Now Over, Discuss: “JihadiKiller Hour” Special From The Barackopolis: Were You Invited To The TogaParty?
Tune in for a special “JihadiKiller Hour” Special Convention Show Tonight. Timed for just after the Emperor Barry Insane Obama delivers his Big Brother benediction to the adoring masses, whilst Right Wing Conservative Bloggers burn on stakes and are then thrown to the skinny lions surrounding the Britney Spears Inspired stage.Tune in at 8:00PM PST, 11:00 PM EST, and umm…I don’t know what time that would be Mountain, Pat would but he’s not here. Nor is he on the Mountain. But he will be on the show tonight!We’ll be having women in togas feeding us grapes. Wear your toga and call in at (646)652-2357.Click on the button below to tune in and join the chat room discussion while listening!
Bash is it gonna be the same ones on the show that’s been on all week?
August 28th, 2008 at 3:38 pmPicture…
I fuckin KNEW Pat wasn’t kidding when he said he lived on UCLA’s “Sorority Row”
August 28th, 2008 at 3:39 pmHere’s a taste of Tech’s Greek Life:
August 28th, 2008 at 3:42 pmI wish I hadn’t been so busy slinging drinks last night, I would have loved to get some pics for you all. Nine and a half kegs of beer were served along with God only knows how many mixed drinks. They had a good time, we had a good time.
August 28th, 2008 at 5:27 pmThe Bosnian Christian chick that liked my “Jihadi Killer Crusader” shirt last time was back…her name is Nadja and I will be dreaming about her for the forseable future. If somebody gave me a “Weird Science, Assemble Your Own Dream Girl” kit, she would come out pretty much like Nadja. If I had any manly function left, she’d be in trouble. I hate getting old.
I’m looking forward to tonight. I need to do some “virtual screaming” for the good of everyone around me.
TBinSTL (just typical)
Will be there!
August 28th, 2008 at 5:49 pmWOW I have some unbelievable behind the scenes info of the shit Pelosi and Obama camp pulled on Hillary delegates.
Will call in as usual!
August 28th, 2008 at 5:58 pmDangerGirl
WOW I have some unbelievable behind the scenes info of the shit Pelosi and Obama camp pulled on Hillary delegates.
Will call in as usual!
Is it was Norm & I were talking about in Chat last night?
Or is it
“Stop wallowing, the primary election is over?”
August 28th, 2008 at 6:07 pmI may have slit my wrists before this speech ends….
August 28th, 2008 at 6:21 pmif not I’ll be tuned in
what’s Obama’s deal…keeps mentioning the soldiers like he cares
August 28th, 2008 at 6:24 pmYeah i need the jihadikiller hour because this speech is driving me nuts. listening to this shithead read off his little teleprompter the speech that someone else wrote for him. trying to convince the country that John McCain is George Bush by a different name and that our troops are victims. also saying people cant pull themselves up by their own boot straps, saying some people dont even have boots. uh i think its a metaphor dipshit! rant over. ill save the rest for the chat
August 28th, 2008 at 6:32 pmwe need to have an AR-15 building party if Hussein wins. We’ll need it to defend our family from his civil defense force.
August 28th, 2008 at 6:35 pmmomps
im with you on that one. if he tries to form a gestapo-like group it will be a giant mistake.
August 28th, 2008 at 6:37 pmthe little boy wants to fight
August 28th, 2008 at 6:48 pmthis asshole just said “we have the most powerful military on earth, but thats not what makes us strong”.
went out of his way to mention that.
August 28th, 2008 at 6:55 pmOMG!
Did I really just waste that much of my life just listening to that fucking poser???
The DNC should have saved the money they sank into that stadium bullshit theater.
August 28th, 2008 at 6:58 pmOh!
Here come the fireworks …
Smoke and mirrors.
August 28th, 2008 at 6:59 pmyo, where’s the chat?
August 28th, 2008 at 7:04 pmJimmy, here’s the link to JihadiKiller hour show normal link where you can click the green chat button:
August 28th, 2008 at 7:06 pm
I have had some trouble tonight too.
Here is a link direct to the show with the chat:
August 28th, 2008 at 7:15 pmI’m outta beer. I said it under Bash”s June 3rd article but…
Hussein said tonight that he will fuck you. If you make more than $24,000 you’d better cover the “exit only” hole because he’s aiming right for it. I promise it’s gonna hurt also.
August 28th, 2008 at 8:18 pmDamn that show was fun!
August 28th, 2008 at 8:31 pmShow was awesome.
Danger Girl
August 28th, 2008 at 8:48 pmIf your voice is that sexy when you talk clean…
Call me.
Great show guys, I’ll be listening from here on out.
August 28th, 2008 at 8:51 pmKick ass show!
Anyone that missed tonight’s show missed a hell of a lot.
Make sure you listen to the archive.
August 28th, 2008 at 9:03 pmI just saw the latest McCain ad on CNN. (well after I saw it here, I think…pretty sure.)
