You Gotta Be F*cking Sh*tting Me! Petraeus ‘Should Be Relieved Of Duty And Court Martialed

August 22nd, 2008 Posted By drillanwr.


Although he would argue stridently against it to his last breath, if you could present warriors to be canonized to sainthood for their military accomplishments … Gen. David Petraeus would be at the top of my list … especially for the political martyrdom he has endured at the filthy hands of the demons within our Congress and their leftist backers.


Petraeus Book ‘Endorsement’ Draws Fire

by Bryant Jordan -

Gen. David Petraeus is used to controversy surrounding the war in Iraq, but his publicized thoughts on an Army chaplain’s book for Soldiers put him squarely in the middle of the ongoing conflict over religious proselytizing in the U.S. military.

The book is “Under Orders: A Spiritual Handbook for Military Personnel,” by Army Chaplain (Lt. Col.) William McCoy, and according to Petraeus’ published endorsement of the work, “it should be in every rucksack for those times when soldiers need spiritual energy.”

But the endorsement - which has spurred a demand by a watchdog group for Petraeus’ dismissal and court martial on the grounds of establishing a religious requirement on troops - was a personal view never intended for publication, the book’s author now says.

“In the process of securing … comments for recommending the book I believe there was a basic misunderstanding on my part that the comments were publishable,” McCoy said in an Aug. 19 email to “This was my mistake.”

In addition to Petraeus, Maj. Gen. Mark Hertling also is quoted plugging the book in press releases and advertisements and on the jacket.

McCoy, writing in response to’s Aug. 18 inquiry to Petraeus’ office for comment, said the two generals’ endorsements “were intended for me personally rather than for the general public.”

In response to follow-up questions from, McCoy said he has asked that all distribution of the book be halted until a new “graphic overlay” for the back cover is produced “so there is no further public misunderstanding.”

McCoy did not respond to questions on the timing of the endorsements, and why it took so long before the officials learned their endorsement has been used in print. Petraeus’ endorsement has been on the book since its 2007 publication, while Hertling’s plug first appeared on the 2005 edition. Both also are quoted in newspaper ads for the book and on the book’s Web page.

Patraeus spokesman Col. Steven Boylan said the general has been Iraq since the beginning of February 2007, “and unless someone [like] notes it, we would not be aware of it,” he said in an Aug. 19 email. “We don’t get the stateside papers in Baghdad and I doubt very much that Gen. Petraeus goes to much, if at all.”

Mikey Weinstein, head of the Military Religious Freedom Foundation, believes McCoy is taking the fall for Petraeus and Hertling’s improper endorsements. Weinstein said it “strains credulity” that Petraeus never knew that his private written endorsement of the book was in the public domain since last year.

Weinstein is a former Air Force judge advocate general and White House counsel during the Reagan administration. His group has been fighting in the courts to keep improper proselytizing out of the military. Now, he said, he intends to incorprate the Petraeus and Hertling endorsements into an ongoing lawsuit against the Pentagon for an alleged pervasive and permicious “pattern and practice” of religious liberties violations in the military.

“MRFF is now officially putting both Army chaplain Lt. Col. Bill McCoy and General Petraeus on notice not to destroy any of the written or electronic records of their communications about this [issue],” Weinstein said.

The chapters in McCoy’s book are offered up as “Orders,” he said, and one of them is titled “Believe in God.”

With his plug for “Under Orders,” Weinstein said in a statement to, Petraeus - one of the most widely recognized officers in the American military - is endorsing religion as something all Soldiers should have and, specifically, the Christian religion.

“General Petraeus has, by his own hand, become a quintessential poster child of this fundamentalist Christian religious predation, via his unadulterated and shocking public endorsement of a book touting both Christian supremacy and exceptionalism,” Weinstein told Aug. 16.

And by endorsing a book that argues only those who believe in God can fully contribute to the military mission or unit, Weinstein contends that Petraeus insults “”the integrity, character and veracity of approximately 21 percent of our armed forces members who choose not to follow any particular religious faith.”

