Democrats Release Sarah Palin’s Social Security Number, Home Addresses - And Why, Again? Oh Right, They’re Evil
by: Erick Erickson - (Red State)
The Politico has received an opposition research file from the Alaska Democrats. You can read it in PDF here.
In the file, the Democrats have released Sarah Palin’s social security number minus the last four digits. Also tied to the information are her various home addresses.
Back in 2005, Democrats used Michael Steele’s social security number to get his credit record.
It is atrocious that the Democrats would not only seek out Sarah Palin’s social security number, but release it in opposition research to the press.
We need to know who did this. We also need to know what happened. We also need to know if it was used to bolster the Democrats’ opposition research.
When it happened to Michael Steele, it turns out the Democrats knew about it and did nothing.
They cannot not take action now.
well, they wont do shit because they are a bunch of pussies. I can’t even be in the same room as someone who claims to be a dem anymore. It is sad.
September 2nd, 2008 at 6:47 pmThey have taken the pdf down. Thankfully.
Also, if the Dems get caught (the true culprits of posting the information) they will never be prosecuted.
They were never prosecuted for having a credit report for someone else. It won’t happen.
Again, I think we need to do the financial war with these pukes. Start taking their money, and all sources of income from them, and then leave them as “urban outdoorsmen”. Fuck em. They wanna play? We need to play.
September 2nd, 2008 at 6:52 pmWell whoever did it needs to be arrested for identity theft. Better yet, just ban the democratic party. Afterall they’d do the same if it was a Republican that did it.
Although, I do agree with the democrats that we need to take a mark out of the old Soviet Doctrine. No, not economics or politics, I’m talking executions See, it’s great to learn from commies.
September 2nd, 2008 at 6:55 pmDemocrats are too pussified to kill anybody.
September 2nd, 2008 at 6:57 pmHardball
It’ll happen. The Civil War will happen. Face it, in the last 40 years tensions have been escalating, even faster the past 4 terms. The Civil War will happen, however it won’t be long or bloody considering that Liberals have only the fraction of the resources compared to conservatives, I believe the number is about 5% of the resources.
I say let them live in blissful ignorance until they’re hanging in the gallows for treason, and we are holding trials after the war has ended.
September 2nd, 2008 at 6:58 pmRob, some would think you are extreme. I think your on point.
September 2nd, 2008 at 7:03 pmThat is absolutely fucking ridiculous.
September 2nd, 2008 at 7:04 pmI think that Steele op was a Chuck Schumer directed job!
September 2nd, 2008 at 7:07 pmBring on the revolution… I dare say, the LIEbral ranks need to be thinned. I am no wing-nut, but come one… what other ways can we deal with these scum bags.
September 2nd, 2008 at 7:10 pmWell, where’s the ACLU chest thumping committee? Sounds like somebody is getting desperate!
September 2nd, 2008 at 7:16 pmROB
It’s already happening. We just ain’t started shooting yet.
I really wish it wouldn’t go to that point, but it looks like it is speeding toward it.
September 2nd, 2008 at 7:19 pmI think we need to do the financial war with these pukes.
Start taking their money, and all sources of income from them, and then leave them as “urban outdoorsmen”. Fuck em. They wanna play? We need to play.
You got it Hardball1911 !!!!
September 2nd, 2008 at 7:21 pmFBI probably told them to remove the file. I bet they are all having a chat right now …
September 2nd, 2008 at 7:22 pmSteve in NC, I don’t think Rob’s views are extreme but are the logical result of the media backed Communist insurgency which is the D’rat plan.
They seek to destroy us from within and the times of extreme danger are near. The 2nd Ammendment case was one vote away from a Hitler like gun confiscation campaign.
The Marxist/Leninist D’rat candidate would cause the civil war if the American electorate has enough insane voters to elect Bari Hussein.
September 2nd, 2008 at 7:25 pmRob
September 2nd, 2008 at 7:32 pmCool!
They are terrified that Sarah Palin is going to run in 2012. Not of her being VP now but of what is going to happen in 2012. So they are doing anything and everything to ruin her now. Problem is.. they have nothing.. and in 2012 this will all be old news that still amounts to nothing.
