Sharia Court Orders Man With 80 Wives To Thin The ‘Herd’ Or Die

August 22nd, 2008 Posted By drillanwr.


Islam … It’s such a neat and tidy religion … So organized and precise.

Granted, Christianity (Catholicism in particular) has it’s blood-stained past … But we ARE talking about the late 20th and the early 21st Centuries here … So just leave that whole ancient history business in the books.

Look around the world. I think it is very safe to assume/claim 99.9999% of the religious persecution and killing in the name of one’s ‘god’ is being done by one religion in particular against non-believers …

By the way … the court refers to the man’s abundance of wives as a … herd.

Women’s rights groups? Feminists?

{loud chirping of crickets …}

An Islamic body in Nigeria has issued a death sentence on a man who married 80 women well above the maximum of four allowed, the Guardian newspaper reports.

The Jamatu Nasril Islam (JNI), one of Nigeria’s top Islamic bodies, said in a statement that Mohammadu Bello Masaba from the central Niger state stood condemned to death unless he divorced 76 of the women in four days.

“Unless Masaba repents within four days and take only four wives from the herd he remains condemned to death, according to Sharia law,” the statement said.

“Any Muslim who married more than the approved number of wives at a time either by mistake or out of ignorance is instructed to choose but only four and ask for Allah’s forgiveness,” the group said.

Since the return of Nigeria to civil rule in 1999 a dozen predominantly Muslim states in the north have re-introduced a strict version of the Islamic Sharia legal system.

Sharia law is often seen as more efficient and less bureaucratic and corrupt than Nigeria’s secular courts.

The northern states pride themselves on applying a mild form of Sharia, with no deaths by stoning carried out and few amputations.

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12 Responses

  1. AZ Patriot (Merchant of Death)

    The northern states pride themselves on applying a mild form of Sharia, with no deaths by stoning carried out and few amputations.

    Yea just the occasional HEAD! :roll:

  2. SenorLumpy

    I sure do love the 7th century….

  3. Molly

    These are the same nut jobs that refused to let their women be vaccinated against small pox (either that or influenza) because they said it would damage their fertility.

  4. billie (Today I'm a Georgian)

    A young Christian convert was burned alive in Saudi Arabia by her father. He’s a member of the Commission for the Promotion of Virtue and Against Vice (Muttawa). He cut out her tongue first.

  5. billie (Today I'm a Georgian)

    The UK’s first Sharia-compliant prepaid MasterCard was launched on August 12, 2008. It charges no interest and receives no credit.

    The UK’s Sharia Gold Card Scam

    “Not only does the money donated by the company (10%) to “charities” entail the risk that it will flow to Islamists as well as terrorism, it also encourages the West to be more compliant to the implementation of the rest of Sharia as well. Frog in the pot on slow boil, as I see it. But here is another reason why the West and Muslims themselves should avoid the whole deal, it’s a BIG RIP OFF.”

  6. billie (Today I'm a Georgian)

    “The northern states pride themselves on applying a mild form of Sharia, with no deaths by stoning carried out and few amputations.” (AFP)

    How many deaths by strangulation or burning alive, or like AZ Patriot wrote, beheading? What about honor killings?

  7. billie (Today I'm a Georgian)

    Carmen bin Laden was married to one of Osama bin Laden’s half brothers (she divorced him). In “Inside the Kingdom,” she wrote that their father was married to over 20 women. When he got tired of one, he’d divorce her for someone younger; ostensibly, he was married to only four wives at any given time.

    He had a unique arrangement whereby he allowed the divorced women to continue living on his premises, but he didn’t continue conjugal relationships with them.

  8. RC

    They look like ninjas in that pic… now that would be something! 80 female ninja wives :mrgreen: yeah only in Chuck Noris’ dreams. I suppose if it were Chuck he could round-house kick 76 of them in one go.

    *mild form of Sharia*? UhHuh.. good one. :roll:

  9. tedders

    Don’t all Sharia law rulings end with, “do this, or die!”

  10. billie (Today I'm a Georgian)

    Iranian religious figures worry that the return of the 12th Iman (Mahdi) experienced a setback because an Iranian woman was allowed to be a flag bearer during the Olympic ceremonies in Beijing.

    “‘[It] shows total disobedience of the laws mandated by our spiritual guides,” said Seyye Ahmad Elmalhoda, leader of Friday prayers in Iran’s holy city of Mashad.”

    “‘To make this woman march means to openly declare war to our religious values. Whoever is responsible for this unforgivable act, he should know that this gesture constitutes an obstacle for the ‘appearance’ of Mahdi,’ said Elmalhoda.”

    “He was referring to the mainly Shia Islam belief that imam Mohammed al-Mahdi will appear to fight a final apocalyptic battle over the forces of evil. Followers believe he was born in the year 868 and has been in hiding ever since awaiting a decision from god to reappear.”

  11. deathstar

    [[Any Muslim who married more than the approved number of wives at a time either by mistake or out of ignorance is instructed to choose but only four and ask for Allah’s forgiveness]]

    Oh shit, how did I accidently marry 76 too many babes, fuck, what a mistake. Crap I wish I was better at math.

  12. mike3481

    :arrow: Molly

    It was Polio and it came roaring back and the Family’s of the sick kids were none too happy, there was a huge backlash.

    And the local Clerics had to knock it off.

    But those Kids are screwed-up for life. :sad:

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