Ignoring Hussein’s Demand For Retraction, McCain Repeats Attack

August 20th, 2008 Posted By Pat Dollard.


Background: Hussein Tells McCain To Stop Picking On Him

LAS CRUCES, N.M. (AP) - Republican presidential candidate John McCain is telling voters that he’s not challenging Barack Obama’s patriotism, just the Democrat’s judgment on the war in Iraq.

During a town-hall meeting Wednesday in New Mexico, McCain repeated his claim that Obama would rather forfeit than win in Iraq just to boost his own political ambitions.

Obama has called that charge a challenge to his patriotism.

McCain says Obama doesn’t care if the U.S. wins or loses, just as long as he wins the White House. The Republican also says that Obama isn’t approaching the issue rationally.

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14 Responses

  1. EDinTampa




  2. bd


    Hussein, dude, your a whiny, little beotch!

    Wwwaaaahhhhhhh!!!!! McCain… (sniffle) is …. questioning… my… patriotism…. wwwwaaaaaaaahhhhhh!!!!!!

    He’s….. not …. supposed to…. not…. fair…. wwwwaaaaaaahhh!!!!

    I’m taking…. my election…. and going home!!

  3. bd

    Seriously? Dude, Obambi, your 47 and your trying to be Commander in Chief, and your crying about this?

    Seriously, you could be my commander in chief?

    I shouldn’t but I will: Here’s a free piece of advice for you- stick your hand up into your vagina, fish around a little, AND PULL OUT AT LEAST A BALL! Or, ask Hillary if you can borrow a nad, I’m sure she’s got some to spare.

    McCain’s wrinkly ole’ pair beats your flapping mangina any day!

  4. tedders

    Obama will meet any dictator anytime without preconditions, but he won’t meet McCain on those terms! :)


  5. SOC

    Hussein won’t debate McCain. In the non debate at saddleback, he looked like an idiot. It is hard for a non christian, marxist, radical, muslim sympathizer to give any answer that requires faith in God.

  6. AmericanJarhead

    It is clear that Obama is becoming more and more retarded (oops) daily.

  7. Laura

    Obama doesn’t handle criticism well. He boxed himself into a corner on this issue so he’s got no one to blame but himself. Except I doubt that taking responsibility for his mistakes is even on his list. Clearly not presidential material, and I’m impressed with the way the McCain campaign is showing that.

  8. Lock and Load

    Reality is closing in on Obambam, and he doesn’t like the way McCain is playing in the sandbox :lol: :lol: What would this idiot do if faced with the kinds of situations that are popping up everywhere as we speak, like Russian aggression, Middle East instability, terrorist threats?? :shock:
    It is a big and dangerous world outside the sandbox Barry, and we need a President with BALLS, like JFK who called the Soviet bluff in Cuba and proved he wasn’t an appeasing pussy.
    While you are “gathering information” the world moves on, Russians march, Iranians build nukes and terrorists plot to destroy your country. Putin et al can hardly wait for you to win, so they can dominate your pathetic ass and run America into the ground.
    McCain has at least taken a stand, and is ready for you and the rest of the world to bring it on :twisted: :twisted:

  9. GF

    After November get ready for a new definition of sore loser: Barack Obama.

  10. T-Bagg


  11. ji

    Pricking the Prick. Funny how a little prick, brings out a loud roar.

  12. sully

    Aww.. TheOne thinks he laid the groundwork of white guilt so thick that no white guy would dare critcize Him and it ain’t working out. :cry:
    Might be time for Him to start running as a dark white guy and throw that good fer nuthin Kenyan Daddy under the bus.

  13. dadeo

    What a titty-baby!

    Somebody give that fucker a binkie!

  14. Atom&Yves

    :arrow: sully, :beer:

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