Malkin On The McCain “Head Fake” To Prep Evangelicals For His True VP Pick - With Video

August 20th, 2008 Posted By Bash.


Michelle Malkin brings up some very interesting points with regard to why McCain has been publicly hanging out with Lieberman as of late, and the McCain camp’s failure to fully capitalize on Hussein’s Saddleback Forum fuck-up with regard to the abortion issue.She has some good insights here, and does a little provocative speculating.

I see her as a great advocate for keeping McCain’s feet to the fire, with regard to those of us over on the Right side of the street, who have reconciled ourselves to the fact that even though our first (or for some second, third, or even fourth) choice for the Republican Nominee this election isn’t on the General Ballot, ain’t no way in hell we’re going to let Barack Hussein Obama into the Oval Office.

BTW: The girl in the inset picture with McCain is his 23 year-old daughter Meghan. She’s Ivy-League educated.

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23 Responses

  1. Poe

    Malkin is so hawt. :twisted:

  2. sierrahome

    McCain should pick Dick Cheney–just sayin’ :lol:

  3. Mike F

    Michelle knows of what she speaks!

  4. Steve in NC

    Oh I’m sorry, was I supposed to be listening to her? I was just watching her mouth. It’s glossy and just a little crooked. I like it.

    Thanks for the heads up on the McCain pic. Reminds me of a phrase I once heard:

    ‘Daughters are God’s punishment for us being men’

    Oh, the VP pick? I think Romney may be it.
    Huckabee probably has strong negatives in polling.
    But, is Fred Thompson still a possibility?

  5. sully

    Lieberman as Veep?
    That’s gonna leave a mark.

  6. Paslode

    Joe is a good man, I don’t agree with him on some things like abortion, but I like him and that is coming from someone who’s Birth Parent made the decison for life rather than a roto-rooter.

    I absolutely dispise McCain’s stance on immigration and his relationship with Juan Hernandez.

    It is give and take, and you take the good with the bad….there is no perfect candidate.

    If Liberman is the man…..I told you so months ago. :wink:

  7. bill-tb

    I am not sure this is a McCain head fake, or the drive by media trying to step on Saddleback and change opinions right after McCain’s victory Saturday.

    When you are down, try and change the subject and everybody can see, the naive waif Obama can’t think on his feet.

  8. TC

    Michelle Malkin lost all credibility with me when she attacked Ann Coulter over the faggot joke on pretty boy Edwards. As far as I’m concerned she’s cute as hell, but dumb as a rock !
    As far as the VP pick, give me John Bolten and I’ll be as happy as a pig in shit !

  9. One Shot

    I would do my utmost to make Michelle scream her lungs out :)

  10. CPLViper

    Meghan is good lookin’! Why haven’t I noticed her up ’til now? Check her blog at

  11. TerribleTroy

    Make her scream? Sheet! Why would I want to do that? This is the new millineum… she can get her own orgasm. I’de give her the most non-envasive best thirty seconds she evah had. :twisted:

    On Topic…. I dont hink McCains campaign has the ability to be that subtle. They cant even muster a real hammer on Bama.

  12. TBinSTL (just typical)

    You all should see some of the vids MM did early on where she eats and sucks a shake through a straw……..
    I’ll be in my bunk……

  13. ticticboom (Will Kill For Oil)

    :arrow: TBinSTL (just typical):

    A fellow moron! :mrgreen:


    “I see her as a great advocate for keeping McCain’s feet to the fire, with regard to those of us over on the Right side of the street, who have reconciled ourselves to the fact that even though our first (or for some second, third, or even fourth) choice for the Republican Nominee this election isn’t on the General Ballot, ain’t no way in hell we’re going to let Barack Hussein Obama into the Oval Office.”

    I was pulling for Fred, then Rudy, then, Mitt, then Hunter. About the only person I’d pick McCain over was Ron Paul.

  14. ji

    Malkin is so hawt and smart.
    It is a fact, all the good looking women are Republicans. Take it from a former Democrat.

  15. ji

    “As far as the VP pick, give me John Bolten and I’ll be as happy as a pig in shit !” I would be happier than that.

  16. AFITGrad 86

    …. “I’de give her the most non-envasive best thirty seconds she evah had..”

    Come on guys … out of the gutter! There is definitely a line between admiring someone who is easy on the eyes and jumping into the deep end of the cesspool!

    On topic .. The choice of VP should be made after the Dem convention to put forward the best pairing to go up against whomever Obamanation selects as a running mate. Personally John Bolton would suit me just fine .. so would Fred Thompson.

    Can you see Bolton presiding over the Senate that would not confirm his appointment as UN Ambassador? Think things would be a little tense?

  17. Rudemeister

    I think McCain ought to pick Ann Coulter. That would sure stir up the base!

  18. TerribleTroy

    Cesspool? Gutter? When did sex become dirty? The most pleasent thing two humans can do with each other and you wanna use labels that describe filth? Or is it only dirty if its “discussed”? There is nothing wrong with admiring a sexualy attractive female on a sexual level. As a matter of fact its how we’re designed. So do me a favor… give it a break…besides in case you have difficulty in context… most of that was goof talk. Couldnt you tell? Leave the hyper uptight shit to the supposed “progressives”

  19. AFITGrad 86

    …. Cesspool? Gutter? When did sex become dirty? ….

    Sex isn’t dirty … it’s fun. Ogling someone else’s wife in a public form including describing specific act(s) one would like to perform is both juvenile and offensive. We certainly would jump someone’s case on the Cos or Huffington for making those remarks and I sure as hell am not going to let it slide by without calling you on it.

    “… Leave the hyper uptight shit to the supposed “progressives”

    Since when is manners ‘hyper uptight shit”? I guarantee you that were you making those remarks about my wife there would be some serious fur flying!

    Don’t get me wrong, no one appointed me hall monitor or anything … but the comments you posted were especially offensive .. even if intended as humor.

  20. TerribleTroy

    As you so aptly indicated no appointed you hall monitor….Juvenile… yep… offensive… hardly…. She’s somebodies wife? So would it be ok if she wasnt married?

    Specific acts? Where are these specifics you speak of? What does the word non-envasive mean sir? Hint …. its medical terminology.

    You dont appreciate juvenile humor, fine. I can understand that. To label it “especially offensive” is a hyper reaction especially once you determine the definetion of the word I carefully chose to use. Now if I would have said something like… “I’de suck her monkey till her head caved in”, I could see your point. Throwing your wife and fur flying into the equation… macho keyboard commando bullshit. Of course you would defend your wife’s honor.. what real man wouldnt? Why did you feel the need to even bring it up?

    In short I agree to disagree SIR. You have a good day.

  21. AmericanJarhead

    What’s McCains number one issue? the War. Which politician has put his actions where his mouth is more than anyone else in the country? Lieberman. Who’s McCain going to pick? …

  22. Steve in NC

    Hyper uptight, juvenile, whatever, I still think she has a pretty mouth. :twisted:

  23. sal

    :arrow: cpl viper, yeah your right! :shock:

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