Well anyways, my translation…
McCain: “Fuck You! Tomorrow I’m going to rip you a new asshole, you God Damn, lying, crack smoking, fudge pants (ask Larry Sinclair), Communist, Appeaser Bastard (latter is true in the U.S., multible wives, think about it).”
Humbled Infidel posted this on your DT thread. I think it needs to hit the main page, check it out.
August 28th, 2008 at 9:26 pmBon
I pity you.
Check this thread in about 12 hrs. and you’ll know why.
I’m out.
August 28th, 2008 at 10:34 pmNo need to pity me, Mike. I’ll check the post in 12 hours and see if anyone has come up with a good reason why MCCain voted against the veterans benefits. And how McCain’s vote on the latest bill is supposed to be a good thing for vets.
August 28th, 2008 at 10:49 pmThey are supplemental spending bills full of “pork barrel” projects, if they were “clean bills” the Democrats wouldn’t allow them to come to a vote, much less allow them to be voted out of committee.
And the Vet. benefits in them were there for one reason…Democrat Party talking points, which you are repeating like a good, little, useful Idiot.
I have blood relatives like you and I pity them as well.
McCain voted against the bill because it gave education benefits across the board to Veterans (whether they served for 2 years or 20), which is okay, BUT McCain supported a more fair-minded bill, which distributes benefits based on years of service. Two years of service got benefits, but 20 years got more. That is fair.
It is not that hard to understand, Bon. Wrap your mind around it and try real hard.
Hug a Vet today for me! It is my birthday!
August 29th, 2008 at 5:55 amActually the full benefits went to any vets who had enlisted prior to Sept 11, 2001. Which, if my math is correct, works out to more than two years. The benefits were to pay full tuition at the level of the highest priced public college in the state where the vet lived.
Bush and McCain both voted against the bill, which passed in the Senate across bi-partisan lines, 75-22.
(McCain, per the WSJ, later took credit for helping get it passed.)
The bill was sponsored by Jim Webb a Vietnam vet.
McCain did not list pork barreling as a reason he voted against it, but used the ‘unfairness’ of the way vets would get paid disproportionately as his excuse.
But tell me this, TexMo, what is so unfair about a vet who’s been in for ten years and three deployments getting college tuition paid, and one who served one deployment (and maybe has the loss of a limb to show for it) and seven years in the service getting that SAME package? I’ll tell you what. Nothing. You know how I know? The bible tells me so. In the parable of the Prodigal Son.
Sounds like some people — you and McCain for starters — should get out their bibles and read up on it for awhile.
I have a Prodigal Nephew, who has had many, many setbacks in his young life and has fought through them all. This boy has been at war for all 20 years of his life. He DREAMS of getting into the military. He just wants to serve. Just like his dad did for 25 years in the Navy. He is having a hard time getting in because he has diabetes.
This young man, for what he has had to overcome — still has to overcome — in his life, is one of my heroes.
And if he serves his country for even two years in the military, do you think I don’t think he should get his college education taken care of? You bet your bottom dollar I do, and I will fight and argue with you until the cows come home for HIS RIGHT, and the right of EVERY young man and woman who has served for any duration in the military — to do that. If we don’t, what are all these people going to to when they get home? Work as security guards? More inspectors at the airports? More militias? No, nobody wants that except Dick Cheney.
Paying tuition for all our vets will cost a fraction of what Bushy and Cheney and these idiots like Bremer and Feith have spent in Iraq, looking for the enemy where the enemy is not, as Obama pointed out last night.
So…have a Happy Birthday, TexMo. Forgive someone who comes lagte to the party. It does not mean they don’t love you, or deserve any less to be there.
August 29th, 2008 at 8:30 amBon,
Your nephew sounds awesome. I appreciate his service so much! I have a “Prodigal” Nephew, too. He went in about five years ago to piss off his liberal parents, RE-injured an old football injury and was out in two years with educational benefits. I think your nephew should have more benefits than my nephew. That was my understanding of what McCain wants.
I am not saying it is all fair - I am not the biggest McCain fan. B U T, I have written two letters to Obama asking about his position on our military. I have received two form letters back that did not mention anything about our brave soldiers.
I may not know everything like you, Bon, but I know that Obama hates our military and McCain does not.
Thanks for the Happy Birthday wishes! I am now having a great day with the Palin pick!
August 29th, 2008 at 9:32 amAnother thing - It is “President” Bush. If Obama wins I will refer to him as President Obama. Have a little respect, please.
August 29th, 2008 at 9:34 amyou have absolutely no proof for either of your assertions:
that I know everything…
that Obama hates the military.
Most of the time, I am overwhelmed by the sheer volume of what I don’t know, but I do have an open mind, which is the only way a person can continue to learn. And continuing to learn is absolutely vital to success in the world in which we live today. It is what we don’t know that is most likely to harm us, not what we do.
