McCain Unleashed: “Obama Tried To Legislate Defeat In Iraq…He Put His Career Ahead Of His Nation”

August 9th, 2008 Posted By Pat Dollard.

Some men work for a living, and risk their lives to serve their country.

Some men live off the work of others, and risk their country to serve themselves.

LAS VEGAS (AP) - Republican John McCain on Saturday issued a scathing critique of Barack Obama’s judgment and readiness to be commander in chief, telling a veterans’ group his Democratic rival had tried to “legislate failure” in Iraq and placed his own ambition ahead of military success there.

Addressing the Disabled American Veterans convention here, McCain mocked what he called Obama’s varying positions on the Bush administration’s decision to send an additional 30,000 troops to Iraq last year. The GOP hopeful supported the so-called “surge” strategy, even as polls showed most voters opposed sending more troops into combat at the time.

Obama spoke out against the original invasion as an Illinois state senator and strongly opposed the subsequent troop increase in the U.S. Senate and on the campaign trail.

Since then, the surge has been credited with helping stabilize Iraq and reduce violence there. Obama has argued that it has not brought about the political reconciliation between rival Sunni and Shia factions needed to create lasting peace in the country, and said the Iraqis, not Americans deserve the credit for defeating the insurgency. He has refused to characterize the Surge as a success.

But in a tacit acknowledgment that his original assessment of the troop increase may have proven incorrect, Obama’s campaign removed criticisms of the strategy from its Web site last month.

Narrowly trailing Obama in national and many battleground state polls, McCain, a 71-year old decorated Navy veteran and member of the Senate Armed Services committee, has increasingly tried to portray the 47-year old Obama as lacking the experience and judgment to lead the country in a dangerous world.

Obama, in turn, has criticized McCain for supporting the original Iraq invasion which polls show many voters now consider a mistake. Recently, Obama, who has made Afghanistan a centerpiece of his anti-terrorism strategy, has said the protracted Iraq conflict has drawn needed resources away from Afghanistan where al-Qaeda and Taliban forces have shown a resurgence.

In his speech, McCain said Obama had not only predicted the troop increase would not succeed but had taken steps to ensure its failure, saying Obama had tried to prevent needed funding for it.

“Not content to merely predict failure in Iraq, my opponent tried to legislate failure,” McCain said.

Obama voted against one major military appropriations bill in May 2007, but otherwise has voted consistently for funding to support the war.

McCain also renewed his criticism of Obama’s call for a timeline to remove troops from Iraq, even as the U.S. and Iraq are near an agreement to pull American combat troops from the country by October 2010.

“Both candidates in this election pledge to end this war and bring our troops home. The great difference is that I intend to win it first,” McCain said.

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23 Responses

  1. 31Mike

    I gotta hand it to John McCain. For a man of his age, he’s throwing a lot of left hooks and not even breathing hard.

    The next few months, i’m gonna sit back and enjoy watching him knock this Mookie out of the ring.

  2. American Infidel

    Great Job McCain!

  3. Kurt(the infidel)

    “Both candidates in this election pledge to end this war and bring our troops home. The great difference is that I intend to win it first,” McCain said.

    damn straight! Keep hitting him Senator McCain.

    its about time the gloves came off

  4. Steve in NC

    “Both candidates in this election pledge to end this war and bring our troops home. The great difference is that I intend to win it first,” McCain said.

    :arrow: Excellent framing, works on everyone but the looney leftists.

  5. sierrahome

    There’s power in truth.

  6. Old Sailor

    So far, so good. But there’s still more than 2 months to the election, and that’s a lifetime in politics.

  7. 0311inOHio (typical white person)

    About fucking time. :beer: Keep the pressure on this slime ball Barry Hussein Nobama prick. :gun: :evil:

  8. Zeke Eagle

    Good old AP can always be relyed upon to spin any report with low left english. They begin to tell how McCain is getting tough on Nobamao and manage within the text to show the magic negro ahead. Amazing!

  9. Phil Byler

    Keep it up, Senator McCain. My sons are in the military, and they need you, not the Obama, as their next Commander in Chief.

