“It’s Going To Kill Him”: Can Hussein Survive His Lies To Cover Up His Annenberg Failure?

August 24th, 2008 Posted By Pat Dollard.


Clarice Feldman, PJM:

Throughout the summer months, many voters supporting John McCain have been frustrated by his failure to respond forcefully to Obama’s charges against him. I felt his failure to swat about at each charge was because he was an old fighter pilot, taught to hold his fire and stay concealed as long as possible. If circumstances permitted, he would not budge until his opponent had made a potentially fatal move from which it was going to be exceedingly hard to extricate himself. Whether my assessment was right or not, it appears that the moment to strike has arrived, and like the old fighter pilot descending from the cloud cover, McCain has taken full advantage of Obama’s errors to place him in a position from which I can see no way out for him.

I’m talking about Obama’s role in the Chicago Annenberg Challenge (CAC), and his ill-conceived ad attacking McCain’s associations which opened the door for McCain to bring to public view something Obama has — with clear media connivance — lied about and tried to conceal: His close association with William Ayers in a program he botched.

The last thing Obama should want made public are his dubious associates. The public has had some exposure to his long time spiritual adviser, Rev. Jeremiah Wright, many have heard of the convicted Chicago fixer Tony Rezko, and some have just a bit of knowledge about William Ayers. As McCain said Wednesday: “[I]f Barack Obama wants to have a discussion about truly questionable associations, let’s start with his relationship with the unrepentant terrorist William Ayers, at whose home Obama’s political career was reportedly launched . Mr. Ayers was a leader of the Weather Underground, a terrorist group responsible for countless bombings against targets including the U.S. Capitol, the Pentagon and numerous police stations, courthouses and banks. In recent years Mr. Ayers has stated, ‘I don’t regret setting bombs. … I feel we didn’t do enough.’”

The background of this matter has been hashed out for some months online at Slate, The American Thinker, Just One Minute and Global Labor. National Review Online joined in more recently. But if you missed the story or were unable to keep up with it, it began when Obama lied about the extent of his relationship with Ayers and the press gave him a pass. Obama gave varying accounts of this relationship:

“…a guy who lives in my neighborhood, who’s a professor of English in Chicago, who I know and who I have not received an official endorsement from. He’s not somebody who I exchange ideas from (sic) on a regular basis.”

“Now, Mr. Ayres is a 60 plus year old individual who lives in my neighborhood, who did something I deplore 40 years ago when I was six or seven years old. By the time I met him, he was a professor of education at the University of Illinois.”

So, the story was that Ayers was an old professor in Mr. Obama’s neighborhood who just happened to host a fundraiser for him in 1995 which launched his political career.

Some mush was thrown in along the way about having served with him on a charity board, but Obama did not correctly describe the charity or the dates or the extent of their association on it.

The truth is that the two men worked closely together for years, beginning several months before that 1995 fundraiser. The fund Obama chaired and which was supposed to improve public education in Chicago never met its stated purpose of improving public school pupils’ performance and, in fact, probably hindered it, despite having blown through $110 million in the process. And as chairman of this group Obama funneled this money to politically useful types including Fidelistas and Maoists who like Ayers (now vice-president elect of the American Education Research Association) are working to make our public schools indoctrination centers for the left .

Once the public learns more of the CAC, will the voters decide that the manner in which Obama exercised his sole opportunity at executive authority was so good that he deserves the keys to the Oval Office?

Will the voters conclude that the old- professor- in- the- neighborhood story was so disingenuous that Obama was lying to hide from them facts they deserved to know — indeed, facts every bit as relevant as Hillary’s failure at health care reform about which they were informed in the primaries?

Will voters who consider education an important issue — and surely that includes many important voter groups for Obama — take kindly to a man who took $110 million of charitable funds which were earmarked for improving public education and squandered it on salaries for men like Weatherman Ayers and Michael Klonsky, the Maoist leader of the Revolutionary Youth Movement which worked with the Weather Underground and who at the time of CAC’s lavish grants to him worked as a cab driver?

Will the voters regard it as relevant that while Ayers and Obama were furthering their career interests in the disposition of the Chicago Annenberg Challenge millions, they did absolutely nothing — per a formal review of the program — to improve the academic performance of the pupils in their program and, indeed, may have hindered their academic progress by trying to turn every school they worked with into laboratories of revolutionary action in line with Ayres’ authoritarian agenda and belief that the public school system is “nothing but a reflection of capitalist hegemony”?