Obama, it seems to me, hates the STRATEGY that the Commander in Chief and his team forced down the throats of upstanding and qualified military leaders like Gen. John Riggs and Gen. Wm. Shineski, both of whom disagreed with the corporatist Sec’y of Defense, Rumsfeld. Obama and Gen. Petraeus, seems to me, had a very good camaraderie going when Obama was in Iraq and Afghanistan. This is very unlike McCain, who had to be reminded by Lieberman who were were actually fighting in Iraq. I swear, TexMo, the guy is getting Alzheimers before our very eyes! He used to be a real firecracker, if you remember. Now he’s more like sparkler that can burn for about two mins. max.
Anyhow, I won’t extend this any further. Thank you for the dialogue, and for your thoughts about my nephew. Same to yours. Keep on learning, TexMo. And have a Happy Birthday!
August 29th, 2008 at 11:46 amTexas Mom
He reminds me of Franchie but with better syntax.
August 29th, 2008 at 12:17 pmWhat happened to the archive? I tried clicking on the BTR button but it cannot find the page.
August 29th, 2008 at 2:47 pmGerman Dragon
You’re right, I’m on it. IE, will fix.
August 29th, 2008 at 3:20 pmFuck. Looks like someone killed the Entire Jihadi Killer Hour profile. It gone. Did it get banned?
August 29th, 2008 at 9:11 pmBon:
I understand and appreciate your concerns but you’ve got a little bit of a mean spirit. I’ll risk your caustic remarks by sharing some info. anyway.
You wrote, “Bushy and Cheney and these idiots like Bremer and Feith have spent in Iraq, looking for the enemy where the enemy is not….”
I was expecting you to write something about the WMDs that never existed in Iraq. However, there is proof that Saddam Hussein did have WMDs, and secretly transported them to Syria before the war.
From Brigitte Gabriel’s book, “Because They Hate,” pg. 94: “According to the number two official in Saddam Hussein’s Air Force, General Georges Sada, Iraq moved weapons of mass destruction into Syria before the war by loading the weapons into civilian aircraft in which the passenger seats were removed.”
There were 56 flights that “attracted little notice because they were thought to be civilian flights providing relief from Iraq to Syria, which had suffered a flood after a dam collapse in June of 2002.”
This information was also published by the New York Sun on January 26, 2006.
Recently, the Jerusalem Post referred to the WMDs: “An upcoming joint US-Israel report on the Sept. 6 IAF strike on a Syrian facility will claim that former Iraqi president Saddam Hussein transferred weapons of mass destruction to the country, Channel 2 stated Monday….” (April 7, 2008)
To me this is earth-shattering information and it’s inexcusable for the U.S. media not to be reporting on it.
August 29th, 2008 at 9:45 pmWell, billie it’s almost 1 A.M. here on a Friday night so I’ll jump in.
Bon, in late 2002 many if not all the Military Blogs at one time or another were talking about the “FLY PAPER TRAP”.
Meaning that if the U.S. and our coalition partners liberated Iraq, Al Qaeda would be forced to go to Iraq and “defend the heart of Islam”.
It worked. Al Qaeda Terrorists died by the thousands and are now essentially defeated. Mop-up OPs will continue but A.Q. has abandoned Iraq and they’re not coming back.
Why did it take so long you might ask.
Because in 2002 very, very few people in the west believed that the Sunni Iraqis were actually STUPID ENOUGH to launch an insurgency to drive out the coalition.
(I won’t even mention the MSM’s role)
BTW, 20/20 hind-sight doesn’t count!
Fact: America has been Al Qaeda free since September 12, 2001. Can the Brits and the Spaniards say the same thing…NO! HELL NO!!!
So you might want to think about giving President Bush, Vice-President Cheney and Former Secretary Rumsfeld just a little credit for the fact your nor any other American’s ass has been blown away here at home since Semptember 12, 2008.
August 30th, 2008 at 12:04 amWell, billie it’s almost 1 A.M. here on a Friday night so I’ll jump in.
Bon, in late 2002 many if not all the Military Blogs at one time or another were talking about the “FLY PAPER TRAP”.
Meaning that if the U.S. and our coalition partners liberated Iraq, Al Qaeda would be forced to go to Iraq and “defend the heart of Islam”.
It worked. Al Qaeda Terrorists died by the thousands and are now essentially defeated. Mop-up OPs will continue but A.Q. has abandoned Iraq and they’re not coming back.
Why did it take so long you might ask.
Because in 2002 very, very few people in the west believed that the Sunni Iraqis were actually STUPID ENOUGH to launch an insurgency to drive out the coalition.
(I won’t even mention the MSM’s role)
BTW, 20/20 hind-sight doesn’t count!
Fact: America has been Al Qaeda free since September 12, 2001. Can the Brits and the Spaniards say the same thing…NO! HELL NO!!!
So you might want to think about giving President Bush, Vice-President Cheney and Former Secretary Rumsfeld just a little credit for the fact your nor any other American’s ass has been blown away here at home since September 12, 2008.
August 30th, 2008 at 12:32 ammike3481
May-be cause we have in common the sense of “reality”
I do look for a better syntax… it’s coming, slowly, but surely
as a king dwarft, I would like to propose my today cartoon :
McCain & Palin, sound like that old politician uncle with his niece
August 30th, 2008 at 3:32 am