PUMA’s Reaction To Sarah

August 29th, 2008 Posted By drillanwr.


Perhaps stamping this as a ‘historical day’ in politics might be a stretch, since Gov. Palin is not the first woman to be on a presidential ticket as Vice President. However, I feel it is historical in the sense that it takes away, and rightfully so, the democrat/liberal mantra that they are the party for women. You and I know that is just the opposite. That there are many brilliant conservative women within the republican party. This is historical in that respect, that it erases the liberal democrat insinuation that conservative women are barefoot, pregnant, ignorant, and non career minded.

Here is a prime example of what they have been pushing for for decades … A woman who has had it all and done it all … Who has actually worked her way to the top in a generally man’s world. So now they attack her for just that … “How can she possibly leave, abandon, her “special needs child to be Veep?”

Would they ask this if Sarah Palin were Obama’s choice?

Hillary Clinton issued this statement a few moments ago about John McCain’s running mate:

“We should all be proud of Governor Sarah Palin’s historic nomination, and I congratulate her and Senator McCain. While their policies would take America in the wrong direction, Governor Palin will add an important new voice to the debate.” (Hotline)


The New Democratic Party

Goodbye Howard Dean. Goodbye Barack Obama. Goodbye Nancy Pelosi. Goodbye Donna Brazile. You have not only lost the White House for the Democratic Party. Today you have brought the Democratic Party to the brink of irrelevancy altogether. John McCain has played you all like a piano.

Today we say GOODBYE to the OLD Democratic Party. The OLD Democratic Party has led us to DISASTER. John McCain and Sarah Palin will win in November by a landslide.

TODAY, August 29th 2008, Puma PAC has started a new political party:


We have a website launching tonight. at www.thenewdemocraticparty.org
and www.ndp.org

We will be modeled on Alice Paul’s National Woman’s Party. We will NOT be running candidates. We WILL be endorsing candidates.

We will be the Party for All Disaffected Democrats who are FINISHED WITH THE OLD DEMOCRATIC PARTY. We are NOT Republicans, though millions of us will vote McCain/Palin in November.

Some reader comments at the PUMA site:

Wow, Thanks so much to this Sarah Palin who never forgot us. She is a fighter. She paid her respects to our Hillary and Geraldine . They now no more think women in this country are 2nd class. You go girl and thank you for a refreshing pick Sen. McCain.

i wish i could see the look on obamas face when he heard this vp pick

Or Michelles. “Why’d he go and do that!”

I am going over to John McCain’s website and thank her for acknowledging the glass ceiling and our struggles. She needs to know that there are LOTS of us behind her fight.

Maybe those 18 million cracks will help her shatter the ceiling!

You can bet that BO did not see this coming.

I’m listening to his acolyte now on MSNBC, Andrea Mitchell. The tone of her voice and this almost choking quality of her words tells me that she sees this as a real problem for her guy, BO. (I’m gleeful.)

gave John McCain a standing ovation and a 10 minute claps. It did not matter that there was no one around except my dog to share that.

Hats off! Bigtime!!

Sarah visiting a wounded soldier in Germany.

Remember just a short while ago Obama would not visit the wounded soldiers in Germany but he would take take to play the rock idol there.

Geraldine Ferraro is a very astute woman!

obama made the biggest mistake of his career not choosing Hillary. The Democrats got behind obama so much they didn’t even realize what they were doing trying to push Hillary out of the picture. I’m sure Hillary is not happy obama did not make her but she is probably laughing now and preparing for 2012 campaign with the slogan “I told you so”

I am thrilled her speech was genuine, and promising!!!!! Let’s go Forum, we have a mission.

Obama did not see that coming! I’m sure a lot of people didn’t see it coming. Great job by the McCain campaign to keep things very hush hush!


Wow. I’ve been listening to 98.7 Kluv, and they keep cranking out songs about women. They’re really celebrating, too! The last one I heard was, “Treat her like a Lady!” TOOOOOOOOOO cool.

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26 Responses

  1. ji

    I love any woman who can hang with the boys.

  2. Steve in NC

    Great post drill!

    I have actually been productive today and have been off media.
    This is still making me smile. I am absolutely pumped.

  3. IP727


  4. sully

    Finally, legitimate hope and change.

  5. mike3481

    :arrow: IP727

    I hope not, I’ve got a “Mountain Lion Warning” on my kitchen table from the Monterey Police Dept. that was overnight mailed to every resident in the hillside areas.


  6. Mike Mose

    Palin is a fine American hero. I hope she is looked at as a great success story for all young women. Not like Hillary(wife of Bill)

    This woman has done it on her own hard work.

  7. POD1

    This is good news for now, but what about further down the road?

    What will be the effect of these liberal PUMA gals on the future GOP?
    Will they look around, learn, have a legitimate awakening?
    Or will they do what all liberals are born to do, infiltrate and destroy from within?

    I don’t want to ruin anyone’s buzz,
    but these are commie leaning femi-nazis after all.
    Just saying.

  8. tedders

    “but these are commie leaning femi-nazis after all”

    Not all of ‘em, maybe not even a majority of them.

  9. Steve in NC

    :arrow: POD1

    If the pumas help vote in a conservative gun toting pro life candidate what has become of them?

  10. POD1

    :arrow: Steve in NC
    “If the pumas help vote in a conservative gun toting pro life candidate what has become of them?”

    They’ll help us NOW out of sheer spite for obama.
    To teach him a lesson.

    My concern is later, (2010, 2012, 2014) when the hurt feelings wear off and they go back to being typical America hating commies again.

