Penn & Teller Bullsh*t: Code Pink

August 16th, 2008 Posted By Bash.

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19 Responses

  1. billy_bonney

    The get nine of the most pathetic people they can find and say stupid shit that high school students know better than to say and they wonder why no one takes them seriously.

    I suppose they feel they have a life by acting like assholes…sad.


  2. alex

    lol that sums code pink up perfectly :lol:

  3. POD1

    Peace “Hobbyists”. :lol: :lol: :lol: :beer:

  4. Mike in VA

    :lol: :lol: :lol: :beer: :beer: :beer:
    To think Code Skank is the vanguard of the “anti-war” movement. :roll:

  5. DC

    When Penn & Teller dis’s a leftie group, you know they gotta be EXTREMELY pathetic……….because Penn Gillette is just about as liberal as you can get…..just short of being a communist. :roll:

  6. ROB

    ROFL IT went well because I felt good. Tell me again WHY we have the 19th Amendment? LOL

  7. T-Bagg "The Keeper of Secrets"

    …”The code pinkers have finished the dishes…”


  8. Egfrow

    I truly believe these people are mentally deficient.

  9. Egfrow

    DC ,

    They are Libertarians, almost as bad as Liberals and in someways can be worse.

  10. HugoDePayenz

    I agree with Egfrow, i know a libertarian and he is pretty nuts.

  11. ticticboom (Will Kill For Oil)

    My main beef with Libertarians is their foreign policy and national security positions. Most of their domestic stances I can live with, although I can see why many people freak out when they find out exactly what the consequences are.

    I’ll take a Libertarian society (if that’s not a contradiction in terms) over a Socialist one any day. Although what we have in most of America, a Conservative society, is in my opinion the best/least bad one in history.

  12. Marc Stockwell-Moniz

    Wow! That was like the kettle calling the pot ah, well you know. :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :beer:

  13. billie

    Aren’t they part of the Full Moon Drum Circle? Just kidding.

  14. Anderson S. Wise- VA (America, FUCK YEAH!!!)

    :arrow: ticticboom (Will Kill For Oil)


    I do believe I saw on Glenn Beck awhile back, Gillette’s vigorous support for the GWOT and the troops. Maybe he’s a Boortz Libertarian, and not of the Barr/Paul/Jones mold.

    I do know for certain that he’s a staunch atheist.

  15. NickD

    Love that show. Regardless of Gilette’s political views, I admire the amount of common sense that is used when discussing these topics. I particularly enjoyed the episodes on concealed carry and socialized health care. (pro CCW, anti-SHC by the way).

  16. Tom in CO

    I wish Teller would talk :(

    Good watch though! :beer: :gun:

  17. ticticboom (Will Kill For Oil)

    Just watched the whole episode. They pushed the ‘Free Trade will solve all problems’ bullshit, letting the stench of moral equivalency slip in. Melanie Morgan isn’t pro-war; like many on this site, she’s simply aware that the only way to have peace is through strength.

    Poland had no desire to go to war with Germany, but they weren’t given a vote. Hell, the reason France and England don’t go to war anymore isn’t the EU, as Penn claims, but because they have more dangerous enemies in common.

    Chirac would’ve happily conquered Europe if he could’ve gotten away with it. He did everything short of war to weaken America. That ‘democracies don’t go to war with each other’ saying implies that the reason is that they’re innately peaceful. The real reason is that they’re almost all tied to America, who will intervene if two of her allies start shooting at each other.

    Look at Greece and Turkey. They would’ve fought three or four wars in the last sixty years if it wasn’t for NATO and the US. Granted, neither are what I’d call true democracies, but you get the idea.

  18. rightangle

    A few secs either side of 1:52 and Penn sounds a lot like “The Kid from Brooklyn” that gets featured here sometimes.

  19. JonnyMordant (Typical NASCAR Fan)

    :arrow: Tom in CO
    “I wish Teller would talk” :sad:

    Well, I wish The Code Pinkos couldn’t talk! :lol:

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