“Putin Youth”: Indoctrination Camps Brainwash Kids On The Evils Of America - With Video

August 17th, 2008 Posted By Pat Dollard.

“The Americans are vermin.”






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18 Responses

  1. ji

    UH Oh better get the liberals out there to make nice with the Russians.
    People better wake up, a lot of these liberal groups are financed by Russia.

  2. franchie

    gorgeous people, too bad they’ll become tank meat

    uh the Chineses are also making that sort of brainwashing

  3. Marc Stockwell-Moniz

    “Putin Youth”: Indoctrination Camps Brainwash
    Kids On The Evils Of America.” :?: :?: :roll:

    To think that just a mere 17 years-or-so-ago, the Russian children had a promise of a future, a good future. But now, that seems to be all thrown away. (And has been for about a decade.)
    Even that drunkard Yeltsin had the populace thinking and reveling about unknown freedoms that may have existed for a only a short while in Russia.
    Enter KGB and tyrannical pukes like Putin and all goes to Hell really, really quick.
    Son, you now need to join the criminal organization commonly known as Russia Inc. :mad:

  4. Phil Byler

    We need to start seeing Russia as an adversary again and as having a KGB socialist government led by Putin. The Putin youth camps depicted in the video should bring to mind the Nationalist Socialist Hitler Youth and the red scarved Young Communist groups. Also what should come to mind is Mussolini’s Fascist Italy; Mussolini was a socialist whose aim was to restore the glory of the Roman Empire. Putin’s desire is to restore the “glory” of the Evil Soviet Empire.

  5. POD1

    Its the U.S. school system on steroids.

  6. Birdddog

    I was waiting for the “god is great” in Russian :roll: Looks like the Hezzy kids but with no weapons :shock:

  7. Steve Rogers


    No weapons yet :gun:

  8. billie

    I wonder if this is an adjunct to the summer military boot camps that Russian children have been compulsory attending since 2000. (The practice had been abolished in 1991). From the sunday-times.co.uk, Sept. 3, 2000:

    “Alongside traditional subjects such as history and maths, [children] will be obliged to attend marching lessons and special courses on how to react to crises such as impending nuclear attack, terrorist bombs or hostage-taking. There will be special drills with gas masks.”

    “The climax will come at the end of each summer term when all boys over the age of 15 will be made to spend a week at a miliary training camp where retired army officers will teach them how to assemble and fire Kalashnikovs. They will also use mortars, practise various fighting techniques and dig trenches. Girls will be taught first aid.”

    “…[The] classes in ‘military-patriotic education’ would turn pupils into better citizens.”

    “Some have questioned the need for compulsory training, given that there are special army training camps where parents can send their children during summer breaks if they wish.”

    “At Cascae, a summer boot camp close to Moscow, young Russians already undergo training that differs little from that for special forces serving in Chechnya.”

    “Clad in full camouflage uniforms, chidren as young as nine are put through a grueling training course. It includes mock clashes and ambushes, and lessons in how to use weapons such as axes, knives and Kalashnikovs. Children are even taught how to handle a rocket-propelled grenade launcher.”

    “‘I teach the kids here that you can use almost anything at hand to kill an enemy: a stone, a piece of wood, a comb or even a spoon,’ said Gennady Karatayev, the commander.”

  9. sierrahome

    I live next door to two former Hitler Youths…both SCREAMING liberals…both claim the Holocaust NEVER happened and both are very much Thule…Creepy Fuckers.


  10. Wulf

    A Prelude to a war predicated on our attack of Iran. I don’t know I’m just free posting.

  11. Doug

    Seems alot like college rallies for hussein

  12. mike3481

    Didn’t Vladimir Lenin & Co., more or less do the same thing with the Russian peasant class in the years before the Communists murdered the Royal Family and created the Soviet Union?

  13. drillanwr (Today I Am A Georgian)

    Vlad is such a publicity whore …

    Little fucking Neo-Soviet ’skin heads’ :gun: :gun: :gun:

  14. (CAPT-DAX)

    “Putin Youth”: Indoctrination Camps Hmmmmm, kinda sounds like the Obama plan!

  15. HugoDePayenz

    That’s what i thought when i saw that phil.

  16. ROB

    They also ARE and HAVE been brainwashing out children through liberalism.

  17. Heinz

    Yeah but I bet they are interesting fellows.

    It is interesting that they are all one color in these pictures. Say what you will but oneness of color can instill strong patriotic feelings and pride in ones self and country.

  18. Tom in CO

    Brownshirts are the new red!

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