Hussein’s Abortion Lie: “Above His Pay-Grade” - With Videos

August 21st, 2008 Posted By drillanwr.


I saw this last night on Hannity and Colmes.The whole who owns how many houses, who wears a Flag pin, who is ‘patriotic’ … Is all smoke and mirrors.It IS issues such as these that are extremely important in this election … And how the two men we are looking at that are running for the office of POTUS and will be responsible for the balance of our SCOTUS IS one of the most significant factors involved.

Hussein has MANY hidden agendas, and the foundation of them is his Marxist dogma.

The destruction of life, even at its very earliest, has always been seen as ‘expendable’ to the Marxist/Communist movement. We also can confirm this is true in the fascist Islamic jihad movement.

The man claims to be a Christian, yet, he insists on turning his spiteful nose to:

“Whatsoever you do to the least of these my brothers, that you do unto me.” Matthew 25:40

If the ‘unborn’ or just-born are NOT the least of us, then who is?

As the parent of a Down Syndrome child, who held her even closer when we discovered her condition … out of a deep and unconditional love and out of a protection of her as a human being with equal rights who is NOT always viewed that why by certain people in the world … I was heart-sick to hear this nurse’s story.

When I was told my Lizzie Rose was a Down Syndrome baby … do you know what the very first thing was that came into my mind?

How Hitler’s first murder victims were the mentally retarded …


Stanek on Hannity re: Obama/Born Alive

Last night Sean Hannity interviewed me about my experience at Christ Hospital in Oak Lawn, IL, holding a baby who had been aborted alive for 45 minutes until he died.

The interview extended to Barack Obama’s leadership role in opposing the IL Born Alive Infants Protection Act, to give abortion survivors legal rights.

One other point clarified during the interview: Obama denied for 4 years he voted for the identical language in IL that was passed overwhelmingly on the federal level, including a unanimous vote in the US Senate. NARAL went neutral on the bill as well.

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5 Responses

  1. TBinSTL (just typical)

    Christ Hospital?!?!? Oh for the love of Pete……. :evil:

  2. drillanwr (Today I Am A Georgian)

    :arrow: TB

    I noticed that too …

    My local catholic hospital won’t even do a D&C on a woman without [passing] their scrutiny.

    My daughter works at said Cath. hosp, and her insurance will not cover her birth control …

    So, when I heard that hospital name I wondered ,…

  3. Laura

    This is horrific on so many levels… But Hannity hits the heart of the matter — Obama is an out and out liar. The only alternative, given that the issue is a matter of public record and verifiable, is that he suffers from sort of delusional disorder and really thinks he voted for the bill. In either case, he shouldn’t put a foot near the White House!!!!

    Man, I need a beer after this. :beer:

  4. sully

    I almost put my foot through the TV when the hypocritical poser quoted Matthew.
    And then we get a closer look at how he treats his own family in Kenya.
    Lying POS.

  5. Tommy_G

    Above his pay grade? He makes more money than me and I know how to answer the question. Has he never heard of “rising to meet the challenge”? The US military works above their pay grade everyday. What a lightweight. How has he come this far in life? Not to mention the presidential race.

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