not only crazy but probably a complete hypocrite. I bet there’s a little picture of Alicia Sacramone doing a split hidden inside his man-dress right now. :lol:

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