Palin Versus Obama At Landstuhl

August 31st, 2008 Posted By Lftbhndagn.


Kudos to Beldar Blogs

An older story but this one will leave a mark…

Some politicians only bother to undertake good deeds when they can bring their campaign reporters and photographers. Others are more decent and less craven.

In July 2007, Gov. Sarah Palin (R-AK) traveled to a U.S. military base in Kuwait to visit Alaska National Guard soldiers who provide logistical support for our operations in Iraq. On her return trip, she stopped to visit wounded troops at Landstuhl Regional Medical Center in Germany.

Although most of the many photos I’ve re-published of Gov. Palin have come either from press sources or the Alaska gubernatorial state website, the particular photograph I re-published of her at Army Private James Pattison’s bedside (which I include again below) was taken by an official U.S. military photographer (Airman 1st Class Kenny Holston) and published on the internet on the website of the Alaska Department of Military & Veterans Affairs.


As far as I know, although Gov. Palin helped lead her high school basketball team to the state championship, she did not attempt a three-point basketball shot on her trip to the Middle East and Germany. Nor did she presume to solicit support from the citizens of Berlin.

But here are a couple more pictures of her visiting injured Alaskan soldiers at Landstuhl, again from the same military photographer and website:


Above, Gov. Palin visits with Army Sgt. Maj. Clifford Docktler.


Above, Gov. Palin visits Army Pfc. John Kegley


Gov. Sarah Palin visits has breakfast and visits with Ramstein Air Base Airmen in Germany on July 26, 2007. Palin went on to visit wounded Airmen and Soldiers at Landstuhl Regional Medical Center, Landstuhl, Germany.


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15 Responses

  1. solomonpal

    How can anyone not but love this gal.How insipid and shallow Hussein appears when compared to this woman.She’s my Gov…Yeah!

  2. Earlg

    Hey look, Obama’s best friend is visiting his shoulder…ahhhhhh…isn’t that cute? …the One even noticed. :twisted:

    Palin’s a dynamite choice. She just needs to keep the Sheethead, it’ll be a hoot. I guarantee.

  3. hegelbot didnt know where to put this but enjoy

  4. mike3481

    In the bottom photo, the soldier on Gov. Palin’s left, I think he’s about to start blushing.


  5. Knottie

    I respect anyone who takes the time to sit down and breaks bread with our military men and women. I like Sarah Palin more and more every day.

    Side note: When my son was killed I did not received a single letter from a democrap. I received many from Republicans not only from my own state but from across the Nation. It spoke volumes to us…

  6. Lftbhndagn (К аду с Россия)

    :arrow: Knottie

    Side note: When my son was killed I did not received a single letter from a democrap. I received many from Republicans not only from my own state but from across the Nation. It spoke volumes to us…



    I had no idea you lost a son. My sincerest condolences and my heart and prayers go out to you and your family.
    Im speechless..

  7. Donnie B

    Let’s get a good game of “horse” on and see who get played!

  8. Bryan J

    I doubt they had to order people to sit with her like the military did with Senators Clinton & Kerry

  9. sierrahome

    I think she’s about to charm that orange from that young man…there’ll be another story for the Koz Kids.

  10. mindy abraham

    Knottie-thanks for your son-i am so sorry for you :sad: As for Gov Palin, I like the person, even if I do not like all of her views

  11. Nelly the Jarhead

    To be honest I was suprised when I heard that she was the nominee, I didn’t know anything about her and when I found some stuff out my 23 year old brain thought that she doesn’t have much experience and then my stupidity left me and I realized that having experience at being a lying piece of political trash is worthless to our country. I love this woman more as every day goes by. As soon as I found out she is a Lifetime Member of the NRA, I instantly knew that she’s the best politician I’ve ever seen in my life. As an Iraq veteran and still active duty, Gov Sarah Palin gets my vote no matter where she is on the ticket and its going to be painful to see the “dem smear” team attack such a great american the way they are and are sure to.

  12. Knottie

    Nelly.. they are already trying but just grasping at air. I think she is a real deal. What this country has needed for a long long time. Strong, honest, family based…a person with values.

  13. Mike Mose

    Obama did not want to be bothered by his visit to the troops. Whereas McCain Palin looks it as an honor to be in the same room with America’s finest. How could you not want to meet these people. The only way you would not want to meet these people is if you stabbed them in the back.

  14. Palin Versus Obama At Landstuhl « Thoughts Of A Conservative Christian

    […] Versus Obama At Landstuhl September 1, 2008 — budsimmons Posted in B Hussein Obama, Barack Hussein Obama, Barack Obama, Hussein Obama, John Murtha, Obama, […]

  15. Victoria

    Governor Palin is a dream woman: one that men respect, and women would love to resemble. Alaskans have the right to feel proud of this gal.

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