Gov. Sarah Palin Responds To The “She’s Not Experienced Enough” Charge - With Video

August 29th, 2008 Posted By drillanwr.


All day today the Obama camp and the backing MSM have tried to paint Gov. Sarah Palin (R - Alaska) and Vice Presidential nominee as “inexperienced” …

Nice try, but the woman’s record of having governed a city as mayor, and a state as governor, even if it has only been a couple years, has MORE “experience” chalked up than Obama does in having been a ‘community organizer’ and running for political office only to not vote [yes] or [no] on issues.

The woman has gotten a hell of a lot done in a short amount of time, even within her own party in her state … and told the U.S. Congress to talk-to-the-hand for the bridge to no where ear mark slated for her state.

She is mor qualified than Hillary Clinton was at the time SHE ran for the US Senate.

Were Sarah Palin a democrat, the democrats and MSM would be hailing this woman as the Peter to their Messiah candidate … the rock upon which he would build his nanny state church on.

Nobody is gonna smack down this woman … And here is how SHE responded today to the bullshit about “Not experienced enough” to be Veep:

Class Vs. No Class

Richard Baehr - (American Thinker)

Last night, John McCain put on ads congratulating Barack Obama for his achievement. The day Joe Biden was picked, John McCain called him to congratulate him. That is class.

Tom Bevan of describes how the Obama campaign reacted to the Palin announcement. Do you see the difference? Do you think for a few hours Obama, or Biden or his campaign hacks could have congratulated her,and then started the attacks tomorrow?

Obama campaign spokesman Bill Burton:

Today, John McCain put the former mayor of a town of 9,000 with zero foreign policy experience a heartbeat away from the presidency. Governor Palin shares John McCain’s commitment to overturning Roe v. Wade, the agenda of Big Oil and continuing George Bush’s failed economic policies — that’s not the change we need, it’s just more of the same.

McCain campaign spokesperson Jill Hazelbaker:

It is pretty audacious for the Obama campaign to say that Governor Palin is not qualified to be Vice President. She has a record of accomplishment that Senator Obama simply cannot match. Governor Palin has spent her time in office shaking up government in Alaska and actually achieving results — whether it’s taking on corruption, passing ethics reform or stopping wasteful spending and the ‘bridge to nowhere.’ Senator Obama has spent his time in office running for President.

And McCain senior advisor Nancy Pfotenhauer just said on Fox - and I’m paraphrasing: I think the Obama campaign would have learned not to belittle women.

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21 Responses

  1. Cajun Joe

    GW Bush did a pretty good job with no “Foreign Policy” Experience.

    Why aren’t the feminist defending this working mother?

  2. TBinSTL (just typical)

    Had to snag this from the comments over at Rachel Lucas’ place…

    Hehe, the ads are already there for McCain Palin.

    Marnie Says:

    Oh my God. The idea of this no-experience person potentially assuming the role of commander-in-chief is utterly terrifying, more than Obama! McCain is an idiot who truly does not care about national security

    Yes how dare McCain, pick a Governor with executive experience. Who previously was a Mayor who cut her own salary and reduced property taxes. Is a whistleblower on corruption within her own party. Commander-in-Chief of the Alaska National Guard. Has had dealings with the international government of Canada and quite possibly Russia. Damn she’s just so inexperienced.

    August 29th, 2008 at 1:10 pm

    The whole post is great…

  3. sully

    Keep on keepin’ on Dhimmis.

    *sniff* *sniff* …Do I smell a dead messiah?

  4. Gordon Ames

    I must say McCain did good on this VP pick she is going to be the energy to get thenm in to the white house.
    She is a good speaker as well!

  5. tedders

    “I think the Obama campaign would have learned not to belittle women.”

    Well, it worked with Hillary!

    Is everyone noticing the free Obama/Biden sticker ad from on this page?

    Priceless!!!! :)

  6. Cooper

    Listening to Savage on the radio today really pissed me off. He basically latched on to the dem’s “not experienced enough” load of crap and ran with it. I fail to see how that line of attack would work, considering every time the hussein camp throws it out there, it will come around to smack them twice as hard. I love this pick.

