Toddler Tossing, Abuse Or Good Clean Fun?

August 13th, 2008 Posted By Bash.

If you don’t know my answer to this then you haven’t been reading the site long…mark my words, this will go nationwide and these people will get busted.

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13 Responses

  1. TBinSTL (just typical)

    I got tossed when I was a kid….and look at me now!

  2. Andria

    Abuse no doubt! This is sad to see 3 adults participating in such crazy behavior! :sad:

  3. TO (twp)

    This is called training for the circus. This is not abuse.

  4. Mike in VA

    Another generation of Screaming Eagles is born :smile:

  5. Mike in Dallas

    One slip and a trip to the ER. Stupid and they should be ashamed. My 3 year old just fell off the back of my nephew while playing horsey and that 2 foot fall caused a dislocated elbow. Can you imagine if one of these fools dropped a kid? Its just stupid….

  6. cathyann

    Irresponsible behavior, yes, but this isn’t child abuse.

  7. TBinSTL

    Bubble wrap those kids!!! They need helmets to sit on anything as high as a toilet stool! Knee and elbow pads for walking down the stairs! :razz: :razz: :razz:

  8. Caligula

    the kids seemed to want it. getting beaten with the phone cord on a nightly basis, THATS abuse :roll:

  9. TJ (Honorary Lesbian)

    Im amazed that the men arent afraid of dropping the kids! I would be.

  10. Kurt(the infidel)

    not child abuse because they are not throwing this kid with the intention of hurting him. its really irresponsible though. but then again alot of things could be considered the same

  11. Rob

    eh I’m not sure. I know my parents didn’t do this, but I see no real problem. It’ IMO no more dangerous or abusive than swinging in circles by the arms, or swinging them from your arms and kids LOVE that. lol

  12. RENO

    looks like fun to me. i gotta pay good money for a rush like that.

  13. SlimReed

    You know what tossing a child does, other than cause laughter, is form trust in the adults. My God, “irresponsible behavior”? “Stupid” and shameful? It’s a fun game for kids, flying through the air like that. And it teaches that the adults in their lives will be there for them. Very simple game of trust. And it teaches not to be afraid, unlike those issuing the protestations whom I trust have taken the measures suggested by TB. Teach fear, that will help your kids. They’ll want protection from the world. By them video games and they can sit inside, away from dirt, bicycles, sliding boards, dodge ball, skateboards, trees, and people. Make life safe and clean and vicarious, and they’ll trust you all right. They’ll be afraid not to trust you.

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