Bump: 1967 Vietnam Combat Footage

September 12th, 2008 Posted By Bash.

This is about 9 minutes or so, the narrator is French, and the explanation is that this is from a documentary called “The Andersonn Platoon.” Don’t know if the filmmaker was anti-war or not, and I didn’t have time to watch the whole thing, I just skipped here and there. The interesting thing to me is I thought I saw everything there was to see on film regarding Vietnem, but I have never seen this.

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13 Responses

  1. AmericanJarhead

    Nice video and very gritty… Nice ass kicking.

  2. franchie

    beautiful images

  3. Wino

    The Anderson Platoon is actually a pretty good documentary. I saw it back when I was in college in the 90’s and it is actually what a documentary is supposed to be if I rember right. No politacal BS just the facts. If I remember right there is a lot of combat footage and I think I remember where the camera guy was either on a chopper that went down or very close to one cause I think I remember one going down. Any way if you get the time to watch it it’s a good look at what life was like for grunt’s in Veitnam.

  4. Egfrow

    They look nothing like the Oliver Stone Vietnam soldiers portrayed in all his movies.

  5. franchie

    Bash, the movie maker was surely not anti-war, he had previously been in Indochina war as a soldier, he was made prisonner in Dien Dien phu. Pierre Schoendoerffer made a few more beautiful movies. That was in the times when people knew their job.

    This report won quite a few prices.


    About Pierre Schoendoerffer :


  6. senorlechero

    Great post and AWESOME video. Thanks

  7. Doug

    It’s nice to see such a complete combat record from Nam. After seeing that it amazes me how similiar the combat was to alot of the videos coming out today. The way the troops were cool-headed, precise in their actions, profesional in their handling of prisoners and civilian property. Just goes to show how full of shit most of the vietnam things we’ve seen over the years have truely been.

  8. dachshund

    Damn! This is a great clip. I definitely have to agree with a couple of the other posters, in that seeing this really does show how fake so much Hollywood BS is…entertaining at times but no substance in the portrayal of Vietnam

  9. Zeke Eagle

    How could the Hollyweirdos get it right? They wern’t anywhere near the place and all their info came directly from Hanoi and Moscow.

    I did see some documentarians in country during that same year and I’ve never seen any of their work. One scene is almost certainly in “Happy Valley”, over the mountain from Bon Son. Thanks.

    That’s the 1st Team (1CAV.DIV.) in action, kickin’ ass and takin’ names. We were so young! HooAh!

  10. charlie

    dad has old film and pictures to around this area i think he has a film crew on camera too

  11. RememberOurFathers

    Sheer bravery. The Courage demonstrated by Vietnam Vets can rarely be accurately shared through words, but captured on video is a rare privilege. Semper Fi, gents.

  12. dilly

    Awesome video. No spin, just the soldiers doing their duty. God bless them.

  13. Kurt(the McCain/Palin infidel)

    great video. some real ass kickers. and i agree, the lack of politics in that video is the way it should be.

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