I’m buying stock in depends. The Dems must be going through them like crazy…
September 2nd, 2008 at 7:32 pmSpeaking of going beyond talking, did you see one of those ‘we’ commercials carrying the water for obama on the 10 yr clean energy plan, they used the phrase ‘we the American people are no longer asking’
September 2nd, 2008 at 7:36 pmWhen I first saw it, it seemed to be not so veiled threat.
And the Gubmint tries to shut down Jihadi Killer Hour for some inane rant? WTH!?!?!?
September 2nd, 2008 at 7:39 pmI think it’s way beyond time to declare war against the democratic party machine. There needs to be a concerted effort by the GOP base to demand that BHO come clean about his true relationship with Ayers, Dohrn, Rezko, Alinsky, Auchi, Khalidi and other marxist undesirables intent on destroying the USA.
May I make a suggestion to the site and ask that have a prominent and fixed link (or category) on the home page dedicated entirely to Obama and Ayers et al? I noticed a link in an earlier post that points to a summary on this particular subject:
The Full Hussein-Ayers Catalog
I realize the msm here and abroad are diligently doing everything they can to protect their marxist darling, but imho more and more sites such as this need to have an easily accessible dossier solely on deconstructing BHO’s thin veneer, especially for newcomers to the site. Dollard nation has done a fantastic job of gathering such content already, let’s make it more visible for new visitors - with perhaps a constant presence under featured posts?
Give it a catchy name like “The Obama Files”, “Commie Central”, I’m sure Bash has some catchy headline he could pen easily.
In any case I just want to say this site, its maintainers and posters have done a wonderful job of standing up to leftist pukes, jihadis and all round American haters. Never give up the good fight, keep the gloves off and keep punching away at America’s enemies, domestic and foreign.
This little bitch…
… is Obama’s “official blogger” and IMO is responsible for directing all internet related trash talk.
September 2nd, 2008 at 7:41 pmTBinSTL, I have been off for several days, I missed the fed issue with the jihadikiller shutdown, any link to info? I saw Pat mentioned it in deep thoughts also. WTF?
September 2nd, 2008 at 7:46 pmThey did the same thing to Michael Steele and didn’t have dick all done to them about it.
I don’t think we have to worry bout much of a revolution, libs talk a lot of shit but haven’t the heart for any of the rough stuff.
September 2nd, 2008 at 8:00 pmAnd yet know one knows Obama, maybe even him. I knew him…!9A7E925FCECBA479!1536.entry
September 2nd, 2008 at 8:02 pmWell, folks, I say let’s start getting ready.
I haven’t advertised here, because I haven’t asked properly and/or paid advertising $ to Pat.
At the moment I am unemployed and still looking for work, but I have a side line going and it is getting built as we speak. Click my name… Pat, expect an email as soon as I can come up with some money for advertising here.
This is not just MY new endeavor. This is my best friend’s and mine.
September 2nd, 2008 at 8:06 pmwhat they forget - dumbasses
Hopefully, this opens the door to communist obama and all his communist/marxist and terrorist friends and ayers and his perv mentor communist davis - too many perv friends?
and everything that happened at columbia
and everything that happened at harvard
and his high school, did he ever sell a bag or blow?
they could have made her a puff piece and just moved on down the path to the debates but now, its at an entire new level, hopefully.
also gloves will now be off on his community organization days in grove parc and felon rezko and all the rest. and michelle.
community organizer,, failed with felons and other losers but somehow got into harvard
annenberg cac with ayers — failed
woods foundation with ayers — succeeded in giving away money to terrorist groups and Bernadine dorne
what else has he done???
oh yeah,, student president of the harvard review - failed. Least cited Review in many years.
he has not tried anything else to fail at,,, till now. thanks kennedy and soros for the communist empty 1500 suit.
September 2nd, 2008 at 8:28 pmHardball1911
Nice setup Hardball just I just singed up. May you have a very productive venture!
September 2nd, 2008 at 8:32 pmThis is why they are called the Loony Left. They believe in Victory at all costs. Hate them all. Republicans need to grow some balls and call them on their treachery.
September 2nd, 2008 at 8:38 pmWhat’s this about these new politics Hussein was promising?
September 2nd, 2008 at 8:39 pmRob
I see it coming too. Lock and load!!!
September 2nd, 2008 at 8:49 pmRob
It won’t be long now I’ve been wondering if we’ll all even make it till the election or if the TSHTF before then.
