Syria-Russia Deal Threatens New Cold War

August 21st, 2008 Posted By Lftbhndagn.




Is anyone else starting to see the “Big Picture” here while the puzzle pieces fall into place?

Times Of London:

Syria raised the prospect yesterday of having Russian missiles on its soil, sparking fears of a new Cold War in the Middle East. President Assad said as he arrived in Moscow to clinch a series of military agreements: “We are ready to co-operate with Russia in any project that can strengthen its security.”

The Syrian leader told Russian newspapers: “I think Russia really has to think of the response it will make when it finds itself closed in a circle.”

Mr Assad said that he would be discussing the deployment of Russian missiles on his territory. The Syrians are also interested in buying Russian weapons.

In return Moscow is expected to propose a revival of its Cold War era naval base at the Syrian port of Tartus, which would give the Russian Navy its first foothold in the Mediterranean for two decades. Damascus and Moscow were close allies during the Cold War but the Kremlin’s influence in the region waned after the collapse of the Soviet Union. Yesterday’s rapprochement raised the possibility that Moscow intends to re-create a global anti-Western alliance with former Soviet bloc allies.

Many in Israel fear that the Middle East could once again become a theatre for the two great powers to exert their spheres of influence, militarily and politically. And with Israel and the US providing military backing to Georgia, Russia appears set to respond in kind by supporting Syria.

Already, Israeli observers worry that the chaos in the Caucasus may disrupt gas supplies to Europe and Turkey from the Caspian Sea region, creating a greater energy reliance on Iran and its vast reserves. The crisis could in turn allow Tehran to exploit splits in the international community and use Russia as a backer to advance its nuclear programme. Russia has wooed Syria in recent years, as it has tried to increase its influence in the Middle East and increase arms sales.

Syria and Israel recently confirmed they had been holding indirect talks to reach a peace deal after decades of hostility. Part of Syria’s motivation was to break the international isolation it has suffered for its strategic alliance with Tehran. A closer alliance with a resurgent Russia could afford Mr Assad a way out of any binding commitment. Some Israeli analysts even fear that it could encourage Syria to try to take back the Golan Heights, captured by Israel in 1967, by force.

The Georgia conflict sparked a mocking speech with Cold War rhetoric by Sheikh Hassan Nasrallah, the Hezbollah leader, over the performance of Israeli-trained Georgian troops. One of the Israeli military advisers there was reserve Brigadier-General Gal Hirsch, who commanded a division in Israel’s inconclusive war with Hezbollah in 2006, and who resigned his commission afterwards.

“Gal Hirsch, who was defeated in Lebanon, went to Georgia and they too lost because of him,” the Shia leader taunted. “Relying on Israeli experts and weapons, Georgia learnt why the Israeli generals failed.

“What happened in Georgia is a message to all those the Americans are seeking to entangle in dangerous adventures.”

August 21, 2008

Syrian President Bashar al-Assad is holding talks with his Russian counterpart, Dmitry Medvedev, in the Black Sea resort of Sochi in Russia.

Before starting his visit, Mr Assad said the speeding up of military and technical co-operation would top the agenda of the talks.

The two countries are preparing deals on anti-aircraft and anti-tank missile systems, reports say.

Israel and the US have been critical of Russian arms sales to Syria.

Syria was a close ally of the Soviet Union during the Cold War.

Support over Georgia

Relations between Moscow and Damascus have been getting closer recently - this visit is Mr Assad’s third to Russia in three years.

Mr Assad said on Thursday Russia’s military campaign in Georgia was justified.

“I want to voice support for Russia over the situation around Abkhazia and South Ossetia… We understand the essence of the Russian position and consider its military reaction a response to provocation by the Georgian side,” Mr Assad said according to the Russian news agency Itar-Tass.

Russia has been strongly criticised by the West for its military operations in Georgia launched earlier this month.

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5 Responses

  1. CPLViper

    I saw this coming when oil prices spiked up a couple of years ago. If oil was at $40 or less, like it should be, the Russian bear would still be in hibernation.

  2. Erik Marsh

    My checkmate move? The President needs to put a cork in it about the openness of China and instead announce agreements between us and them to conduct joint military and naval exercises.

  3. randy in fl

    Magog will fail…….

    America will have to arise to the occassion just as it did in WWII.

    Get the lazy Americans off their asses and start building our next set of weapons to get rid of russia and iran…..once done, noone will want to mess with us again.

    However, the bible does not mention anything about a superior western country…….

  4. Knottie

    It is time to stop playing by the rules only the US is bound by and go in and kick the living shit out of more than a few countries and people. Geez what are we waiting for? Engraved invitations? I know our military is stretch thin.. too thin.. but we can’t wait for them to make the next move or come to us. We have to stop this NOW!!

  5. Egfrow

    I’ve been harping about the dangers of Russia and China for some time. It surprises me most that people only notice when the tanks are already on the move.

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