World Can’t Wait THREATENS TO BURN MARINE in Berkeley

August 26th, 2008 Posted By Lftbhndagn.



This video was just sent to me from a Chandler’s Watch Radio Show host. Rather then throw it up in our video section, I believe this needs to be posted for ALL to see.

The World Can’t Wait guy on the vid likes to burn American flags at WCW events. In this vid, he even admits to stepping on a flag at a previous event and wants to pour kerosene on the Marine taking the video to burn THAT flag on his vest.

Anyone know who this puke is?

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53 Responses

  1. drillanwr (Today I Am A Georgian)

    Gotta love “peaceniks” … They’re always so peaceful-minded.

    Right up there with “The Spitter” …

  2. Anderson S. Wise- VA (America, FUCK YEAH!!!)

    Whenever I see a horde of anti-war (anti-military/anti-America) protesters, I think “target rich environment.” :twisted:

  3. bill-tb

    I don’t see why they don’t go to Georgia and offer themselves up as human shields. Probably not near as much fun …

    It’s all a dumb stupid show for ignorant people.

  4. KC

    Hmmm…shocking…world class pussies. All talk, all the time…they’d never have the stones to take on a real marine.

  5. Sandy

    Another one of the great unwashed speaketh. :evil:

    It is pathetic to see this prick open his blowhole and try to look all tough and big and bad when he is guilty of trampling on the flag of those who gave him the freedom to do so.

    Someday fucks like him I hope will regret their words and actions. With what I have seen lately though - they don’t.

  6. rachel

    Hitler had his Brown Shirts. Pelosi has her TieDye Shirts.

  7. MarineSgt

    That was awesome. Who is the guy taking the video. I wish I could shake his hand.

  8. luke37

    I am the camera man in that vid, I have gone toe to toe with those maggots for months now. The Marines MC have decimated the ranks of Code Pink and World Cant Wait. The Marines MC will not take any shit from these self proclaimed commies. When the Marines MC roll up in Berkeley these protesters literaly pee on them selves, the Marines MC get right in their face big time. Support the Marines MC in their ongoing pre-emptive mission to eradicate the Berkeley Domestic Terrorists. Check out all Marines MC vids on You Tube…Semper Fi…stay motivated

  9. Lftbhndagn (К аду с Россия)

    :arrow: luke37

    OOHRAH! Thank you Sir. :beer:

  10. mindy abraham

    i’d like to see him try to take on a trained Marine. :twisted:

  11. mindy abraham

    p.s. cute kid :mrgreen:

  12. ROB

    I love that little girl. “Love it or leave it.”

  13. infidelist

    Well done, Marine…well done.

  14. Paslode

    That boy is in need of an ass kicking,

  15. Regina Draper

    Well, I watched the vid and all I have to say is, if I had the balls (which I don’t, literally or figuratively lol) to stand up to a Marine like that? Or attempt to? I would definitely have pee’d on myself. :roll: lol

    :smile: The little girl is a doll, isn’t she?

  16. Kurt(the infidel)

    that little girl is why jihadist pukes must be crushed. god bless her.

    as for this anti-war sack of shit, he should have been taught a lesson the old fashion way. a good ass kicking. but its just like the marine said, hes a tough guy in front of a bunch of girls. wouldnt even admit to burning the flag.

  17. billie (Today I'm a Georgian)

    Cool jacket. Wear it with pride.

  18. Steady

    As soon as that puke made the threat to burn the Marine he should have decked him.

  19. 0311inOHio (typical white person)

    :arrow: Luke37

    Love ya man.. God bless you and that little sweet heart.. :beer: :beer: :beer:

  20. Knottie

    Ok the kid gets it and she is adoooooorable!

    The other guy.. an idiot who needs a good old fashion whoopin’.

  21. Silver Fox

    As a former ASA, I would have taken the guy, hung him by his thumbs in front of my dart board and used him for target practice.

