“Did You See Any Dead Bodies, Man? What Was It Like The First Time You Killed Someone?”

August 18th, 2008 Posted By Pat Dollard.

If you couldn’t tell from the headline, this ain’t no party, this ain’t no disco, this is, well, 100% about those questions. If you’re queazy, don’t click so easy.

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18 Responses

  1. Bash

    Good Jihadis…

    Thanks, Marines…we owe you.

  2. Chuck


  3. T-Bagg "The Keeper of Secrets"

    2:40 is actually a picture of me one morning after a hard night out drinking a few weeks ago.

  4. 007 (GoldFinger)

    I think I am going to have Hamburger Helper tonight! :lol:

  5. Derek of Hesperia


    I’m gonna send this to my liberal (golf playing, music loving, kite flying, tobacco consuming, booze drinking, etc.) brother. Oh… The poor fool supports BHO. I used to be the “black sheep” of the family. Not now.

    Buzzards gotta eat… Same as worms. (Josey Wales)

    I love my brother. I will continue to expose him to BHO’s bullshit and he will see the light.

  6. Derek of Hesperia

    Sorry for my disjointed comment.

    I’m just REALLY tired of people like my brother spewing bullshit leftist talking points about the GWOT. They don’t understand what they’re in for if we don’t split open the heads of terrorists. One half inch at a time. :gun: :gun: :gun: :lol:

  7. TBinSTL (just typical)

    Lots of head shots there. They must’ve tried their shit on Marines. Big mistake.

  8. Right_Is_Right

    Nice song, Johnny.

  9. Joe

    WTF happened to the guy at 2:15? The guy is gutted, skinned and blown in half. RPG maybe?

  10. This Guy

    Whoo! Head split wide open!

  11. Knottie

    Graphic warning please. I had a very young child in the room when I started watching this…

  12. bman

    this old 91bravo says thats pretty tough - thanks for the memories…..civilians have no idea about the horrors of war.

  13. Knottie

    bman… some of us do. Not a full idea but some idea.

  14. James Hooker "The Anti-Diddy"

    I agree with Knottie. The big fat red GRAPHIC! warning before you click on the vid is always welcome. Sometimes, I rather wait a little later into my day before a chopped liver fest.

  15. jarhead68

    That was “heady” stuff. Glad I wasn’t eating just now. :???:

  16. TedB

    Those questions before the video was played are probably asked by lots of civilians, who mean well and want to understand, but really should not ask. How would you feel after seeing shit like that day in and day out, come home and finally be able to stop seeing it only to have it brought back up by a careless question. I too would like to understand better what combat is like in Iraq and Afghanistan. But I don’t want to put my nephew through it, if he brings it up I will be an ear as long as he likes, but I will never ask him. There are so many good things to remember.

  17. American Infidel

    That’s exactly what it takes to rid this earth of the jihadis.
    They (the jihadis) have every intention on doing that to every single one of us who will not submit to satan whom they call allah. And to think they desire their deaths…what a surprise when they meet their 72 demons whom they thought were gonna be beautiful sexual virgins. Weeping and gnashing of teeth - can you imagine hell full of them angry hatefilled jihadis, where time never ends? Definitely more gross and ugly than the pics in this video.

  18. dvldok

    damn I got that olfactory flashback of rotting flesh :???:

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