‘Israel Decides To Stop Nuclear Iran’

August 29th, 2008 Posted By drillanwr.


Echoing what Pat reported on “The Jihadikiller Hour” from the hotzone last night, the Jerusalem Post today nearly to a “T” confirmed Pat’s report. For a little more detail, but in Pat’s usual quicker, more blunt style see his post in today’s “Deep Thoughts”.


Israel will not agree to allow Iran to achieve nuclear weapons and if time begins running out, Jerusalem will not hesitate to take whatever means necessary to prevent Iran from achieving its nuclear goals, the government has recently decided in a special discussion.

According to the Israeli daily Ma’ariv, whether the United States and Western countries will succeed in toppling the ayatollah regime diplomatically, through sanctions, or whether an American strike on Iran will eventually be decided upon, Jerusalem has put preparations for a separate, independent military strike by Israel in high gear.

So far, Israel has not received American authorization to use US-controlled Iraqi airspace, nor has the defense establishment been successful in securing the purchase of advanced US-made warplanes which could facilitate an Israeli strike.

The Americans have offered Israel permission to use a global early warning radar system, implying that the US is pushing Israel to settle for defensive measures only.

Because of Israel’s lack of strategic depth, Jerusalem has consistently warned over the past years it will not settle for a ‘wait and see’ approach and retaliate in case of attack, but rather use preemption to prevent any risk of being hit in the first place.

Ephraim Sneh a veteran Labor MK which has left the party recently, has sent a document to both US presidential candidates, John McCain and Barack Obama. The eight-point document states that “there is no government in Jerusalem that would ever reconcile itself to a nuclear Iran. When it is clear Iran is on the verge of acquiring nuclear weapons, an Israeli military strike to prevent this will be seriously considered.”

According to Ma’ariv, Sneh offered the two candidates the “sane, cheap and the only option that does not necessitate bloodshed.” To prevent Iran’s nuclear aspirations, Sneh wrote, “real” sanctions applied in concert by the US and Europe is necessary. A total embargo in spare parts for the oil industry and a total boycott of Iranian banks will topple, within a short time, the regime which is already pressured by a sloping economy and would be toppled by the Iranian people if they would have outside assistance.

The window of opportunity Sneh suggests is a year and a half to two years, until 2010.

Sneh also visited Switzerland and Austria last week in an attempt to lobby those two states. Both countries have announced massive long-term investments in Iranian gas and oil fields for the next decade.

“Talk of the Jewish Holocaust and Israel’s security doesn’t impress these guys,” Sneh said wryly.

Hearing his hosts speak of their future investments, Sneh replied quietly “it’s a shame, because Ido will light all this up.” He was referring to Maj. Gen. Ido Nehushtan, the recently appointed commander of the Israeli Air Force and the man most likely to be the one to orchestrate Israel’s attack on Iran’s nuclear facilities, should this become the necessity.

“Investing in Iran in 2008,” Sneh told his Austrian hosts, “is like investing in the Krupp steelworks in 1938, it’s a high risk investment.” The Austrians, according to Sneh, turned pale.

In related news, Israel Radio reported that Iran has finished installing an additional 4,000 centrifuges in the Natanz uranium enrichment facility. The Islamic Republic also announced it will install an additional 3,000 centrifuges in coming months.

The pan-Arabic Al Kuds al Arabi reported Friday that Iran has equipped Hizbullah with longer range missiles than those it had before the Second Lebanon War and also improved the terror group’s targeting capabilities.

According to the report, which The Jerusalem Post could not verify independently, Hizbullah would begin a massive rocket onslaught on targets reaching deep into Israel’s civilian underbelly in case the Jewish State would launch an attack on Iran.

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19 Responses

  1. deathstar

    Thats a cool looking F16. Anyone know whats in the weird boxes behind the cockpit?

  2. franchie

    a guess, cameras ???

  3. Dave

    DeathStar, it’s ECM (electronic countermeasure system.)

  4. deathstar

    Thanks Franchie and Dave. I bet it ECM (cameras would probably be in a pod underneath). It also looks like a two seater. Its not your average F16 configuration. I wonder if its something the US has or if its an Israeli special. Whatever it is I bet it will contribute to a sound spanking for Iran.

  5. T-Bagg


  6. deathstar

    Actually looking harder there is something strange about what I thought was a fuel tank (a curved faring). Could be cameras Franchie.

  7. Mike Mose

    Cheney still in the middle east?

    First shot fired by Iran, Iran’s military and nuclear will be destroyed.

    Man, we live in amazing times.

  8. a_Golden_BB

    The Israelis have a lot of F-16 variants with different appendages here and there.
    My guess, since it’s a 2-seater, is that it’s an ECM package.

  9. Unbreakable

    The pictured aircraft apprears to be an Israeli F-16I Soufa.

    The dorsal fairing behind the cockpit can be used for either extra fuel or avionics. This was appearently added to the block 50/52 aircraft and isn’t found on earlier production aircraft.

    Someone else may have more info. That’s all I know.

  10. deathstar

    :arrow: Unbreakable


  11. franchie

    I thought about cameras cause of the israeli “trainings” over Lebanon, and their flyings above the blue helmets camps,
    especially in autumn 2006 when they made a pseudo attack on a french one.
    I was then said that they were recording the timing of a possible response.

  12. Silver Fox

    :arrow: Hey, kids.

    These airplanes are specifically designed for safety, attack, and counter measures. And that’s all I’m going to say.

    P.S. Those are not cameras.

  13. mike3481

    In the article Ephraim Sneh is calling for a total embargo of “spare parts for the oil industry”.

    Yeah, like that’s really going to happen with people like Putin gumming up the works. :roll:

  14. ChrisNC

    They are various electronics displaced by the second seat. The F-16I “Sufa” can also carry conformal fuel tanks on each side of the enlarged spine. Some have a circular grey disc on top of the spine for another system.

    Read Ra’anan Weiss’ “F-16I Sufa in IAF service” published by IsraDecal in 2005.

  15. dvldok

    Cry HAVOC and unleash the dogs of War!

    Way past time to take the leash off and let Israel go

  16. JJIrons

    Go Israel! Go get ‘em!

  17. Iran: New Strides In Uranium Enrichment | WORLD NEWS TREND

    […] Which is why Israel is all fired-up. […]

  18. One Shot

    What will it take when Syria, Hamas and Iran go after Israel before Israel decides to go nuclear?

  19. mike3481

    IAF F-16 ?
    Here ya go…

    Israel Air Force F-16I “Soufa”

    Manufacturer: Lockheed Martin


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