Louie Award: Best McCain Ad Yet “Hey Obama Baby - Cool Cat” - Video

August 14th, 2008 Posted By Bash.


Louie absolutely loved this ad. Forced me to watch it, and I have to admit, this is an ad that cannot be argued against, cannot be countered, cannot be ridiculed, cannot be anything but viewed with admiration and a growing respect from somebody I am coming to see as a somewhat humble man with Christian roots who follows his convictions.I can say none of those things about B Hussein Obama.

I couldn’t grab this video with my usual tools and so I have a link to it. But would really like to hear your thoughts on this ad.

It wins a Louie Award…

Click on the pic to watch “Hey, Obama, Baby - Cool Cat”.

Click on the pic to view the vid

The Louie Award is given out by Louie whenever the hell he feels like it to whoever the hell he wants to for whatever reason he deems worthy.

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20 Responses

  1. Gary in Midwest

    Completely Awesome! From your lips to God’s ear man! :beer: :beer: :beer: :beer:

  2. Heinz

    Bash who is Louie? Alter ego?

    Can’t wait to see the organ grinding monkey go down. :lol:

    I think Hillary is going to sand bag the boy.

  3. Tom in CO

    cool stuff

  4. sully

    I agree… best ad yet. :beer: :beer: :beer:

  5. EDinTampa

    :beer: :beer: :beer: :beer: :beer:

  6. sierrahome

    Truth, it’s a powerful thing.

  7. Maynard

    Wow did not know about Bridget Mccain. Also didn’t know that
    Cindy used to hang out with Mother Theresa. Wow!


  8. billie

    Nah, Obama’s the coolest ‘cos he’s got George Clooney for a BFF. Just kidding. McCain’s definitely the anti-elitest. Because of his father’s military status, he could have been released early as a POW, but he refused. He went by the book all the way, believing those who had been there longer should be released before him.

  9. Marc Stockwell-Moniz

    :beer: McCain :beer:
    Not my first choice, but the only choice now.
    Remember Supreme Court Justices are in play here. :beer:

  10. Kurt(the infidel)

    Yeah that ad was great.

  11. Allen TX

    :arrow: Marc Stockwell-Moniz

    ” McCain
    Not my first choice, but the only choice now.
    Remember Supreme Court Justices are in play here. ”

    Not my first . . . second . . . third . . . fourth choice.

    But the only choice now :???:

  12. Mike Mose

    What he said describes McCain in handling the Russian leaders.

    Where Obama had to follow McCain for credibility.

  13. James

    Too Cool….McCain is Cool…Voting for Obama is so uncool.

  14. Chris, St. Petersburg

    Yeah, it was good. Got hokey towards the end, but better than what we have seen. ED, we appear to be neighbors. Let’s go fishing or sailing.

  15. Chris, St. Petersburg

    P.S. Heinz, Louie is Bash’s Uncle Louie. He’s a pig head. Not that I don’t have family members that can be awkward, or messy. However, Bash is clearly a giving guy that owns up to his family and ignores the dripping.

  16. American Infidel

    :arrow: Yes, Best Choice is McCain, and Best Campaign Ad!

  17. Tom in CO

    wonder where Obey Truth went, this ad is right up his alley

  18. AmericanJarhead

    That’s a good piece…

  19. Specter

    Finally Pat

    You hit the freepers upside the head. Honestly I’m surprised it’s taken so long.
    Something tells me you guys will reach your goal, just never give up.

  20. Specter

    Bash, my bad

    You deserve a hell of allot of credit. :beer:

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