Biden: Palin Would Be A Step Backward For Women - With Video

September 9th, 2008 Posted By Pat Dollard.


The Hill:

Sen. Joe Biden (D-Del.) says that if Alaska Gov. Sarah Palin (R) becomes the first female vice president it will be a “backward step for women.”

Asked by a local television reporter in Milwaukee, Wisconsin if electing Palin would be a step forward for women, Biden said, “well look, I think the issue is what does Sarah Palin think? What does she believe?”

“I assume she thinks and agrees with the same policies that George Bush and John McCain think,” Biden added. “And that’s obviously a backward step for women.”

Here is the video:

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15 Responses

  1. drillanwr (Will Carry Palin's Lipstick)

    The “fembot” mentality of the democrat and their feminist/liberal supporters atrike again.

    Posers … nothing more.

    They do not have a serious bone in their bodies where the advancement of women in this country is concerned.

    The mask if off, and the face ain’t pretty …

  2. Mike in CA

    Man, it’s a fight to see who the biggest loser is in the senate. Harry Reid and Charlie Rangel thinking they don’t need to pay taxes. Ted “I’ve got better health coverage than what I want you to have” Kennedy (I know, it’s a long middle name), or Joe “How far can I stick my foot in my mouth” Biden. It’s time to clean house, and senate.

  3. Old Sailor

    Only the women who want to toss their unwanted children in the dumpster or toilet are good people (according to Liberals). How dare women like Sarah Palan who value human life and moral values make it to the White House before them! :roll:

  4. Steve in NC

    The demonrats are still attacking a working mother, I love it.

  5. dadeo

    So only “some” women would be a step forward for women?? Like only the women that agree with the left matter??

    That Biden dude is an idiot.

    Please keep attacking Palin, dumb fuck.

  6. GRIZZ

    bIDEN is the drunk dude at the end of the bar that wont shut up :beer:

  7. Knottie

    Ok The Bush Admin has had some of the most intelligent, well spoken, strongest women I have seen in politics involved for years. Condi Rice and Karen Hughes come to mind. They were not picked simply for their gender. They were well qualified. And now McCain has given the nod to Sarah Palin. ( ok I know that at least a small part of that was her being a woman. But she is a well qualified woman in my humble opinion.) Another strong, intelligent, well spoken women. How are these two men putting women a step back? Here are women who have earned their positions and make good role models for our young women of today.

  8. Tom in CO

    Nice to know that sexism is alive and well in the democrat party!

  9. Bon

    If you are in the business of Big Oil or Big Religion, or Big War, if that is how you actually make money, then by all means, vote for Pappy McCain and The Lipstick Pit Bull Welfare Mom Oil Pimp Palin. They’ll look out for your interests, no matter how much taxpayer money it costs.

    But if you are a taxpayer who is sick of the scams perpetrated on the middle class in the name of the America portrayed to the world for the past eight years by the twisted fools in the Bush Administration, you would have to go full retard to vote for these two losers. Pappy McCain, let’s not forget crashed five planes in Vietnam before he was captured. To quote Sarah Palin: Thanks but no thanks.

    Fight the fear. Obama ‘08.

  10. billie (barracuda)

    Camille Paglia, a “dissident” feminist and Libertarian who plans to vote for Obama, nonetheless greatly admires Sarah Paliln. In her latest article, “Fresh Blood for the Vampire,” she wrote:

    “…it is equally foolish to expect that feminism must for all time be inextricably wed to the pro-choice agenda. There is plenty of room in modern thought for a pro-life feminism — one in fact that would have far more appeal to third-world cultures where motherhood is still honored and where the Western model of the hard-driving, self-absorbed career woman is less admired.”

    “But the one fundamental precept that Democrats must stand for is independent thought and speech. When they become baying bloodhounds of rigid dogma, Democrats have committed political suicide.”

  11. Mike Mose

    The Democrats are just using the only weapon they have. They know how to attack using “Chicago machine politics”. Palin is only decent if they say so. It doesn’t have anything to do with Palin, or her Husband, or other women, or the people of Alaska, or her church, or even her God. The Democrat say so
    They are the ones that have given this country partial birth abortion up to and including the moment of birth, parental consent laws so schools can take your daughter that pregnant across state lines for an abortion without the child’s mother or father’s consent. This is the party that wants to give kindergartens sex education. and on and on and on.

  12. kabukivillage

    Ya think Mary Jo might say the same thing about Ted Kennedy as a backward step for women???

  13. (CAPT-DAX)

    OOOOOOH Who stepped in a big pile of :lol:

  14. sully

    :arrow: Bon:

    “…the America portrayed to the world for the past eight years by the twisted fools in the Bush Administration.”

    Yeah. Nothing says love to the Muslim and Hindu more than the Dhimmi pro-choice/infanticide agenda and its resultant moral decay.

    Oh… you were just hoping the EU likes us more. :roll:

    Thanks but no thanks.

  15. Kim

    :arrow: “I assume she thinks and agrees with the same policies that George Bush and John McCain think,” Biden added. “And that’s obviously a backward step for women.”

    Don’t you dare to make assumptions for me you self-important, arrogant SOB. I’m quite capable of making my own decisions about what is best for me, thank you very much.

    Oh how silly of me, that is the Dehmi platform isn’t it? You can make decisions for me better than I can make them for myself.

    Over my cold dead body :gun: :gun:

    Oh, and Bon-Bon: get some fresh air darling. You sound muddled and confused.

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