As for this crap that has been pulled, these people need to be hunted down, publicly prosecuted, and then publicly dealt with in that order. The only reason this garbage ever happens is because they are never held publicly accountable for their actions. If they were made examples of then the behavior model would change.
When there is no punishment then you get unruly children.
September 2nd, 2008 at 8:58 pmThanks AZPatriot. I have put a lot of time into it.
There will be MUCH more in the aspect of inventory. We are, as I said earlier, still building it.
Email will be coming your way soon. I am tired and working on it as I type this. It is 1:30 AM here.
September 2nd, 2008 at 9:30 pm“What we know for sure is that in May of 2006, Sam Graham-Felsen wrote a short piece in the socialist magazine Socialist Viewpoint describing his participation in some French labor riots”
OK, I see from where comes your obsession to give “asolutely” a french connection to your nightmires
that’s a POS that makes your delicatessen, and you are the one that misses the opportunity to get objective truths indeed
the guy that is supposed to attend a french union strike couldn’t possibly be lectured from the inner unions, cause that were ADMINISTRATION riots, and they are jaelous of their prerogatives ;
from his pic, that must be a young, therefore if he was in France in 2006, he was a visiting student, like many american fellows do, and possibly students riots occured ; then he was a spectator, not an actor
carry on your way of vehiculing “objectionable truths”, I wish you the best nightmares HAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!!!!!!!!
September 2nd, 2008 at 9:52 pmThis is some seriously fucked up shit. For fifty years, the communist/democrats have done their level best to destroy this country. Now, they have the media, they have the courts, they have the education system, they have popular culture, they even have the church, to a large extent. The only institution they do not conrol is the military, and, speaking as an enlisted soldier, I can tell you they are making in-roads (sp) here as well. They are watering down the military, just as they have every other bastion of honor and integrity. And now they feel safe enough to lash out, without fear of anyone calling them on it. There is simply no recource for people like us. Those with the power do not care. If Jesus Christ himself were nominated for VP, the libs would find ways to slander him, his and everyone he loves. Fucking pathetic.
September 3rd, 2008 at 1:09 am2009 will be ugly
September 3rd, 2008 at 2:19 amAs a Democrat I am appalled that they would do this kind of shit, but it doesnt surprise me one bit. The party of JFK has been hijacked by the nutjobs libtards who are trying to force us into communism. I have said it before the soviets infested our education system with commie SOBs and they are trying to bring this nation down. The numbers of us conservative, pro-life, pro-gun dems are down to less than 20% of the party and it is than that the libtards grow in numbers.
September 3rd, 2008 at 3:40 ami don’t want to downplay what has been said and done to sarah, but if you think they are out of hand now, wait till she blows them out of the water tonight in her speech. there is going to a major backlash, but we won’t know how big until nov. the more this continues the worst its going to be for obama. can’t wait for the debates!
September 3rd, 2008 at 3:45 am>Robbie, The Democratic party has left you and will not return. I would ask you to consider joining with men and women of alike thought, Pro God, Pro USA, Pro guns and Pro family. Men like you can and will change the landscape of politics because you care and think America is the greatest nation.
September 3rd, 2008 at 4:39 amYes, the Democrats are trying to force the USA into communism with those fools in control.
You saying McCarthy was correct? JFK thought so.
September 3rd, 2008 at 5:01 amZeke Eagle
“I don’t think Rob’s views are extreme but are the logical result of the media backed Communist insurgency which is the D’rat plan.
They seek to destroy us from within and the times of extreme danger are near. The 2nd Ammendment case was one vote away from a Hitler like gun confiscation campaign.”
Zeke, you are absolutely spot on!! It’s clear to all that care to see exactly what Khrushchev really meant when he said “We will bury you”…
They have taken over the D’rat party and most of the other opinion forming institutions in this country. And we just let ‘em!
It’s time to take back our country!!
We can start by making sure that we do all in our power to elect someone other than a clearly Marxist stooge to the highest office in our land!!
September 3rd, 2008 at 5:12 amwhat happened to that queer that came forward during the
September 3rd, 2008 at 5:18 amprimaries that said he and Hussein were pole smoking and
snorting coke in the back of a limo one night?????????
You know — when someone looked at BHO’s passport info from the State Dept, someone lost their job.
