Pukes Protest Recruiter, Gathering of Eagles Counter, Pukes Flee - With Video

August 19th, 2008 Posted By Bash.


Thanks to our good friend Katie O’Malley for sending me the pics, story and video. These protesting pukes cut and run, because that is their nature…

Doing what the left does best…..cut and run

On Saturday, August 16, 2008, The Gathering of Eagles came to Somerville, NJ to stand for our troops. Our intrepid and hard working state coordinator, Carolyn along with David’s help, did a little recon of the anti-war “vigil” last month. The moonbats had about 15 folks planted outside the recruiting station in the middle of town (classy!!). The dynamic duo returned to their car and gathered their signs for an impromptu rally of their own…an Eagle is always prepared!

The moonbats were NOT happy. Two Eagles on a corner across the street caused them so much rabid anger, several of them literally ran across the street to verbally harass our heroes. But did they chase our Eagles away? No sir…Eagles are not intimidated….even when outnumbered.

Fast forward to August 16th . Eagles from CT, NJ, PA & NY met outside the recruiting station. Within minutes, the 20 plus Eagles had American flags flying on all four corners. Honks and thumbs up became a constant backdrop.

There were some typical Eagle moments. An older couple came by, thanked us for being there and expressed their joy at seeing Eagles on the corner for a change. At Carolyn’s invitation, they joined us and asked when the next event was! New Eagles hatching! In addition, a wonderful NJ woman, Sue, heard about the event on-line…intended to stop by for a few minutes and stayed the entire time.

A young woman came to take pictures…we are all a little cautious about folks who approach…you NEVER know what their agenda might really be. But we were thrilled when she told us the following,I was upstairs in my apartment watching tv….my husband cam in and said there were protesters outside the recruiting station. I said big deal, they are there every month….he said no honey, they are pro-troop!!!! I grabbed my camera. I HAD to see this for myself. As soon as I leave here, I am going to send these pictures to our friend who is serving in Iraq so he sees what people are doing for him.”

There is no finer honor we can have then to know that our brave heroes will know we have their backs here at home.

After much merriment, the witching hour was drawing near…the moonbats arrival approached. Up the street came one lone hippie, dragging her Soros funded premade signs. As she rounded the corner and saw the Eagles, her mouth dropped so far open she could have fit an army boot right inside. She stood, forlornly, waiting for backup. Finally, she was joined by another leftie who was equally gobsmacked. They huddled together, snapping pictures and calling for backup on their cells. After no more than 10-15 minutes, they scurried away, defeated.

At least they provided a real time example of EXACTLY WHAT THEY WANT TO SEE US DO IN IRAQ….those sad creatures did what the left knows best…in the face of opposition, in the face of challenge….the MOONBATS CUT AND RUN.

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16 Responses

  1. CPLViper


  2. Lee__

    The left-over signage could be recycled by the nutroots as arsewipe….but please only use one sheet at a time!

  3. Mike in VA

    Man, that brings back some great memories from GOE I:

    Eagles Up! :beer: :beer: :beer:

  4. Happyone

    There was a collection of maybe 100 protesters in front of Saddleback Church Saturday night during the Obama-McCain forum. Some male “protesters” aged around 18-30 with signs with vile slogans on them were crossing the street. I stepped on the gas while rounding the curb, intentionally making my tires squeal on the giant Suburban I was driving. I made the little wimpy boys jump out of the way. (Of course, I was in control all the time.) Ha ha ha. Made my night. :twisted: P.S.: Obama’s carbon footprint was huge. McCain was in a 3 Suburban caravan. Obama was in a caravan, one vehicle of which was a huge “rockstar” tour bus belching diesel fumes.

  5. steve m

    dregs of society

  6. Jerry

    being a redblooded pro-military type living in the very-blue Garden State I am very happy to see the Eagle has landed here and exposed these libs for the cowards they really are. Unfortunately, being NJ, I bet a town ordinance favoring lefty protests ONLY will crop up at the next Somerville town council meeting.

  7. AmericanJarhead

    That is SWEEEEEEEET!!! :beer: :beer: :beer:

  8. American Infidel

    This is an article by the liberal putz activist. When I read this I wondered where the hell their thinking comes from. They are completely from another world, one they’ve created in their own twisted minds.

    It’s called: “Why the War Is Sexist…”

  9. ROB

    :arrow: Jerry

    Wouldn’t surprise me. Liberals are always going on about freedom of speech, but they’re the only ones they think should have it. Afterall they rant and rave at people who disagree, and after they’re done making idiots of themselves they complain to the democrats who pass laws protecting the liberals and punishing conservatives.

    BTW what do sea gulls have in common with liberals. They’re both pests that squawk, eat crap, and are protected by the government. :lol:

  10. Jarhead68

    I laughed, I cried, I had a beer!!! Long live the Eagles…not the football ones, The Gathering ones. Say, does anyone know of a local chapter on Long Island? I never see any lefty protests here even though it’s Liberalville where I live. The only recruiting station I pass is gone. Don’t know where they went.

  11. T-Bagg


  12. Carolyn

    we had such a wonderful time at this rally - the energy was so positive and watching the moonbats retreat was priceless!! the recruiters were so happy to see us there; they were an impressive group of young men - very mature, centered and focused - and they made us feel proud to stand for them.

    we will continue to bring our pro-victory, pro-america message to the various moonbat groups in nj.

    NJ State Coordinator
    Gathering of Eagles

  13. Zeke Eagle

    HooAh! Eagles Up!
    Nanuet,NY Saturday.

  14. DanNY


    Contact me at goe.ny(at)earthlink.net
    We are active on Long Island and would always welcome another eagle!
    We have something coming up this Saturday in Bay Shore.

    Dan Maloney
    NY State Coordinator
    Gathering of Eagles

  15. topgun

    :beer: Thank You from the proud dad of a Sailor, a Marine, and an Army Medic.

  16. Kathy

    Awesome! I love the picture of the confused little moonbats. How many times since 3/17/07 have we seen that look?
    Great job!

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