The Audacity Of Arrogance: Obama Speech Stage Resembles Ancient Greek Temple

August 26th, 2008 Posted By drillanwr.


So, he’s taking this whole “Messiah” thing up a notch …

BAM! Greek god Zeus!

A foreshadowing Of “ruins” for our nation?

Yeah, I’m looking for some lightning or swarms of frogs and flies here …

(Picture -

DENVER - Democratic presidential candidate Barack Obama’s big speech on Thursday night will be delivered from an elaborate columned stage resembling a miniature Greek temple.

The stage, similar to structures used for rock concerts, has been set up at the 50-yard-line, the midpoint of Invesco Field, the stadium where the Denver Broncos’ National Football League team plays.

Some 80,000 supporters will see Obama appear from between plywood columns painted off-white, reminiscent of Washington’s Capitol building or even the White House, to accept the party’s nomination for president.

He will stride out to a raised platform to a podium that can be raised from beneath the floor.

The show should provide a striking image for the millions of Americans watching on television as Obama delivers a speech accepting the Democratic presidential nomination.

Politicians in past elections have typically spoken from the convention site itself, but the Obama campaign liked the idea of having their man speak to a larger, stadium-sized crowd not far from where the Democratic National Convention is being held, at the Denver pro basketball arena.

Obama was taking a page from the campaign book of John Kennedy in 1960 when the future president delivered his acceptance speech to 80,000 people in the Los Angeles Coliseum.

Once Obama speaks, confetti will rain down on him and fireworks will be fired off from locations around the stadium wall.

Democratic convention organizers said the theme for the evening is “Change We Can Believe In,” which has been a consistent message of Obama’s presidential campaign.

Oscar-winning actress and singer Jennifer Hudson will sing the national anthem that night.



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15 Responses

  1. Dogbert41

    You always get the goods Dril!

  2. Eric

    Je Zeus is he d’Messed sigh huh?

    This audacity of His Higness the Hopeless is going to back fire on him… All pomp - what a contrast to McCain the real man.

  3. RC

    “Whom the gods would destroy, they first make mad.”
    - Euripides
    (484 BC - 406 BC)

  4. AZ Patriot (Merchant of Death)

    Doesn’t this clown just ooze evil like the frackin anti-christ or what? Someone cut off his head and lets see if it grows back.

  5. sully

    Now, now… the empty suit (recently weighted down by a flag pin showing all 57 states) with no resume’ to speak of has to overcome a fine fella with a Silver Star, two Bronze Stars, a Purple Heart, the Distinguished Flying Cross and the Legion of Merit.
    So this is a pretty important speech.

    I’ve jotted down a few ideas about what his acceptance speech should be if he perchance decides to get religion and tell the truth and sent it off to his campaign….

    [wait for applause and fainting to stop]
    My momma was a radical commie who hated her own country and thought that sleeping with third world men with fringe politics was cool. My father was a drunken Kenyan Marxist who impregnated a variety of women and then had the audacity to abandon them and his kids and then wrapped himself around a tree while driving drunk at 46. My friends ain’t much but they did provide the connections and the jack to get me here tonight.
    And, oh yeah, I got a typical white person Grandma that looks alot like many of you out there.

    That’s about it folks. Remember… Come the revolection, you’ll all be allowed to go to a state funded re-education camp on vacation.
    I’m Barack Hussein Obama. Vote for me!

    No reply yet from his campaign…..

  6. Silver Fox

    Rome wanted to conquer the world…and so does Obama.

  7. billie

    Style over substance. Obama the Marxist speaking on a set meant to resemble the birthplace of democracy: Greece.

    I agree with Silver Fox. Obama should be speaking in a Roman coliseum. In “The Audacity of Hope,” Obama shared that if the political winds change, he’s going to side with the Muslims. In Rome, they used to throw Christians to the lions.

  8. ji

    LOL Sully.

  9. Steve in NC

    Sully :beer:


    This audacity of ego is beginning to offend.

  10. Erik Marsh

    Not a big surprise here. Having had to sit thru many a class of indoctrination (CULTural anthropology, poli-sci, sociology, et al) this theory, this belief that America was meant to be the rebirth of ancient Greek democracy is a common theme with all the little autobot libtards. That and all it’s trappings of hedonism, homosexuality and everything else. I think the speech will go down like the Hindenburg but it’s all still a tad bit scary.

    All hail to the bottle of Jack and my AR-15. I think we’re going to become fast friends over the coming months!

  11. Steve in NC

    Resembling Greek?
    It is a visual way to communicate the a** f*cking we are going to get if he gets the Presidency with a willing Congress.

  12. drillanwr (Today I Am A Georgian)

    The empty suit with his pillars of empty promises to fill a hallow facade …

  13. Max

    Obama isn’t the Biblical Antichrist, but he sure is trying hard to be one. Everything about him reminds you (if you’re familiar with the Bible, that is) of the Biblical Antichrist.

    Newsweek tried to whitewash (no race joke intended here) Obama’s religious beliefs a few weeks back with an interview in which he claimed to be “born again” and saved, something that Bible-Believing Christians can all identify with. The only problem with that claim is that on other occasions he has said that he didn’t believe that there was only one way to Heaven and that all religions were equally valid or something to that effect (I’m paraphrasing because I can’t recall the exact quote but it’s accurate).

    You can’t have it both ways. If you believe that Jesus is who He claimed to be (the Only Way to Heaven-John 14:6), then you can’t simultaneously believe that all religions are equally valid, because Jesus’ claim overrides all the others by default. That makes Obama a liar, or at best so misinformed that he looks like a liar.

    In any case, his claims to be a Born-again Christian are clearly false. It’s the same scam that Jimmy Carter tried to pull back in 1976; it worked for a while and got him elected, once. But many Christians were burned by that scam and (I hope at least) are not buying it this time.

  14. Tom in CO

    No way, it looks more like the Brandenburg Gate. Just slap an “O-Eagle” on top of the columns and things will feel like the 1930’s again!

  15. John

    Anyone hope the teleprompter stops working?

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