Bash Is Pissed Off Now: This Barry Insane Quote…UPDATE Video Added

September 9th, 2008 Posted By Bash.


Wow! I actually found myself passionately pissed off for the first time during this entire election season.

I’m afraid, I’m very afraid.

I think I may be becoming like those Obama acolyte groupies that have swooned and swayed and vehemently supported him everywhere he went for the last 18 months. Because today, he said this:

“You can put lipstick on a pig, but it’s still a pig.”

I actually got ticked off…and no, no, no, no, it has nothing to do with Louie, Louie’s Uncle Louie, Louie’s cousin Louie, or anybody in Louie’s family.

Ha said that about Sarah Palin. And I got pissed. I think I actually may have truly become “fired up” about this election!

Here is the video update, it seems Hannity picked up on it as well (hell, ya gotta be blind to miss this):

I wonder how many others of us in “The Base” are feeling the same way, and surprising ourselves at how we feel about the ticket?

This is a very interesting discovery in the whole self-awareness process that we should all be constantly mindful of…

Geez, now I’m waxing philosophical.

Beware ANYBODY who majors in Philosophy, trust me.

But this…this pissed me off.

I got two words for you, Barry Insane Hussein Obama, and they ain’t “Merry Fukn Christmas.”

Your thoughts? Analysis? Words of wisdom, oh Great Dollard Reader?

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41 Responses

  1. cclezel

    I say he OBVIOUSLY is pissing his pants since he feels a need to address Sarah Palin instead of Senator McCain. Let him keep it up, all they are doing is firing up the new base that have come on board the bus. He and his supporters are looking more and more desperate every day and they are pissing off the moms of this country who are connecting to Sarah. It’s NEVER good to piss off a mom.

  2. Egfrow

    Bash, You can get pissed off, These people are attacking the base core of your principles and philosophy like an angry lynch mob.

    Take comfort though. The good ship Messiah is has caught on fire and it’s crew is trying to put it out by punching holes in the hull below the water line. She’s a sinking and a smoking. Watching your philosophical enemies self destruct is rather gratifying.

  3. drillanwr (Will Carry Palin's Lipstick)

    Hussein translation: “Sarah’s a poopy-head!”

  4. CPLViper

    Honestly, I don’t think he meant it as it was taken … BUT … it goes to show you that he cannot think and speak at the same time. He is going to get DESTROYED in the debates and I am bringing the popcorn!

    And if he did mean it the way it sounded … FUUUUCK HIM!

    And, Bash … race ya to the voting booth?

  5. infidel

    Bash, Barry’s told me a bad mamma joke about Mrs. Bash and it was not funny. It was sick and disturbing. don’t worry, I know it’s not true and only meant to get you really fired up!

    I kicked his ass for us all! Now he’s using his ass as a voice box. There’s more to come.

  6. bill-tb

    Well Obama’s campaign is in free fall, maybe some lipstick on their pig would help.

    You sure he wasn’t talking about ma-Belle?

  7. TO (twp)

    I hope this comment gets out. It needs to be circulated. Women will be incensed. This is the same thing he did when he gestured with his middle finger talking about Hillery. Someone should put the lipstick comment along with his middle finger to Hillery in a video.

  8. DC

    Aint it just like a hussein, to bring a knife to a gunfight!

  9. Bud Simmons

    Does the Imam know Barak Hussrin Obama used the “P” Word
    Shame Shame

  10. CymKnowlton

    Hey he pulled the pin….now here comes the grenade……
    a cheese eating monkey in a suit is still a cheese eating monkey

  11. CymKnowlton

  12. Gary in Midwest

    This is one of the reasons my wife kicked a soliciting obamite off of our porch tonight. Release the hounds!!!!!!

  13. EDinTampa

    FU BHO!

    Sarah Palin, I LOVE YOU!

  14. 83delta (dry heat)

    Dissolving like the wicked witch of the east—–
    Keep your back to the wall, and enjoy it.

  15. Mike in CA

    This guy really isn’t presidential, he’s sophmoric and his handlers are either asleep or just stupid.

  16. SOC

    Obama is truly the first political candidate I have ever hated. I hate him becuase he stands for everything that is wrong and unamerican. He refuses to admit that he is simply part of the same old political left wing BS. He is so empty.

  17. sully

    He meant it the way it’s being taken.
    It’s just not the kind of thing a guy that looks like Bullwinkle should be sayin’ about a moose hunter.

  18. Q_Mech

    What he doesn’t realize (because he’s an idiot with 300 minders who think for him) is that he’s making people want to defend Palin when he says shit like that. :???:

    He’ll be making his snide little comments under another Republican president come November. Couldn’t happen to a better jackass.

  19. JB

    I believe you can judge the effectiveness of a conservative candidate by the amount of the left’s hatred aimed at them. The more powerful the person is the more crazy they become. The left fears Sarah (… and they should).

  20. Sarah

    He’s just not very good at this is he? He makes John Kerry look smooth in comparison. I think what’s happening here is we’re starting to see the real Obama, kind of a bumbler, flailing around trying to get some traction now that he’s on defense and truly just someone who’s not ready for the big stage. This presidential candidate thing is above his pay grade.

  21. Bash

    :arrow: CPLViper…

    Welllll…I don’t know, bro. Check out the crowd behind him, and check his face, just a flicker, when he said the word “lipstick.” The crowd immediately reacted to that word because of that Sarah Palin quote that has been played constantly for the last few days.