At the moment, the University of Illinois inexplicably has refused to make public all of the documents on the Annenberg Challenge. The library has refused to name the donor it claims is blocking the release of the documentation and some believe the documents will never be released. The major media are still dancing the dance of seven veils around the story, but McCain has kicked the story up a notch and the blogosphere is not letting go of it. And the reason for all of this, I believe, is because the University which played a major role in this rip off, the press which is so invested in Obama, and the blogosphere all know the answer to the questions I posed.

This story is going to kill Obama at the polls.

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14 Responses

  1. SenorLumpy

    Wait Wut?

  2. Steve in NC

    big assumption that this will get into the mainstream

  3. Marc

    What’s the biggie America? All Ayers & the Obamessiah are saying is give the Marxist-Maoist-Stalinist-Leninist indoctucation of your children at your taxpayer funded expense a chance!

    Just cling to your guns & bibles, & rest assured they will take care of the kiddies. Think of it as a new TV show, “The Lefties Know Best”.

    I hope McCain’s people pounce on this, I still say to shake it up select Palin for VP!

  4. Sandy

    This should nail his box shut but I hate to say it - even this will not sink into or affect many voters in the northern IL area. They are far too indoctrinated to reach. I have tried many times. It is incredible to me the things they believe.

    Several days ago I was talking with one of my coworkers (and he represents many like him) who is an avid B.O. supporter and he looked directly into my eyes and told me he would even vote for a muslim for POTUS if he felt they were qualified for the job. Separation of church and state he said. People such as this coworker, who I do like as a human being no matter how fucked up his politics are, blow my fucking mind every time I speak with them. (I try, I really do. :roll: ) It is obvious while speaking with him (as the eye glaze over with the ususal talking points) that he listens to the same type of pastor that B.O. listened to for years, believes in all the conspiracy bullshit, and that the majority of our military forces are victims, etc. . . blah blah blah At that point, I looked at him and told him that there is no illusion as to what side he is on to me then. I told him I picked a side long ago and it is not the side in favor of our enemies or those who wish to bring this country down to any level where our enemies could come in and take over with any amount of ease now or in the future. I told him I would not vote for a muslim for POTUS anymore than I would vote for a satinist to be POTUS. He said that there are many good muslim people. I told him that I was well aware of that but those people he is referring to are not “muslim” in the eyes of “true muslims”. Many so called muslims are like many people in all religions but only in that they have never read the books they are putting their lives and weight behind.

    B.O. represents nothing but evil to me. He lies about everything. He is a charismatic deceiver. I told him B.O. will only weaken and knowingly allow further errosion to our security and will roll out the red carpet to the enemies of the U.S.A. (Just like the klintons did and would do again if they could. - Hill still waiting in the wings of deception.) If my life depended on it, and in my eyes it does, I would never vote for B.O. or anyone like him.

    Our conversation pretty much ended there. He was still convinced of his position and looked at me with some degree of sadness. People like him want so much to live in an ideal that does not, has not, and cannot exist on this planet. I have many conversations with people around me like this. The utopia they seek cannot be found here.

    I want my country back from idiots like murtha, peloski, B.O., rev wrong, and every other asshat that thinks this country is so fucking horrible that they would willingly destroy it.

    God bless all our military forces and those who want this country to stay strong and out of enemy hands.

  5. RC

    There’s some damning research on Obama’s DCP experience with Ayers here. It’s thorough, well worth the long read and clearly establishes why Barry is all hush and no puff when discussing education.

    I can only presume the gift donor blocking access to the CAC archive is none other than Ayers himself, or it could well be George Soros.

    This piece also goes into fantastic detail as to why not to vote for Obama. It’s a must read for anyone considering Barack for the highest office in the land. A frightening prospect to say the least and in so many ways.

  6. cllucas

    “Now, Mr. Ayres is a 60 plus year old individual who lives in my neighborhood, who did something I deplore 40 years ago when I was six or seven years old. By the time I met him, he was a professor of education at the University of Illinois.”

    Larry Grathwohl made it underground with the Weathermen in the early Seventies. The following interview excerpt doesn’t name names, but he was a member of the “Chicago Collective” of which Bill Ayers was the head. I assume Ayers was in on this conversation.

