Halperin Says Exactly What I was Telling You Guys! Obama Attacking McCain’s “House” Thing Will Be Disastrous, For Hussein - With Video

August 25th, 2008 Posted By Bash.


Anybody ever see “Gone With The Wind”?? My wife made me watch it as a prerequisite to Marriage…If you have seen it then you’ll understand when I use the words that Hattie McDaniel (who won an Oscar for the role) as Mammy said:

“I dun tole ya and’ tole ya…”

Idiot opened a can of worms he’d have been better off leaving alone…I told you guys this was going to happen.

Nods to Newsbusters.

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7 Responses

  1. ji

    I heard the commercial, it is really a stupid one.

  2. sully

    Cokie Roberts and that POS Donna Brazile were hating that ‘panel’. The “housing thing” ain’t no “metaphor” Cokie.

  3. jarhead68

    To Cokie: 50/50 election? ROFLMAO…It’s gonna be about 65/35 for McCain.

    To Stephanie Poulos: Lose a war rather than an election was totally factual and not a personal attack.

    To Brazile Nuts: If you want this to be about Bush and the economy, BRING IT ON. The economy was chugging along nicely until democRats won the congress by lying to their constituents. Since 2007, the economy has slowed down. The Congress also caused the housing “crisis” by making laws that allowed lenders to be more “flexible” in giving money to people who could not afford an increase in their variable mortgages. So, who fucked up the robust economy? Not Bush…the Congress…

  4. GRIZZ

    DOPIE ROBERTS????I thought she was canning vegetables

  5. Steve in NC

    Hey Bash, my wife made me watch the movie The Sound of Music. I made her watch Eraserhead.

  6. Knottie

    Saying he would rather lose the war is straight up fact. And they don’t want the light on the truth so they can’t address it.

    Sheesh… the whole house thing is annoying. Is that all they have?

    jarhead.. Sadly the general populace has no clue how our government works and blame the President for things that Congress is in complete control of. But you are correct and I think they did it on purpose. Because people are so uneducated and uninformed.

  7. skh.pcola

    You know, I am in no way a racist. However, Brazile plays into the typical 90% of the black population that supports (blindly) any Democrat. Now, there is a black candidate and the blacks are jumping through their own asses to justify everything wrong with Obambi. It’s startling, the racism and bigotry shown by blacks when presented with one of their own.

    Speaking solely for me, I got over that “Blindly accept or reject a person over their skin color” when I was, like, two years old. Blacks can’t do that (en masse)…they are rooted in the epic fail of Demoncrat social policies that have crippled an entire segment of this country. Fuck them all. Demoncrats, I mean. I just hope that blacks realize that they have been fronted by lies and hype the last 40 years. Idiots.

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