    :arrow: tedders
    “Not all of ‘em, maybe not even a majority of them.”

    Maybe, maybe not. Only time will tell.

    :arrow: tedders and Steve in NC

    Never forget who your enemy is, even if he is your ally today.

    They’re liberals first.
    Men, woman, black, white, and everything else is a distant second.

    Never forget who your enemy is, even if he is your ally today.

  11. Steve Thomas

    Iv seen stats that say most pro abortion activists are young single males(guess why?) Most women just want a strong woman leader, even the ones that dont think so highly of McCains choice will at some point, once they see this lady in action.

  12. Irish Gal

    Rock on Sarah :beer: :beer: :beer:

  13. Tom in CO

    Sarah ftw

  14. Jarhead68

    Wow…it didn’t take long for the democRat attack dogs to start putting Palin down. As always, with liberals, they avoid the issues and go for the gutter. The Kos Kruds are in high dudgeon. Questioning whether or not Palin covered for her teenaged daughter by claiming her 5th child was hers when the teenager really gave birth. They are despicable scum over there a Kos. :gun: :gun: :gun:

  15. Wendy

    I love this woman!!! I thought she was a long shot and resigned myself to Romney. You can only imagine my surprise and jubilation when I got off the plane today to see that McCain had picked Sarah. I am thrilled!!!!!!!! She is one tough cookie and someone I am proud to have represent women and America.

  16. sierrahome

    So we go from MILF to MILTVF

    Mother I’d like to vote for–in a Hot Librarian kind’a way of course.

  17. Born&Raised American

    The Fact of the matter about her son, that was born in April, she went into labor @ the Governor’s Convention and jumped on a plane back to Alaska to have her Child…

    GO Fuck the Kos Scumbags

  18. fmder

    :arrow: POD1
    Bingo! Even though I relish the chickens roosting for the DEMORATS right now, we all know its only the femi-nazi thing for now. However, keep your friends close, but keep your enemies closer….

  19. Steve in NC

    I’ll take the votes but they are not going to get into a position of policy control, what votes the angry feminazis do give will not be a controlling majority.

  20. Dogbert41 (Back it up, Bitch)

    Well I was stunned! You know the really amazing thing is that she, more than any other Vice President since Truman, has a very high probability of becoming POTUS!

    As for her foreign policy experience, she is going to knock them dead over in Europe! They will fall all over themselves fawning over her. Our troops will LOVE her.

    Obiwan Obambi is fucking burnt toast. Yesterday’s news. Stick a fork in him. He’s done. Last night he just looked like an angry bitter poverty pimp commie whore. Fuck him.

    The media knows this full well, hence the inability to even stand back a minute and applaud. They are full boar on attack mode. This will piss off a lot of women.

    In the end, the average American Joe will look around and see what camp they want to join. An angry bitter bunch of bastards, or one that actually has solutions and the courage to get there.

  21. hegelbot

    i am really surprised by the response, wow, personally i really like the pick, but to hear women getting behind it and really feeling it is awesome, i kind of felt that vp was just another glass ceiling, but hey if they like it in the words of white sox broadcaster ed farmer “get off the deck” and “go crazy”….and hawk harrelson “you can put it on the board…YES!!!!!!!!!” (i am a cubs fan..lol)

  22. Storm 0311

    I am surprisingly upbeat about McCain’s pick.

    Now I pray he doesn’t dick up my little happy place with more maverick shit.


    Storm 0311

  23. trapper

    she looks better than PRESIDENT BUSH in a flight suit! :lol: btw we should be happy as hell at the msm reaction, that means it was the right choice

  24. Brian H

    :arrow: POD1;
    The PUMAs have already formed a “New Democratic Party” (coincidentally, the name of the leftistest party in Canada), which will support selected candidates of any party. Their goal is to get Oblabla out of Hillary’s way, plus reform the DNC root and branch. They hate Edwards, Reid, Pelosi et al for fraudulently depriving their Goddess of the nomination.

    They are NOT new Republicans, and are quite explicit about why they are likely to vote McCain/Palin ONCE.

  25. drillanwr (Today I am an Alaskan!)

    :arrow: Brian H

    The best weapons are the ones you take off the ‘enemy’ and turn around on them …

  26. clramsay

    August 30, 2008
    Palin booed for mentioning Hillary Clinton
    Posted: 07:35 PM ET

    From CNN Political Producer Peter Hamby

    Palin is praising Clinton on the trail as the GOP woos the New York senator’s supporters.
    WASHINGTON, Pennsylvania (CNN) – This might not be the best way to reach out to those disillusioned Hillary Clinton supporters.

    In just her second appearance on the campaign trail with John McCain, newly-minted GOP running mate Sarah Palin was showered with boos on Saturday for attempting to praise Clinton’s trail-blazing bid to become the first female president.

    As she did at in her debut speech in Ohio yesterday, Palin appealed to the women in the crowd here in Pennsylvania with a political shout-out to Geraldine Ferraro, who preceded Palin as the first women to be tapped as a vice presidential candidate. The reference was met with polite applause.

    But in contrast with the mild reception that greeted the comment at the Ohio event, when Palin praised Clinton here for showing “determination and grace in her presidential campaign,” the Alaska governor was met with a noisy mix of boos, groans and grumbles around the minor league ballpark where the “Road to the Convention Rally” was held.

    Palin quickly recovered, promising the audience that female candidates weren’t yet finished, and that she and McCain were on their way to victory in November.

    Filed under: Hillary Clinton • Sarah Palin

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