He said that even if Petraeus offered his comments personally, that’s a distinction without a difference. “Privately he’s denigrating 21 percent of troops,” Weinstein said. Suppose he privately denigrated women, African-Americans or Jews? Weinstein asked.

“He should still be relieved of duty and court martialed,” he said.

Rev. Billy Baugham, a retired Army chaplain and executive director of the International Conference of Evangelical Christian Endorsers, backs Petraeus’ right to plug the book. Past generals, among them George C. Marshall and George Patton, made the case for religion in the ranks.

Marshall claimed that the Soldier’s spiritual life was critical to his morale, even more than equipment, while Patton, said Baugham, had a chaplain pray for good weather for an coming battle and then submitted him for an Army Commendation Medal afterwards, when the weather turned out clear.

“So the ICECE would support what General Patreaus has done,” Baugham said.

Chris Rodda, a freelance writer and researcher for the MRFF, noted in an Aug. 16 column on the Daily Kos Web site that she found much in “Under Orders” that was “pretty good.” It offered sound advice and promoted a brand of Christianity that it would be good to see more often both in the military and civilian worlds, she said, and even warned against the practices used by some “para-church groups” within the military that Weinstein’s group considers dangerous and unconstitutional.

But in the end, she claims, the book paints those who don’t believe in God as “somehow deficient,” in that they may - in McCoy’s words - view their own “agenda [to be] more important than [the] unit’s agenda and thus lead to unit failure.”

Author McCoy, writing Aug. 11 in his blog on, acknowledges that the book does promote Christianity.

“No one [else] has written a book which allows for varying world views and perspectives while suggesting the Gospel might have an idea worth considering. Under Orders does just that,” he wrote.

McCoy is endorsed by the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America, according to a recent press release for his book. Now the chaplain for U.S. Army Garrison Kaiserslautern, Germany, McCoy previously served as chaplain for the U.S. Army Command and General Staff College at Fort Leavenworth and, before then, the 10th Mountain Division, according to the release.

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28 Responses

  1. mike

    That idiot is a former JAG and Reagan advisor, just like Barry Lynn is a reverend.

  2. 31Mike

    Hey Weinstein….Get a fucking life.

    Court martial Gen. Petraeus? You gotta be sniffing airplane glue. You can’t be that stupid. Can you?

  3. mike3481

    Fuckin Lawyers.

    :gun: :evil:

  4. bill-tb

    You have to wonder how a liberal ever gets elected.

  5. Kilemal

    So typical of the liberal scumbags. They can practically force their worthless ideology on our Christian children in universities and college, but won’t even abide a true hero’s opinion on a good and decent book.
    What slime. May they all rot. :gun: :gun:

  6. Steve in NC

    “it should be in every rucksack for those times when soldiers need spiritual energy.”

    Was that an order? Is the word ’should’ used when giving orders?

  7. Double Tap

    This fuckin Weistein asshole is interfereing with the Generals religious liberties and should just STFU!

  8. mindy abraham

    A soldier is endorsing a book for soldiers-what’s the big deal?

  9. Sully0811

    So this Military Religious Freedom Foundation is all for religious freedom, until it’s one they don’t like? Maybe they should remove the plank from their own eye before they attempt to remove a splinter from others.

  10. billie (Today I'm a Georgian)

    “…while [General] Patton, said Baugham, had a chaplain pray for good weather for a coming battle and then submitted him for an Army Commendation Medal afterwards, when the weather turned out clear.”

    Ah, for the good old days. I wonder if the chaplain rec’d the Medal?! Let’s see that in a Hollywood movie!

  11. Q

    Typical Wacko liberals, hey Weinstein, you smokin crack…court martial Petraeus, I think maybe not

  12. Knottie

    Of all the stupid ignorant things to get your panies in a twist over. “Spiritual energy” has helped save more than a few of these men fighting. If the book may possibly ever help one man or women get through a single day over there then it should be in their ruck sacks and available. It’s not like he made it mandatory reading for crying out loud!

    I respect Gen Petraeus not only for the leader he is but for the man he is. He has courage, honor and class.