    “I brought up the subject of what’s going to happen after we take over the government. You know, we become responsible for administrating, you know, 250 million people. And there was no answer. No one had given any thought to economics. How are you going to clothe and feed these people? The only thing that I could get was that they expected that the Cubans, the North Vietnamese, the Chinese and the Russians would all want to occupy different portions of the United States. They also believed that their immediate responsibility would be to protect against what they called the counter-revolution. And they felt that this counter-revolution could best be guarded against by creating and establishing re-education in the Southwest where we would take all of the people who needed to be re‑educated into the new way of thinking and teach them how things were going to be. I asked, “Well, what is going to happen to those people that we can’t re‑educate, that are die-hard capitalists?” And the reply was that they’d have to be eliminated and when I pursued this further, they estimated that they’d have to eliminate 25 million people in these re‑education centers. And when I say eliminate, I mean kill 25 million people. I want you to imagine sitting in a room with 25 people, most of whom have graduate degrees from Columbia and other well-known educational centers and hear them figuring out the logistics for the elimination of 25 million people and they were dead serious.”

    All the discussion doesn’t even mention Ayers orchestrated gang rape of Donna Ron (Alder) in ‘64–which I can talk at length (google “Remembering a Sixties Terrorist”). Alleged? Yes…why should I believe it as credible? Because I tracked the woman down in Israel and exchanged e-mail with her for details.

    Ayers is evil. Obama is evi. Ayers POS brother, Rick, took part in the ‘64 rape. He later went AWOL from the Army and recently retired as an elementary school teacher in Berkley.

  7. Happyone

    What is amusing is that the charity was funded by “Annenberg,” who I assume would be Walter Annenberg, a big Republican supporter and philantropist. So, it’s doubly sickening Ayers got his mitts on the money and used it in the way he did. Ayers made his career on being some big “educational reformer,” but all his efforts accomplished nothing except blowing through a bunch of money and being used to implement a leftist agenda in the public schools. Creep!

  8. Mike in VA

    Mac and the blogosphere MUST beat this story into the mainstream’s consciousness, just as the Swifties beat John Kerry’s “Winter Soldier” stories into the public eye back in 2004.

    Once again, it’s time to water the Tree of Liberty with the political blood of the Radical Left. :gun: :twisted: :beer:

  9. “It’s Going To Kill Him”: Can Hussein Survive His Lies To Cover Up His Annenberg Failure? « Thoughts Of A Conservative Christian

    […] Survive His Lies To Cover Up His Annenberg Failure? August 24, 2008 — budsimmons https://pat-dollard.com/2008/08/its-going-to-kill-him-can-hussein-survive-his-lies-to-cover-up-his-ann… Posted in B Hussein Obama, Barack Hussein Obama, Barack Obama, Hussein Obama, Islamic […]

  10. Hugh

    This morning they just blew right through this shit on the morning talk shows like it was an old shoe in the back of the closet. The Commies own the media. It’s not going anywhere. Our best hope is for You Tube videos that get spread around the world by email.

  11. GF

    The punishment for treason is hanging from a noose. Why this scumm is still alive is probably due to his fathers wealth. It’s ironic that his father just like Karl Marx’s father was a leader of industry. Spoiled rich kids that do not have the talent to be as succesful as their fathers so they apply to be king of the losers. They think they will change the world yet all they do is create mess and mayhem. Sometimes all they need is a hot poker up their ass.

  12. Sandy

    For further info on Bill Ayers and his activities see the FBI Freedom of Information Act on him and Weather Underground:




    :arrow: GF

    I agree with you. As we all know he went on from jail to teaching jobs indoctrinating the young.

  13. anuts

    What do Obama and Osama have in common?

    Both have good friends who bombed the Pentagon.

    How sick is this? We are in a war on terror and one of the two major Parties has someone of this nature as their nominee.

    Will someone wake me up, please?

  14. Mike Mose

    Sandy, If your coworker is for Separation of church and state why would he vote for a Muslim that demands Islam and government be one? Ask this guy if he has burkas for his daughters yet? Or if he would enjoy governments like Saudi Arabia? How Sad.

    The Democrats have been successful in removing God, even in some christian churches and the result is god is Obama.

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