    Keep it up, Senator McCain. The American people need to hear the message that you delivered today to a veterans’ group.

  10. TO (twp)

    Go America! America does not deserve B. Hussain Obama. Too many American patriots have paid the ultimate price B. Hussain Obama is a demonstrably marginally patriotic American. America cannot risk having an alleged first generation American, schooled in Malaysia in his youth… someone who doesn’t even know how many states are in the USA… become president. This cannot happen.

  11. billy_bonney

    What do you expect out of a marxist? Boot ‘em in the ass JOHN!!!!


  12. Walt

    McCain may be smarter than we give him credit for. Remember, both he and Obama are still “presumptive” candidates. This is why I think he is toying with Obama for now, such as the Paris/Britney thing, mostly stuff just to throw him off stride.

    If McCain knocks Obama out of the box before the Convention we could end up facing Hillary. Therefore, I suspect McCain is holding his aces until after the Conventions. Then the gloves will really come off.

    Should Hillary wrest the Nomination away from Obama that will change the whole game plan. Personally, and I can’t put my finger on it, but my gut says she will prevail.

  13. Jay

    Hey!! Let’s not forget how McCain divorced his first wife after she was disfigured in an accident.
    It’s suspicious he marries Cindy a month AFTER he divorces first wife.
    Was he committing adultery?
    Should be investigated.

    Edwards & McCain….the same!!!

  14. Davenport1234566

    Good point!!!…but could be liberal propaganda…
    but if true McCain should step down….he’ll never get the Christian votes if this gets out to the public

  15. sully

    The same?
    Go fuck yourself ‘Jay’.

  16. sully

    “….Some men live off the work of others, and risk their country to serve themselves.”

    “Yet he is lord of all the animals. He sets them to work, he gives back to them the bare minimum that will prevent them from starving, and the rest he keeps for himself.”
    - Animal Farm

  17. Terry Gain

    “Should Hillary wrest the Nomination away from Obama that will change the whole game plan. Personally, and I can’t put my finger on it, but my gut says she will prevail.”

    McCain would beat her in a landslide.

  18. Tom in CO

    I love it when the trolls show up

  19. Knottie

    LMAO Nice try Jay. But if all you have is McCain is divorced and remarried you have nothing. McCain has never lied or hidden these facts. Unlike others. It’s not so much that Edwards was playing slap and tickle it’s more that he lied about it. We would like to be able to trust those who represent us. If they can’t own up to being human and making a bad choice in their personal life and have the balls to tell the media to mind their own business on it we don’t need them.

    Finally McCain is starting to be heard and I’m glad of it. Now let’s hope the public can see past the pretty shiny talk and face cold hard truth. Truth is Obama in dangerous and does not have the best interest of this nation at heart. The troops call him the “sleeper cell” candidate. That is too close to the truth for some to want to face. But slowly I think it is dawning on people. He is Un-American in his ideals.

  20. McCain Unleashed: “Obama Tried To Legislate Defeat In Iraq…He Put His Career Ahead Of His Nation” « Thoughts Of A Conservative Christian

    […] Defeat In Iraq…He Put His Career Ahead Of His Nation” August 10, 2008 — budsimmons… Posted in B Hussein Obama, Barack Hussein Obama, Barack Obama, Hussein Obama, John McCain, […]

  21. Mike Mose

    Jay, Clinton is the King of Sleaze. It was Billy Boy that armed China with nuclear hardware and technology that went from Pakistan, to Iran to Syria and put North Korean nukes in the mix and you add Jimmy Carter and his birth of Radical Islam and you have today’s world all thanks to our friendly leftest commies in the Democratic Party.

    I’m sure your proud of that.

  22. Dave M.

    Supposedly, all disclaimers on high alert, the Texasdarlin
    website says that two sources say Obama’s actual birth certificate
    is in Republican hands and that his name, officially,
    is Barry Soetoro Ma. Citizenship - Indonesian. Has Indonesian
    passport. Used Indonesian passport to travel to Pakistan quite

  23. Brian H

    If that’s true, he’s disqualified out of the box. If you’ve EVER had dual citizenship, it’ “No POTUS 4U” time.

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