  13. Idle Drifter

    I’m a firm supporter of religious freedom, Gen. Petraeus does have the right to show support for the book. His words were an opinion and NOT a direct order which any good judge advocate would know the difference.

    To critique Weinstein, “Petraeus - one of the most widely recognized officers in the American military” making him for the biggest target for any NGO that has ax to grind.

  14. CPLViper

    Mr. Weinstein is in desperate need of having his head seperated from his body … he certainly has no other use for it.

  15. tedders

    Mr. Weinstein has obviously never been in a foxhole under fire.

  16. POD1

    Is any one surprised?

    Liberal general order #1:
    Methods geared toward actual concrete results = Evil.

    Methods geared toward phony socialist feel good bragging rights = Good.

    I can’t state this point strongly enough:

    To quote George Carlin: Fuck ‘em in the ass,
    with a big rubber dick.

    I hope the rubber dick is covered in “slow-painful-death disease.
    (internal communists deserve no less). Fuck you all!
    (with a dirty rubber dick)

  17. MsUnderestimated

    You fucking bitch. I have some disbelief for you to suspend right HERE! You have NO credible authority on which to say that. Having read Michael Yon’s and Marcus Luttrell’s books, I can say you wouldn’t even deserve to LICK their fucking boots if you would beg to! SHUT THE FUCK UP!

  18. Mike Mose

    Anyone who advances the truth of GOD is attacked. Washington is just another place in the long line. The truth of GOD is even attacked in many churches of today, to achieve a political end that removes GOD from society. The liberals will win if Government is your god. Sadly, your death is assured.

    Ah, the power of Washington

  19. German Dragon

    I wonder what Mr. Weinstein’s views are on Mel Gibson’s right to make a Scripturally-accurate pro-Jesus movie? (/sarcasm)

    I remember seeing a very graphic video Pat had linked to in his Deep Thoughts a few days back, of a Marine walking towards a hole in the road … and then suddenly the Marine disappears in an earthen upheaval as the IED in the hole is detonated. While this is presumptuous on my part, I nonetheless wonder where those brave Marines found the courage to walk up to those holes in the road, day after day, knowing that with each one they might shortly be standing before God.

    I wonder if Mr. Weinstein has the courage to walk up to a hole with a Marine without wetting himself.

  20. Knottie

    German Dragon… I think we all know the answer to that is NO.

    People like Mr. Weinstein do not have the courage to do more than point fingers and huff and puff. They have no back bone or true conviction. It is fine for others to do and risk and pay the price but they themselves would never be bothered to make any type of sacrifice at all.

  21. American Infidel

    It is now time to put all the liberals down! We have to end their lying and deceiving twisted rants and actions now, or they’ll only get worse. I tire of the complaining about them and just exposing their bile for brains, I want action!

  22. American Infidel

    This doesn’t help anymore.

  23. GRIZZ

    Say hello to my little friend :gun: :gun: :gun:

  24. Tom in CO

    liberal tolerance on parade

  25. Happyone

    I think that guy Weinstein is trying to use whatever he can to advance his argument. No one is falling for the canard that Petraeus is the bad guy. What a joke.

  26. JimmyT

    Wow, a preacher writes a book that promotes his views on religion, and he is “wrong” for doing it. But if a preacher promotes his view on social reform, racism, and his belief that the political system that allows him to speak out freely against his own government is screwing him over is ‘Right”? This is simple lunicy. Is it a coincidence that this was published after speculation of the General being McCain’s running mate… I think not.

  27. Robert (U.S.M.C.)

    This bottom feeding piece of shit needs his fucking head cracked. :evil:

    What are those lines from that movie…Hmmmm let me see, Oh here it is ass wipe.

    As for the rest of us, we already know where our freedom comes from…ALL the brave Americans that have sacrificed, and those who continue to do so.

    May GOD BLESS YOU ALL, and The United States of America.

    P.S. I almost forgot, here’s a :gun: :gun: and a rat-a-tat-tat to those soulless beotches!!!!!!!!!!

  28. Steve Rogers

    This guy is denouncing General Petreaus over impure ideology. SOP for Marxist/Stalinists.

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