  22. skh.pcola

    :arrow: luke37

    Kudos! You should have kicked him in the ’sack.


    i triple dog dare you mother focker,
    come burn my flag
    come burn me
    come get some, bitch

  24. David

    Engaging these “citizens” in conversation does no good. There is no benefit in lowering ourselves to their level. It may make us feel good, but they go back to their holes and tell their version of what was said and how they stood up to us.
    My guess is that they do not have jobs and live off of the country that they want to destroy.
    I think that it is important for the rest of America see that these people stand for the same principles for which Obama stands, tax the people and companies that create jobs for the benefit of those who do not want jobs.
    They believe in their cause, just as we do ours. The HUGE difference is that they can say and do what they want in America, but neither they nor we can do that in the country into which they want to make America.
    Simply stated, they don’t get it.

  25. Jeanet

    Message to the little daughter of Luke37;


    You’ve got a wonderfull dad. Take good care of him and give him a kiss on his cheek all the way from the Netherlands.


  26. Mike Mose

    We have a future Jihadi under President Obama and they’ll come out of the woodwork.

    Two great patriots, today’s and tomorrows.

  27. Dr. Jerry

    There are a host of idiots out there just like that little puke.

    However, they all have nore more guts than he does, stinking cowards!

  28. AmericanJarhead

    Bet you he’d like to put his nuts where his mouth is…

  29. Wino

    :arrow: Luke37
    Hoorah!! Get em! Way to confront the pukes! :gun: :gun:

  30. ticticboom (Will Kill For Oil)

    Fucking coward. Some people are alive simply because it’s illegal to kill them.

    Of course, once they find the balls to do what they say they’re gonna do, it’s open season. But the pussies stick to burning flags and defacing memorials when no one’s around to teach them that actions have consequences.

  31. :arrow: Luke37 :beer:
    :arrow: Luke37’s daughter…a glass of milk, a cookie, and your dad should give you a raise in your allowance!

    Nothing upsets me more than idiots who have no more respect for our soldiers than you would for a rapist. I live in the South, thank God, where these dumbasses don’t have the courage to step. Can someone please tell me why California is synonymous with anti-American sentiment?

  32. Tom in CO

    liberal tolerance on parade

  33. Chandler

    I love how he paces back and forth. He lacks confidence in his ability to stand up for himself when a Marine gets in his face.
    If he wants to burn the American flag patch on one of my Marines, he’d better bring an army!

  34. Mike in Dallas

    :arrow: Luke37, Thank you for what you are doing. I’ll have to make a road trip some time. There aren’t that many tie dyed radicals with the nuts to do that in Texas. Just maybe in Austin….

  35. RememberOurFathers


  36. Hardball1911

    Well, I am not a Marine, and didn’t serve in the Marines, but if you’d have an old Army Ranger with you, I am itching to get this shit rolling.

    Just got laid off of my job Friday, and get this shit…

    Was told that I was being laid off until we elected Obama, and the democrats took over so that the company I worked for could assist in making the economy look worse than it is. I have been to about fifteen lawyers and all have told me that it will do me no good. Florida is a Right to Work state, which means any party can part with the company of the other for any reason whatsoever. I brought more money to those fuckers than half of the higher management combined in the last four years. I was targeted from about my third week for not “conforming”. The rumor was that I was unstable and folks didn’t like to talk politics with me because I was “a hostile right winger”. Imagine that, speaking with intelligence and logic makes you hostile and right wing. I always considered myself to be affiliated with the Constitution over either side, but hey, if logic makes me a right winger, then so be it.

    So, I seem to have some free time on my hands… Time to initiate the revolution?

  37. Hugh

    I just finished watching this 9 episode YouTube weather underground film. Now I understand all this shit with these fucking pukes wearing masks and protesting the world over. Now I understand Hussein Obama. Now I understand, and Soros.

    If we don’t start taking this shit seriously, we’re going to pay for it big time. We should be killing these fuckers whenever they come out from underneath their slimey rocks.


