Breaking: Biden Wins Iraq War

September 9th, 2008 Posted By Lftbhndagn.

Yup….Sure Biden…And Al Gore invented the internet……


The Gay Pop ups were added by the dumb Liberal on you tube that posted this vid and believed this POS.

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9 Responses

  1. alex

    Does anybody else find it odd that this piece of shit has a son in the national guard as a military lawyer? another haditha type situation before the election perhaps? :???:

    the idiot also said iraq is a neighbour of iraq :lol: if Bush said that he would be crucified.

  2. MarkN

    Is anyone else seeing popups on this video? There were 2, one saying we’re paying insurgents to not stage attacks and one linking Palin to armageddon church.

  3. ROB

    :arrow: MarkN
    Yea I’m seeing those popups. This is funny because the creator of this video is a liberal, and probably actually believes that Biden is singlehandedly responsible for the success in Iraq

  4. MarkN

    Thanks…wasn’t sure if my computer was possessed! Hate to have an exorcism right here.

  5. HugoDePayenz

    What is up with the gay pop-ups?(in the video)

  6. Jarhead68

    I couldn’t even watch the whole thing. This guy spins and dissembles faster than my computer can boot up. How could anyone vote for Hussein and Walter (Jeff Dunham’s dummy)?

  7. Kurt(the McCain/Palin infidel)

    Tom Brokaws voice annoys me. sounds so damn fake, like he is just pushing it out.


    Walter (Jeff Dunham’s dummy)

    thats a good one :lol:

  8. displaced Ched Head

    Wow, the guy’s botoxed forehead doesn’t move an inch.
    And what a forehead it is.
    The plugs just don’t work. The forehead wins over the plugs.
    To the substance of what he said? There is no substance.
    The leftard denigrated the Kurd’s who have been an integral part of this victory. He refused to admit it was a victory, and didn’t even follow the leftards script of Afghanistan being the central front against the piglets. The guy is off and he is off everytime. W tagged Cheney as VP to gain gravitas as a serious president. It worked America bought it because Cheney was serious and After 9/11 America should be happy ass-hat Gore wasn’t there to give away the store.
    George W Bush will go down in history as a great president, Joe Biden will go down in history as the plaigarizing hypocrite that kept Robert Bork (the greatest legal mind in America) from serving on the Supreme Court. What Biden did to Bork is unforgivable. Our Country has been deprived of one of the greatest minds in the history of the judiciary by Joe Biden. That my friends is unconciensable.

  9. David Ross

    WOW he admitted it at the 5:43 mark. “The bottom up approach and not a strong central government impossing”. In essance it is what separates the Conservatives from the liberals. We believe in the government working FOR the people and they believe that the people work FOR the government. Well said Joe. Now McCain needs to use that clip for a commercial and run it up until the election and send Obama and old Joe a packin’.

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