    I think he meant it.

    But a race? You’re on!

    :beer: :gun:

  22. Knottie

    You know darn well how he meant it. It was a direct fire at Sarah Palin.

    When you get down to name calling it means you have no substance. Obama never has had any. He can not simply discuss the issues and his positions on them.

  23. Steve in NC

    :arrow: CPLViper

    “Honestly, I don’t think he meant it as it was taken … BUT …”

    I thought that at first, but his little pause after his first mention of lipstick, and the rise in the crowd shows he meant what he said. I think he may have been uncomfortable saying that because he brought his hand up to his face, while he said it (a body language give away) but his masters may have told him to say that line. And like a good bitch on his knees he did what he was told to do.

    I used to just hate his politics, but I am learning to hate that fucker for the piece of shit he is showing himself to be.

  24. drillanwr (Will Carry Palin's Lipstick)

    Oh … he meant it.

  25. mike3481

    Obama’s simply not smart enough to know the ramifications of what he’s saying.

    And the moment it slipped from his lips it was too late to apologize.

    Obama’s going to lose, badly and by his own idiotic mouth.

    Biden already knows it, I give that jerk a little credit.

    All good for us though.

    :beer: :beer: :beer:

  26. danh

    Think Biden mentioned lipstick also. All is very much planned am thinking. Rove said tonight he thought Hussein was showing some cracks by these attacks.

  27. dadeo

    I think Sarah Palin will make him wish he was a pig wearing lipstick.

  28. CPLViper

    :arrow: All,

    You know … when I wrote that I had only heard the news that he said it and not the actual sound bite … now that I did … fuck him.

    I feel like punching a hole in something … but I won’t … I will take a deep breathe and get ready to “laugh last” in November.

  29. Bash

    :arrow: CPLViper…

    About that race to the voting both, it just struck me…you can’t win!

    I live in Oregon, we can vote by mail!

    LOL! :beer:

    It’s all kind of surreal the way the left wing media and the Obama campaign seem to be crumbling right when the race rounds the final turn at hits the home stretch.

  30. CPLViper

    :arrow: Bash

    It reminds me of that video you put up … the dude dancing around showing off fighting moves and his opponent just dropping the hammer on ‘em and fight over.

    Symbolic of Sarah getting picked … LOL

  31. RememberOurFathers

    Fuck this scum.

  32. Texas Mom (Nobama, No Socialism)

    Is anyone else as sick as I am of Obama’s fake drawl and that annoying bounce when he steps and that permanent head tilt - he is such an act . . . everything about him gets on my nerves.

    I think that when he puts his hand up to his forehead he is reminding himself what Axelrod told him to say . . . a pig joke is not something the elitist would come up with on his own. This was definitely a jab at Sarah.

    Keep on digging that hole, Barry . . . watching you sweat is a beautiful thing.

  33. Sixchuter

    Open mouth, insert foot. This guy must love the taste of shoe leather.

  34. Brian H

    He grew up in Indonesia, and has been trying to “pass” as an American black (which he is not — only 1/16 Negro, 7/16 Arab). He doesn’t actually have the underlying cultural awareness and responses that a native American does. He’s faking EVERYTHING, and his only skill is running pre-programmed tapes. Just watch. He’s a weirdo in a strange land.

  35. TerryTate

    He just looks foolish and desperate with this crap.

    Remind me again, Barry is running for president right? What fool focuses on the vice-president when they are running for president. I guess that would be a fool called Barak Obama.

    Keep attacking her, her polls only go up.

    Meanwhile Johnny Mac gets his message out without being attacked.

    The Dems are idiots.

  36. fmder

    Well, its Obama. What do you expect.

  37. fmder

    Well, its Obama. What do you expect.

  38. TedB

    Having watched that video, and others like it, I wonder where all of the eloquence he is supposed to have is. Isn’t he supposed to be an orator? I don’t see anything but a stumbling Speech 101 student. WTF over?

  39. Mike Mose

    Obama is a flake that uses “Chicago Machine Politics ” to destroy his enemies. It is part of the Marxists he is.

    We are watching the wheels come off entire Democratic party that is lead by their best. At some point in time every hard working, God fearing, country loving conservative Democrat will step back and say “What have we done”. It is the conservative Democrats, mostly Union, that want all the energy jobs that McCain and Palin will provide for America and that the Democrats want to stop.

    Some have called this man intelligent, I think he is the ultimate sleep cell. If he has to start an race war to destroy America to be President he will. Mark my words.

  40. CymKnowlton

    This remark indicates that Oblahblah has all the sensitivity, intelligence and fortitude of Michael Vick.

    It is akin to mcCain saying something like, oh I dont know how about;

    “when it comes to Obama, lets call a spade a spade” or
    “when Opompus talks like that its the pot callin the kettle black”

    Two perfectly innocent and generally accepted colloquialisms that strike at the salient fact of
    his racial background.

    Like Vick, Obama’s defense is he was to dumb to see
    the implications of his innocent pithyism.

    Do we want a pair like this in the Whitehouse?

    Shooting off their mouths :gun: and blowing up their faces?

    My reaction, to paraphrase Biden;



  41. Howie

    Hey all don’t go “Bashing” Chicago Politics!!! I live in C(r)ook County and plan to vote at least 14 times for Palin/McCain, I mean McCain/Palin!! My dead grandparents can only vote four times each, by law, and they will be voting the same way, we think very much alike for some reason!!!

    Semper Fi!!

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