Quote Of The Day: Best Words Spoken At DNC All Week

August 27th, 2008 Posted By Bash.


Please check out this quote…The Quote of the Day, today, is actually from the Archbishop Demetrios of America. He is the man, the big dude in the Greek Orthodox Archdiocese of America, and from what I understand, a decent and humble Christian man.

I’d have a Rockstar and talk about Jesus with him any day…because I think we know the same Jesus.

His quote is here in video form…

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20 Responses

  1. fmder

    Very well stated… amen.

  2. Jarhead68

    Are you sure that was the democRat convention? If so, they just admitted there is no separation of church and state. Imagine…praying at a political event. The shame, the hypocrisy, oh, the humanity.

  3. Unbreakable

    This is sickening how the dems are using these unsuspecting religious figures (like this Greek Orthodox gent) to act as a smokescreen while they (dem politicos) actually UNDERMINE our religious liberties. All they are trying to do here is widen their fan base and act as if they are “in” with the church-going crowd. We know they are not. Can I get a witness up in here?

  4. Mike in VA

    Amen, indeed.

    I was also taken aback to see Archbishop Demetrios addressing the DNC. I was expecting some jihadist imam to bless the Dhimmicraps. :shock:

  5. Mike Mose

    Maybe just maybe those spoken words will have an impact with the people in attendance.

  6. thomp45


    However; I am shocked that the godless democraps, who spill their hatred of religion are sitting there with heads bowed and eyes closed while the prayer is being uttered. Where are the “seperation of church and state” dimwhits????


  7. Rob

    :arrow: Mike Mose

    Come on man, get real they’re democrats, they don’t believe a word out of his mouth. The only reason they had him there was to get christians to vote democrat, and basically vote themselves out of existence. Plus, they already had a Muslim give a speech. His name is Obama.

  8. drillanwr (Today I Am A Georgian)

    Does anyone else have a problem with, and see the sick paradox and irony, in this Most Holy man whose religion IS completely against abortion giving an opening prayer at a convention being held for a political party whose possible candidate for POTUS (nay, Messiah) is soooo pro-abortion that he HAS voted repeatedly against the”Born Alive Infants Protection Act” … and fucking LIED about it!!!???!!!???




    Am I out of my fucking mind???

    Have I lost it completely???

  9. cnchess

    I bet he is never invited back.

  10. ji

    At least he didnt pray for the Democrats to win.

  11. Denise

    For you information, The Archbishop of the Greek Orthodox Church always gives a prayer before the DNC and the RNC. He, or his predecessor has been giving the prayer for both of them since the 1960’s.

  12. drillanwr (Today I Am A Georgian)

    :arrow: Denise

    That does not disqualify my observations to the facts.

    Also was a time in the “Catholic Church” when those who committed suicide were NOT granted Catholic burial rites or in church funneral service … and there was a very deep and strong reason for it.

  13. James

    Athens, the only European capitol that has not allowed a mosque to be built within it’s boundaries. When Bill Clinton was bombing Serbians (also Orthodox Christians), it was Greeks that massed in protest throughout Greece. Modern Greeks have a long history of fighting and expelling communism from the enemies within, and in this election Americans of Greek heritage and all American alike will indeed shun Barak Hussein Obama who has the audacity to give a speech behind a makeshift miniature Greek structure which pillars which are a symbol of Democracy.

  14. drillanwr (Today I Am A Georgian)

    :arrow: James,

    God bless.

    Looks as if he has plans to ‘change’ that too (re: pillars of democracy)

  15. James

    thank you drillanwr, God Bless You and God Bless America.

  16. drillanwr (Today I Am A Georgian)

    Bash emailed me worried I was putting down the good Archbishop in my above comment re: him praying before the DNC.

    No, his position of forgiveness and understanding is to be admired.

    I will be the first to say I am not as good a person as the good Archbishop is …

    I feel the crowd and the man they were there in full support of were not worthy of him …

    I agree, Bash … May God have mercy on their souls … and Hussein’s.

  17. RC

    God bless us all, and especially our finest bravest men and women who protect us and our liberties and God bless Archbishop Demetrios. Have to echo James’ sentiments entirely.

    Most Orthodox Christians are indeed conservatives, they understand the will of the individual and the strength of his or her faith to bring good and peace to the world. Indeed to challenge evil in all its forms and do God’s work here on earth. This link might fascinate some folks. Scroll the page and you will quickly discover where their views lay.

  18. John Doe

    :beer: Ah he was actually suppose to be at the harley Davidison 105 birthday bash In milwaukee…. Damn Airlines fucked up again :beer:

  19. billie (Today I'm A Georgian)

    :arrow: drillanwr:

    Regarding your first post, you got the stream of consciousness working, girl! It was very effective.

    Remember that Jesus socialized with sinners and tax collectors and hypocrites and some of them “got it.” Maybe a lightbulb went on over someone’s head as the Archbishop prayed for those who have given their lives to protect our freedoms. :lol:

  20. Denise

    I am not saying your observations were correct or not, I was just mentioning that the Archbishop prays for both parties for decades, just as other ministers pray at both conventions. I am not saying that I am happy that he prays for the DNC or the RNC either, but you must admit that both parties need praying over. (As a side note to your mention of the Catholic church, we, Orthodox do not have funerals for those people who commit suicide, but what has suicide do to with the Archbishop’s prayer????) I thought this was about the best quote of the DNC, not a rant on other stuff.

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