    Nothing will change until we flood the White House, DOJ, FBI, US AND CA Attorney General’s offices, and although in my opinion, completely useless Senate and Congressional “representatives”, and Dept. of Homeland Security with calls, petitions, faxblasts, email, etc., etc. DEMANDING immediate action. Here’s the action: boycott all businesses in Berkeley and suspend ALL Federal funding, hunt down and prosecute the perps. There might be space in GITMO for these enemy combatants. :gun: :gun: :gun:

  39. Howie

    Marines MC :beer: :beer: :beer: !!!

    Good shit! I love it when these shitbirds try to act all tough, and end up looking like little sissies!! I may not be the biggest guy in the world, but if it took me getting my ass kicked by 4 leftist that were four times my size to defend American values and virtues it would not be the first or last that I ever took!!

    Semper Fi Brothers!!!

  40. sal


  41. TBinSTL (just typical)

    Fuck ‘em and feed ‘em fish heads…..

    I’ll take this support, “for the win”!

  42. Humbled Infidel

    :arrow: Luke37 - Thank You Marines!

  43. Sandy

    :arrow: luke37

    God bless you and your little girl too. She is precious.

    I am so glad Marines MC is out there confronting the hard core anti-Americans. When I watched this vid and this jerk I saw red. I give you all lots of credit for what you are doing and the ability you have to keep your cool in situations like that and show these types for what they really are.

  44. Iceman

    I was one of the guys covering the Marine’s back while he confronted the little monkey while running the video camera. That outstanding Marine carried the furry of battle forward with great vigor. At times, we were concerned that his ferocity would result in a blood bath. Not to worry. Marine training was clearly evident.

    We were at the USMC Officer Selection Office from 11:30 AM to 3:45 PM. The Berkeley PD was there, as well, and maintained a cool monitor of the event. Berkeley city employees also appeared and enforced the permit rules.

    We should pass a hat for Gia’s college fund. There is a future stateswoman!!!

  45. SC Peaches

    Couldn’t agree with you more, Iceman, about that marine behind the camera. Some impressive ability he has to keep his cool. Not too many could do that. But I have a feeling if he loses it, all hell will break loose. What a Marine. :wink:

    Gia couldn’t have a better Dad. Nope.

  46. 31Mike

    :arrow: Luke37…..SemperFi Brother.

    We’ve been confronting these Commie Pukes for quite awhile here on the east coast, but i gotta say you guys have the Primo Pukes out there in the Land of Fruits and Nuts.

    Take care and be safe.

  47. TBinSTL (just typical)

    :arrow: Hardball1911
    :arrow: Iceman
    :arrow: luke37

    Hope you’ll all join us in the chatroom during the webcast tonight, it’s a whole different world in there. You will feel at home.

  48. Sandy

    :arrow: Thank you Iceman!

    The restraint you all have when you deal with types like that is truly amazing. :beer: :cool:

  49. JJIrons

    Got to love it! :wink:

  50. GRIZZ

    I would like to take that boy camping. :shock:

  51. HugoDePayenz

    lol, cute kid.

    Dirtbags like him aren’t worth the 30 seconds it takes to type this. :evil: :gun:

  52. Humbled Infidel

    Great pic of Marine!

  53. Hardball1911

    Ok, I used to work around 80 hours a week. Someone fill me in please on entering the chat room.

    Damn, I guess I am a newb and clueless for once.

    I am so ready to explode (mentally)lately that I have taken on projects around the house that have needed to be done for a long time coming, but until now I hadn’t had time.

    Bury your head in the work, and the work won’t bury you. If anyone near Daytona knows where a guy could get work fast, shout out! I have an application or resume in just about everywhere I know to go.

    In the mean time, while I have time, let’s get some shit started.

    Tod Schnitt, a Tampa radio host, has a campaign going to send old drill bits to Pelosi’s office. I just sent 32 pounds of old drill bits. :mrgreen:

    Who else, and how else can we fuck with these dimwits?

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