  7. Steve in NC

    obama insane says just hold on a second sweetie:

    yea, get back in the kitchen and cook me some greens sweetie….

  8. dadeo

    She was called “Sarah the Baracuda” by her basketball team mates;

    She’s killed a fucking moose and ate it!;

    She’s ran for city council, mayor, and govenor AND WON!!;

    She has had 5, five, FIVE kids (one in the last year)!;

    Now she is on the GOP ticket as VEEP!!!;

    Palin is a BONA FIDE BADASS and I can hardly wait until she starts showing the pussyassed liberal fuckups exactly why her nickname is Baracude!

    Holy shit! Did Barry ever kill a moose and eat it?!! :lol:

  9. dadeo

    Another fucking thing!!!

    Screw the debates!!! Talk is cheap!!


    Barry Hussein vs. Sarah the Baracuda

    When she whips his pansy ass :oops: the contest is over :mrgreen:

  10. Steve in NC

    Wild game dinners at the VP’s house!

  11. TBinSTL (just typical)

    :arrow: Cooper
    Dude! Savage is the talk radio version of a Moby. Seriously, he only says things we agree with so he can catch us with a handful of horseshit right after.

  12. tedders

    A few unknown facts about Sara:

    Sarah Palin isn’t allowed to wield the gavel at the convention because they’re afraid she’ll use it to kill liberals.

    Sarah Palin once one a competitive eating contest by devouring three live caribou.

    Sarah Palin once carved a perfect likeness of the Mona Lisa in a block of ice using only her teeth.

    Sarah Palin will pry your Klondike bar from your cold dead fingers.

    Sarah Palin pick retroactively makes the theme of #DNC08 “Things To Do In Denver When You’re Dead”

    Sarah Palin doesn’t need a gun to hunt. She has been known to throw a bullet through an adult bull elk

  13. mike3481

    :arrow: tedders

    :beer: :beer: :beer:

    And I see that thread rivaling the “Chuck Norris facts”.

    Okay, well maybe not. :wink:

  14. billie (Today I'm a Georgian)

    The liberals won’t find anything to discredit Palin about, so they’ll be sending out private investigators to check her family members.

    That’s how it works, folks. Remember that Soros donated millions of dollars to try to discredit McCain. It’s not working; and it probably won’t work with Palin.

  15. RC

    I think this pic of Sarah speaks for itself.

    Jihadis beware. :gun: :gun:

    Who more to bring a strong voice to women than an intelligent accomplished governor and upstanding mother of five.

    As is often the case lib/leftards continually prove their outright stupidity, intolerance and elitism. I bet Hillary and her many supporters feel vindicated by these asinine attacks on Sarah from the left.

    This is a master stroke by McCain, it amplifies what many conservatives know already and that is they highly value and respect women in their party and their public service to the nation.

    Obama is a fraud who relies on divisive white guilt and his msm politburo to cover his many shortcomings. There ain’t no such thing as equal opportunity when only the false messiah’s ego needs satisfying.

  16. mike3481

    drill this picture’s from TBinSTL’s comment link.

  17. Tom in CO


  18. anon

    Savage is such a dipstick. I can’t stand to listen to him anymore. I used to want to stand up and cheer a few years ago when I heard him go on one of his rants, but now I know that his trademark is being nothing more than a gadfly and not a serious person to listen to. He loves nothing more than to continually stick his finger in everyone’s eye, whether he is right or not. He is not a serious spokesman for conservative values. He attacks Obama and then turns around and rips Republicans and McCain just as hard. It’s all about him, and not about issues or the truth.

  19. Atom&Yves

    DNA test results, from air samples taken at the DNC, indicate a decomposing democRat presidential campaign.

  20. Gina

    WOW … What a great pick!!! America should elect
    McCain & Palin for the Whitehouse in November,
    for a return to wholesome American values.
    An experienced Governor for V.P. vs. a
    community organizer for President … I pick Palin.
    No Wright, no Farrakahn, no Ayers, no Rezko,
    no mean Michelle, NOBAMA

  21. Marc Stockwell-Moniz

    :arrow: Cooper;
    Well said.
    Ya and what is wrong with that guy?
    STFU Savage. :!: :!: :!: :sad:

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