Bumped: Dumb Bitch Makes Spot About Combat Training

August 22nd, 2008 Posted By Pat Dollard.

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16 Responses

  1. Unbreakable

    Ok, I’m a little confused as to why the reporter in the vid is a “dumb bitch”? I watched the vid, it presents our Marines in a good light and actually shows some good news for a change about how and why ours is the best and most well prepared fighting force in the world.

  2. Knottie

    Excellent training for our guys.. Thanks for sharing it with the enemy. I don’t understand why the loose lips slogans are not applied today. :roll: At what point does it become aiding the enemy and treason?

  3. senorlechero

    I’m with Unbreakable as to why the label on the reporter. I thought it was a good report. As to letting the enemy know what our training is, the US Marines have already put out all the info on Combat Hunter training. I assume the Corps has a reason for making it all public

  4. Pat Dollard

    :arrow: Unbreakable

    She’s a friend, or was a friend, and she owes me $200.00 and hasn’t returned a call in over a week.

    I never said the video was bad. Notice, I posted it.

  5. CBL

    ROFL at Pat’s comment

  6. Unbreakable

    :arrow: Pat Dollard

    In other words, “bitch betta have my money!” :?:

  7. Knottie

    Pat.. if you loan someone $200 and never see them again it was probably worth the $200. :wink:

  8. Pat Dollard

    :arrow: Unbreakable

    Yeah, well, you know…they are entitled to more than we men realize, I should’ve learned by now…

    :arrow: Knottie

    Never heard that one before, and it is precisely correct. The ability to discern character is worth its weight in gold.

  9. Ranger

    lol @ Pat

  10. Indy

    Apparently not a very successful reporter.

  11. RememberOurFathers


  12. JCD

    I just can’t stand most news reporting anymore, they just have to be campy and stupid. The “whether you’re in Kansas or Kandahar” comment is a prime example. Everything has to be a zinger and every zinger they use is just banal and non-witty as can be and they have to follow up every breathless paragraph with one after another.

  13. Pat Dollard

    :arrow: JCD

    “had they gotten it earlier, countless lives could have been saved!” is another prime example.

    Double dumb bitch.

  14. Sandy

    :arrow: Pat

    Unfortunately many women are like that.

    I loaned what I thought was a good friend over $200 once. She is the very reason why I will never “loan” out money ever again. Not only did she not pay me back - she disappeared completely with no goodbye or thank you.

  15. Allen TX

    I do not loan money. If friends come to me and ask to borrow, I tell them if I have the means that I do not lend money, but I will give it to them instead. This is the sort of debt I can afford. When they understand that I have shown them generosity, they do not flee, nor do they try my indulgence again.

    Pr 22:26-27
    26 Do not be a man who strikes hands in pledge or puts up security for debts; 27 if you lack the means to pay, your very bed will be snatched from under you.

    Apparently this gal hasn’t read her Bible.

  16. Knottie

    You are kidding me right? That is an old proverb. But then you’re younger… oh wait I think we’re the same age. Never mind. :wink: :beer:

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