Obama Campaign Behind Anti-Palin Smear Site

August 30th, 2008 Posted By Lftbhndagn.


Hat tip to LGF

Sat, Aug 30, 2008

Suddenly appearing among the Google search results for “sarah palin gay,” a web site titled: Sarah Palin Supports Gay Rights.
Sarah Palin (GOV-Alaska-Republican), supports gay rights, says Anchorage Daily News.

Quote “Gov. Sarah Palin vetoed a bill Thursday that sought to block the state from giving public employee benefits such as health insurance to same-sex couples.”
Quote “”It is the Governor’s intention to work with the legislature and to give the people of Alaska an opportunity to express their wishes and intentions whether these benefits should continue,” the statement from Palin’s administration said.”

Coghill said he’s interested in a new plan that would allow state employees to designate one person — maybe a same-sex partner, but also possibly a family member or roommate — who would be eligible for state-paid benefits. But the employee would have to pay to add that person to his or her benefits.”

Sarah Palin’s veto gave gays the same rights as married couples in Alaska.

A vote for McCain/Palin is a vote for gay marriage.

Interesting. There’s nothing else on the page. This sure looks like the work of the dastardly right-wing anti-gay attack machine, doesn’t it?

But look who’s really behind this.

In the Linux console, if you enter the following commands, you can learn the secrets of a political dirty trick. First, look up the host of ‘sarahpalingayrights.com’ to get the site’s IP address.

host sarahpalingayrights.com
sarahpalingayrights.com has address

Then use the same command to look up the domain name pointer of that IP address.

host domain name pointer obamadefense.com

Well, well. “Obamadefense.com,” eh?

And what happens if you enter obamadefense.com on your browser’s address line?

Why, you’re redirected to none other than FightTheSmears.com, the official Barack Obama site that’s supposed to be defending him against smears.

Looks like they may have a second purpose: to generate a few smears of their own.

Here’s another site that traces back to obamadefense.com: ObamaTaxCut.com.

Two more web sites that share the IP address of obamadefense.com:

John McCain opposes the new GI Bill, but why?
John McCain Prefers War

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5 Responses

  1. TerribleTroy

    So these “people” arent even smart enough to conduct a black ops internet campaign?? Yet we’re supposed to trust our security to them?

    What I want to know .. is exactly where thier servers are located…..

  2. AZ Patriot (Merchant of Death)

    :arrow: TerribleTroy

    What I want to know .. is exactly where thier servers are located…..

    Ask and you shall recieve …… Wayne, PA :smile:

  3. mark45acp

    I think it was more like “half black” ops…

  4. Mike Mose

    Prediction, riots at election time no matter who wins.

  5. a_Golden_BB

    This shows how well Dummycraps think things through.
    To create a site as such and think that you could remain anonymous is pretty dumb.
    If one knew where to look you could also find the name on the check that bought the domain name.

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