I’d like to see some prison time for the perps, myself.
September 3rd, 2008 at 6:08 amanyone, apart the blind professor, who is interested in what were the real agenda of the 2006 students riots, can get the message on my place
and that is different of Quayle ’s bias and or of the report of this idiot Felsen
September 3rd, 2008 at 6:50 am“… I see from where comes your obsession to give “asolutely” a french connection…”
lol… only you could turn a post about an arrogant, detestable Communist bitch working for Obama into something about you.
Oh wait….
September 3rd, 2008 at 7:24 amWTF! Did they decide that politics wasn’t paying enough, so they decided to get in on identity theft and threatening people?!!?
September 3rd, 2008 at 7:38 amsully, you lost the part in the “objective truths” performance
now, I know perfectly what is your agenda, I can’t see that you’ll finalise it, cause it’s a lost cause either, but your a brave little net soldier, are you paid ????
September 3rd, 2008 at 7:46 amDo we get to know Hussein’s SSN too?
September 3rd, 2008 at 8:18 am“you lost the part in the “objective truths” performance”
Lost what? Being unable to coax you into a cogent argument to support your lack of a moral compass?
“…are you paid?”
..uh… thanks for the offer but I’m good.
September 3rd, 2008 at 8:18 amBesides… arrogant, weak-kneed French Liberal Socialists that disdain individual freedom and are empathetic to terrorists are not my ‘cup of tea’.
Have you tried the Kos?
September 3rd, 2008 at 9:16 amthe objective truth
though the 2006 riots were not typically union organised riots, they were more spontaneous and without any defined agenda. Also, contrary to what wrote your buddie Felsen, they were of privilegied students, that didn’t want to loose their parents’carrier adventages.The surburb people went at the end to make trouble and beat these “wealthy” students, apparently he sympatised with these scums Bizarrely, those rioters students are now working with Sarkozy, they got a job, and “finita la comedia.”You should know that riots are the normal “parcours du combattant” before entering in the “real life”
September 3rd, 2008 at 9:18 amRob
I would characterize what this country is undergoing as a kind of archetypal exorcism. The Democrat Party is now clearly the outward psyche of Evil Spirit in its desire to not only wipe out our constitutional Republic form of governance, but more importantly in its desire to wipe out God Himself.
Jesus said, “These are they who are sown among weeds, who hear the Word but the cares of this life, the deceitfulness of riches, etc., entering in chokes the Word and it yields no fruit.” That, spiritually, is the battle taking place in the USA. Objective Evil itself is attempting to stangle God’s connection with America, which is through His Word. In short, the weeds are threatening the garden. And it is time to pull them out by their roots.
September 3rd, 2008 at 10:42 amI think we’re almost at the point where we are going to have to step in and take back our country. It is also my feeling that any commies caught giving out personal information to the media which may cause problems for a person such as Sarah Palin be executed without a trial and with extreme prejudice.
September 3rd, 2008 at 2:55 pmAs a carpenter forced into the union for a job I am surronded by these FUCKING DEM WITTED ASS SNIFFERS.Grown men that get their news from CBS,NBC,yadayada.When they were passing out free passes to see FUCKSTICK at mile high I told them to get FUCKED.I should be getting fired soon.
September 3rd, 2008 at 3:19 pmAnyone hiring a carpenter with 25 yrs exp in colorado???
September 3rd, 2008 at 3:21 pmGRIZZ
Just keep paying your union dues and your job will be safe. That’s all they care about your anyway
September 3rd, 2008 at 3:33 pmWTF why a carpenter need to pay an union to get a job ??????
not by us, only state employees join unions, the foreign medias make a confusion, they gives a falsh idea of the unions in France, they represent less than 8% of the workers mass. But they make lots of noise when they are outside, because they are radicalised, and of communist obedience ; the communist party is now ~1%, so not a danger anylore.
hey, you can work in France, there’s plenty of work in Construction business
September 3rd, 2008 at 3:56 pmFUCKING MEXICANS and the FUCKING CONTRACTORS that hire them have ruined residential work wages for one.The union is not any better with the PEASANTS but I dont have to fight for my check
September 3rd, 2008 at 4:32 pmThats true Richard.As long as they sign the checks
September 3rd, 2008 at 4:34 pm