Baggy Pants Slow Fleeing Suspect But The Taser Stops His Ass Cold

September 11th, 2008 Posted By Bash.

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10 Responses

  1. AmericanJarhead

    God I love tasers!

  2. German Dragon

    :lol: :lol:

    Why the hell exposing your rump like that ever got popular is beyond me. At least it made for a good — and deserving — target for the police to stop the perp.

  3. tedders

    Tag him for indecent exposure on top of all the other charges against him!

    That made my day! :)

  4. azbastard

    I think its bullshit

  5. Atilla Kahuna

    :arrow: azbastard

    “I think its bullshit”

    Didn’t you hear the commentary? He was being followed for robbery. The presumption has to be it was *armed* robbery. Also, we have no way to know if he was being ordered to the ground and there was a failure to comply.

    Personally, if you’re going to commit (sorry *allegedly* commit) crimes, you have no grounds to whine about being tased by police.


  6. Unbreakable


    Toss that rotten log on the truck, go round up another one!

  7. ji

    I watched a BIG guy get tasered. He was asked to leave the area by the police, thats all he had to do. He wouldnt leave though, he was mouthing off to the police and threatening them. So they tasered him, he went from standing to laying on the ground in less than a second. They told him to lay still, but he kept trying to get up
    So everytime he tried, they tased him again. He was screaming out loud in pain. After 5 times he said he gave up. He said he had been stabbed and beat up, but this was a 100 times worse. The police can keep the juice on for as long as they want, when using the taser.
    This guy in video muscles just froze. It doesnt matter how big you are.

  8. 007 (Alaskan Native)

    TIMMMMMBBBEEEEEEERRRRRR. LOL I watched it live on local news earlyer today.

  9. reaganmarine84/0311

    being from a multi-cultural home (that means my wife is black) the saggy pants comes out of prison culture. It started as a way for homosexuals to give a ’sign’ to others in prison that they were in fact ‘gay’ and ‘available’ without having to actually say it. then of course when these wonderful members of society exited the prison system and were re-introduced into normal society they brought it out with them. So, to review. IT’S ADVERTISING THAT YOUR GAY AND AVAILABLE!!! Now its suddenly some kind of urban youth,hippity-hoppity,statement. To me,it says your a fag.

  10. HugoDePayenz

    Reminds me of those ’stupid criminals’ shows where people get caught be stuff like light-up shoes at night.

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